There are about 300 species of cat that was obtained from domestic kind, the kind that mutations naturally, until the cat is in the form of genetic engineering with the cross system.
many types of cats in the world, there are for sale at a cheap price to expensive pun.Biasanya most expensive cat is a cat that has the following factors.
high prices cat because the type and quality of the cat, Quality in cats are usually worth in terms of health, race (offspring), and umurnnya . Also, if the cat litter already have a certificate (Pedigre), and if it has been vaccinated or not.
Other factors that cause price expensive cat may also be due to the popularity of cats and rare cats difficult because of the type of cat in kembangbiakan, making cat becomes scarce expensive. Good lovers chat buddy.
Here price list types of cats in the world that can bandrol at fantastic prices.
Cat race the highest price in the world?
cats price list purebred worldwide
1. Siamese cat
Siamese cat is one of the most expensive cat in the world, a Siamese cat is a purebred cat from Thailand. Siamese cats have the physical characteristics of criteria shorthaired, slender body, long tail and blue eyes. This cat breed of cat called lively, active and happy to be around humans. Price for the original race that cat can bandrol at a price of 3000 US dollars with the best quality.
2 British shorthair
These cats also is quite expensive the British Shorthair cats are descendants of a Persian cat that was persilangkan with local cats plain English. This cat has often not the current owner characteristics in the call.
group as a toy like this cat tikusan mice and other small shaped toys. Cats of this type are said type of active cat because the cat is more fun guy near his employer cats meet with other types. This cat bandrol prices quite expensive at about $ 500 -. In 1500 US dollars
3. Maine coon
cats more expensive types also have the maine coon cat ownership species. In addition to this cat has become one of the world's largest cat, but these cats also become one of the most expensive cat in the world. These cats have eyes and ears large enough to have the ability to very good hearing from other types of cat species. Maine coon cat Moreover also good muscle and bone are quite large.
Maine coon male adult can have a length of 1 meter on the size of about 6-9 kg of weight. As for the Maine Coon females have a smaller size and longer than severe male maine coon. Cats usually have a perfect shape when they were 3 to 5 years. This chat price could reach 3000 US dollars when we have the certifications are complete and in good quality.
4. Russian Blue
Russian blue cat is a kind of shorthaired cat. This cat has a feature of the fur color, gray-blue to gray. This cat is a cat breed that occur naturally in the estimate comes from the city of Arkhangelsk Russia.
types of chat are also often in the know can live side by side with other types of animals, even though the house once. This cat is not difficult and noisy, and maybe just a few times a day meow.
cats such group also benefits with their health resistance to disease. Russian Blue cat prices more or less up to 3000 US dollars on the highest quality.
5. Scottish fold
given this guy unique cat on his earlobe. Perhaps if almost any other type of cat means has a tapered lobe and scotish fold cat is not. This one has a group of leaf coverage cat ears and different from other types of cats.
The characteristics of this cat has a slightly quieter temperament, friendly, and make friends with other pets in the house. They are more in love know how to play, loyal, intelligent and adaptable in the house. The price of these cats usually can reach 3000 US dollars on the highest quality.
6. Sphynx
Ras cat is a hybrid cat the most expensive in the world. This type of cat has undergone a genetic mutation that makes have a very thin layer on the body. The embodiment in cats is very unique so many lovers, cats who want to have a cat like this.
is one of the Sphynx cats intelligent race in the world. They love to climb and very active. But these cats should not be let long exposed to the sun, as it can cause skin burns. The price of this cat is quite expensive, and could reach 3500 US dollars with the best quality.
7. Manx
type Cat is classified as cats are quite expensive in the world, which are expensive on this chat is on his tail is very short even seems that there is a tail without any. Manx cat is a domestic cat kinds are derived from English islands.
This cat has a variety of colors and shades of fur on his body. But the rarest colors for Manx cat is white. In addition, it needs to know, too, that the Manx cat is the oldest breed of cat which was first recorded by a global organization called the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association). Manx cats usually bandrol price worth 4000 US dollar to the highest quality.
8. Peterbald
Cat expensive These can be similar to a cat Sphyx. Cat in because this type is derived from crosses with Oriental shorthair female cat sphynx male cat species will be undertaken in 1994 in St. Petersbug Russia.
