home hamster supplies with home

Admin 14.08
home hamster supplies with home -

I have already explained the hamster cage. Well here I am talking more about the hamster home.

Some of us may think too much about the need for hamsers comfort at home. All this certainly needs the money. Well, my friend can mengkreatifkan making supplies for hamsters. Cage mate can make their own truth.


With cardboard and popsicle stick, and as according to the wishes of my friend also bisalah, Create a pattern on graffiti above what we can do. Yes .. hehe training to be an architect, but easy for me anyway origin would pal only. do more, as it's also fun, you know ...

Examples like this:

rumah hamster

For d other equipment may also be boyfriend You know such as making the bed for hamster.

this friend could use as serpai old cloth and other fabrics are certainly not unpleasant, used and enjoyable. Usually in petshop KOK also sell fabric specifically for hamsters. This fabric is particularly useful for hamsters sleep in order to feel more comfortable and warm. Prepare a small bowl or pedestal width to match the size of the hamster fabric so that the name is also a bed so that the fabric does not directly placed on a pedestal enclosure. And bed hamster must regularly be cleaned once per day.

Another way is by using the scraps of paper. Use paper that is always clean and no traces in fear when using existing paper ink coretannya contained poison or it is a substance that can not be digested by the health of hamsters, because as we know hamsters love to bite. So yes alert. These pieces of paper in place on a pedestal to be used hamster sleep. Torn paper can also be warmed hamster know.

Next is a friend can make a toy hamster itself.

As we also know that hamsters love to play not even need to play for beraktivias b like entering a tunnel, climbing, etc. So rather than buying expensive pal make your own with second-hand goods my friend.

The tunnel can be created from the old rolls of toilet paper linking the rolls were like a maze. Anyway, according to the imagination and creativity pal. How is the associate them with tape or glue. But when using the glue is completely dry and clean adhesive residue scattered around, just to be tidy. Fearing the fear hamster licking or biting.

The ancient large rolls of tape enough can also mate kreativitaskan by binding with ropes and making it swing or could also make the wheels turn when a roll of duct tape is great.

do the stairs to hamsterpun can also make their own buddy you know. Can be made of ice cream sticks or matches cardboard. Can imagine the corresponding friend wanted.

friends can also do all this material using a small paint cans discarded. Can be made in tunnels, swings, a wheel and a place to bed or hamster hide.

There are so many things around that can be recycled before. More efficient and enjoyable. Kreasikan can according to our wishes. Yaaa good experimental spirit! Good luck

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