Shih-Tzu is one of the oldest dog breeds that originated in China. dog breed has long hair with different colors and patterns on the layer. long fur to cover the ears, strong body, a short snout and short legs.
Generally, this dog has a mercurial nature very alert, intelligent, and has a good feeling, but also arrogant. This dog was once maintained by the royal family of the Manchu dynasty in China. When these dogs throughout Europe, many nobles keep as a pet. Shih-Tzu is a pet dog, a human friend who belongs to the animals who love to socialize.
Shih-Tzu is one of the few types of dogs lion whose ancestors developed in China in the year 1000. The ancestors of the modern Shih Tzu should be given to the China Tibet or Central Asia. This dog has a place of honor in the royal court of China in Manchuria dynasty. After the fall of the dynasty in 1911, Shih Tzu continue to be kept outside the working palace by Chinese and foreign people.
Shih Tzu was brought from China to the West in the late 1920s and early 1930s a. dog breeds is considered disappeared from China after communism to power because it is considered a symbol of wealth, privilege, and a costly drain on resources. All Shih Tzu that exists today is a derivative of the 13 dogs were imported into the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and China. In 1952, Evans Elfreda Shih Tzu crossed with white-black Pekingese breed in the UK.
This dog has a height of about 28cm, with a weight of 4-7kg. dog fur is present in a variety of colors and patterns, but white and gold in color most often found. Fur on his body seems to be solid, luxurious and smooth or slightly wavy. Shih Tzu on women, there are certain times when the fur becomes thinner due to hormonal changes, usually occurs in the run mensturasi. The dog's nose with wide nostrils open. Shih Tzu adults can easily adapt to the new owners and the environment. This dog has not shown kedesawaan and physical properties which certainly before the age of three years.
Health Information
This dog can be kept indoors and including dogs that are sensitive to heat. Health problems suffered by dogs that are vulnerable include ear infections, eye, respiratory problems, and loss of teeth at an early age. Shih Tzu can easily gain weight so that the supply of food must be regulated so as not to overdo it. The age of these dogs can reach 15 years.
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