The characteristics of these cats tend affectionate, calm, intelligent, curious, active and hyper, they are also very happy to follow his employer when they go nowhere.
However, all paint registriy admitted to this cat species, because of the vulnerability of those affected by genetic disorders. For the ultimate price on this chat could reach 3000 US dollars on the highest quality.
9. Persian
Persian cat is one of the oldest cat breed originated in Persia, or present can be called with "iran". It is also the cat as the most popular cat in the world. characteristics in cats is known as a cat that is very easy to adapt well to their new environment.
The Persian cats are also very familiar with the people, young children and adult humans. Cats of this type are also known quiet, no fuss, and prefer to be in the house.
Price Persian cat usually tend to have different variations and the Persian cat is classified as very perfect or maximum in terms of quality could reach a price of 4000 dollars united.
10. Himalaya
Himalayan Cats is the kind of cat that has long been known in the world hundreds of years ago, but a cat again experienced in continental Europe in the ranks of the 1950s with a name more known color point persian.
this cat is the result of a cross of Siamese and Persian cats, resulting a cat who is very funny and interesting with the name of the Himalayan cats. For Himalaya kinds cats tend to have physical characteristics haired, short nose, but has a body color style that is quite unique in that a color point in the capture of the Siamese race .
In addition, Himalayan cats also have blue eyes his identical to the pattern of the eye point to capture the type of Siamese origin. for the price of the most expensive kinds of cat ddi bandrol padaa about 2500 US dollars on the highest quality.
11. Savannah
Well, this cat can say that one of the most expensive cat in the world, for the cat breed is the result of development of this type of bengal cat breed. This cat look like a domestic cat in general, but with a body size that is sufficiently long and the color pattern on the body hair, cat of this type has a sale price which is just fantastic cat d other types.
Savannah is a cat that is formed from the cross between domestic cats purebred cat serval race. Many say if the cat is more like the type of cat serval cat then the price will be more expensive.
To have a cat like this at least, we have to set aside about $ 15,000 minimum, minimum. Wow! It is not that fantastic? Hehehe
12. Bengal
bengal cat is one of the most expensive cats, cats of this type are born from a cross between an American chat shorhair with Asian leopard cat. Cats are very popular because of the physical type that reveals as wild Asian Leopard. Bengal cats have a form of characteristic features of intelligent and active character.
The uniqueness of this cat looks when they play with water, because these cats are very fond of water in the form of characteristics. Really unique, is not it? Usually, cats are less like any other type of water in general. Cats of this type in bandrol highest price around 14,000 US dollars.
13. Ashera
Well, this is the most expensive cat in the world. Cats such a look is similar to Savannah Cats. But this does not mean that kind of cat cat breeds, you know! According to the results of DNA testing different search cats in the world, this cat can not be proven by the results of the savannah cat breeds and also can not conclude a cat belonging to pure breeds (thoroughbred ).
Because ashera is the kind of cat that is derived from a cross between a domestic cat with cat African serval. For cats that have bandrol hypoalergenic ashera release at a price of 37,000 US dollars. Wow huh price? Engga wrong if I say ashera is the most expensive cat in the world.
But perhaps you are confused about what is the purpose hypoalergenic? Type this version is for people who are allergic to cats, but when they maintain the type of cat hypoalergenic ashera release, the effects of allergies they will not occur when ashera maintain this type.
14. Angora
Angora cat is the most expensive race in the world, due to the scarcity in cats is very fantastic. Why do I say fantastic? Yep, because the types of pure Angora cat breed have only a few people can have. pure Angora breed has an unusual physical characteristic shape was another cat.
Angora has the physical characteristics on the nose sharp and thin body shape so that this cat has the characteristics a truly extraordinary and beautiful as when walking and doing other activities. This type of cat believed to originate from Turkey, because the name of the Angora call is from a city name in Turkey (greedy). For the price of an Angora cat "original" can reach US $ 15,000 in the form of a good quality and certified.
Okay Indonesia cat lovers, since all most expensive type of cat in the world I described in the article that, I say goodbye for now.
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