Rabies is a virus that attacks all mammals, including dogs, cats, and even be transmitted to humans. This virus causes a disorder of brain tissue and attacks the very vital spinal cord. As a result, the body will be a failure, and death can occur quickly.
Each year, approximately 50,000 people died from infection with rabies virus. In addition, animals such as dogs, cats, monkeys that died because of rage tail million. From these data, we can make a conclusion that rabies is a highly lethal virus despite having found a vaccine to prevent it. For more information on rabies, especially in dogs, notes characteristic of a mad dog along with the treatment and prevention below.
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dogs and rabies is fatal
Anyone who has a dog are encouraged to provide injections of rabies in dogs regularly. The reason is that the dog is not infected with the deadly disease and ultimately death. Additionally, dogs are very familiar with humans. If until the virus of canine rabies, it is possible that humans exposed to bites and ended up getting the same virus.
Check the dog's condition on a regular basis every day. If there are signs wrong, then immediately consult a veterinarian. When dogs are left to wander in the wilderness, there is a possibility that they were exposed to the virus from other animals. Cases like this are common and cause the dog will not survive long if handled too late.
Feature mad dog
Rabies infects dogs can not directly visible. Usually the virus will enter and live in a layer of meat for a while. If the dog's health is not so good, the virus spreads directly to the spinal cord and ultimately the brain. This phase can occur between 1-3 months after viral entry into the percussion. Once past this phase, the dog will die within 2-4 days. The following phases and characteristics of dogs infected with the onset of rabies
The first phase of rabies :. prodromal
About 2- 3 days after infection with rabies, the dog will enter the phase of prodromal . This phase is the first phase of rabies, which can usually be observed by man, but not so obvious. In this phase, the dog will find a large number of disease symptoms include :.
- Changes in tone when barking
- likes to bite not obvious to a certain place. Usually the chair leg or a table will be bitten, even if not always.
- The body has a fever. For this one you may be difficult to distinguish.
- appetite decreased.
- The dog bit slowly change. Dogs were initially like to invite to play if suddenly silent and morose
The second phase of rabies :. Syndrome Mad Dog
After the first phase of rabies, dogs go through a phase of dog crazy syndrome (syndrome mad dog). In this phase, the dog can be very aggressive and his behavior was beyond reasonable limits. The dog will bite anyone who passes it, even if it was you. This phase will last long enough until the dog entered the third phase and die if you do not receive treatment. In this second phase, the dogs usually have the following characteristics.
- Obsessed eat whatever is in front of him, even if it was an object that can not be eaten.
- The dog will always bark still nothing.
- When you observe the dog's eyes, her pupils will continue to open wide.
- dog incoherently and prone to disorientation.
- Face the dog will look full of anxiety and exaggerated warning.
- dogs are not afraid of anything, not even with you.
- Parts of the dog's body began to stiffen and trained hard.
- standing, the dog began to vibrate until fall.
The third phase of rabies: paralytic
After a phase mad dog or we often call mad dog phase they will enter the phase of paralytic . In this phase, the virus is lethal almost all cells in the brain and spinal cord. In 2-4 days, the dog will die. In this phase, the dog infected with rabies will have features as follows :.
- could not breathe and often stifle
- The dog's lower jaw hard stop, mouth remained so wide open.
- the dog will continue to drool in large numbers, even urine kept away uncontrollably.
- All muscle spasm and the dog can not do anything.
After going through three phases of this, the dog's body organs can not work. They will enter a coma and eventually die slowly.
Handling a dog with rabies
The dogs infected with rabies in general will not be seen clearly in the first phase. But when you start seeing symptoms that are not normal, take the dog to the vet immediately to check. Ask the doctor gave him a vaccine or drugs when didagnosis rabid dog. In the early stages usually dogs can still be saved. However, when it entered a phase two and three, the hope of the dog's life would be diminished.
how to cure dog rabies
dog prevention which are not exposed rabies
easier prevention is to not let the dog roaming, in addition to outside the home environment. When the dog off and come back after a long time, check the body immediately. If a bite wound, then take to the vet immediately. In nature, the rabies virus can spread to dogs of any animal. Usually fights between dogs or other animals in the rabies virus from spreading.
Thus, the description of characteristic of a mad dog along with the treatment and prevention. Protect your dog against rabies and to protect you and your family. So do not be lazy to check the dog's condition, yes.
Salam okdogi
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