All the hamster may already know my friend. But if my friend already knew what the disease can strike pal hamster? Pretty much you know. So yes cautious. Here I explain the disease in hamsters. Listen yaaa hehehe.
type of disease in hamsters, symptoms and how to treat
1. colds
Do not get me wrong, hamter colds may also continue to have the flu, you know. Why? Is it because the hamster cage can be as hot or the air is quite cold and wet. Terkana hamster might accidentally splashing water that can be my friend does not know. So really need to examine the condition and placement of the cage
Symptoms :.
• The hamster will be seen frequent sneezing
• hamster nose will look redder and wetter
• Can given its heavier breathing that difficulties because it can be difficult to breathe
• Hamster always sit with the attitude bent because he was uncomfortable with breathing and feel weak
• Hamsters can get the flu from us.
• Reposition the cage. Establish that is warm and no wind. Note also stable conditions for the powder timber if enough to warm the hamster or not, can be added playhouse that covered.
• Keep a hamster let alone play with a hamster if you have the flu.
• Give the food a soft and easy to chew for hamsters with high protein content such as cabbage or frozen milk.
• Give vitamin VItagel like to help a faster recovery.
• Give warm drinks that mix pure honey so the hamster is often much to drink because it adds to the desire to drink hamsters.
• Give special hamster warm milk, but the milk must be continuously replaced each 3x / 2 days.
2. Wet Tail
Tail Wet it means that the infection is caused by bacteria and can cause diarrhea hamster. ! Gee, can hamsters diarrhea as well
• Stress is the main cause of diarrhea that can make hamsters. An example is the hamster strain as it moves from the animal-shop home far enough because different atmosphere again for the environment and it led to his stress so that could led to diarrhea which can be seen wet tail .
• The part of the supply of vegetables and create too calling the given dry food or a major food hamster namely cereals.
• eating place is not very clean condition, wet or lemab and food scraps that are provided can be mixed with dirty or pipisnya himself and this causes diarrhea.
• attacks bacteria and bacteria that usually attacks the bacterium E.
• The hamster will be seen moving slowly and even more silent and did not move much until not want to eat. Indeed, the hamster in pain
• Stools hamster we can see if green, pasty and size of the manure is greater than usual
How: ..
• Stop feeding vegetables and fruits too. Power is usually only 2 times per week. Offer food according to the already saa explain the diet hamster, but with diarrhea not to give to eat vegetables and fruit, but dry food only and make sure drinks conditions try not fail because the hamster has diarrhea will be much drinking.
• Note the cleanliness of the cage, especially restaurants and makananya. If it is dirty discard the food and wash the place to eat total clean dry up.
• You can drink hot chamomile tea or black tea in the dressing keeps each 3x / 2 days.
• Better yet is to check doctor immediately. Usually it will be given prescription medication or antibiotics for hamsters. Antibiotics Metronidazole POM is very powerful to treat stomach problems and wet tail in hamsters. dosage of use is 20-60mg / kg twice per day.
• Give isotonic fluids to hamsters.
• Dri Tail is a cure for wet tail or in the call for diarrhea in hamsters. Enter the drug in the drink so that it speeds up the healing process.
• If your hamster will not eat, give some honey in makananya to awaken the hamster appetite.
• Do not leave again pal stress hamster, make him feel as comfortable as possible.
• If the hamster begins to clear, clean immediately and wash with a disinfectant.
3. Reddish urine
This can be seen from urine or blood red seikit pipisnya output or as
Symptoms :.
• Excessive food mixture type or unsuitable
• Food brand that does not correspond with the hamster
• Changing food d packing more healthy and proteins
• Provide food as already described
4. Stones in the bladder
friends can know pal sick hamster calculations bladder stones or bladder Degan other words is to see a little blood droplets on sex hamster and hamster will be seen in the pain he pissed. It is somewhat similar to the reddish urine disease. Symptoms were also the same
How to manage :.
• Give dandelion leaves are useful to facilitate the hamster to pee and will quickly take out the stones in the bladder hamster, Dandelion leaves can be obtained by pinching lading or purchase.
• Give a little table salt in the bottle and makananya to destroy the stone and remove stones hamster bladder. The drink can be mixed juice with water in order to feel more comfortable and also the food could be a bread that has been soaked in a liquid such as fruit juice aga more acceptable.
• Give hamster vitamin C supplement to cure kecing stone disease in hamsters.
5.. Constipation
Hamsters experiencing constipation or in other words constipation may occur due to a blockage in the colon
• Lack food consumption of vegetables and fruits
• Sawdust ingested by hamsters
• hamster will feel pain and discomfort around the stomach to not want to eat
How to handle:
• provide food vegetables and fruits -buahan as already described, can also provide lettuce or vegetable dandelion leaves
• provide olive oil directly to the mouth of the hamster
• to do this continuously for about 2 days
• make sure the water is given to clean, fresh water
6. rectal prolepses
or other term is room. Hamster disease can also have room ..
• Rectal hamster seems out of his anus
How to manage :.
• Immediately provide regular veterinary care or care of small animals commonly called Vetenarian are in short as a veterinarian. If it had been brought to the vet, Vet will anesthetize a portion of the rectum and then pushed out into the anus and sew around the anus to prevent hemorrhoids again or it could be lifting the anal if indeed the anus was severely damaged and may be replaced by Ruta or Aesculus.
7. Diabetes
Diabetes is normally hereditary disease hamster. And diabetes is more easily affected by particular mini-hamster hamster Campbell
Symptoms :.
• The hamster is often seen drinking
• Can see the fur around his hand and his stomach began to fall
• hamster will pee more than usual
• hamster will look more sleep than usual
• imprecise hamster weight or jerky often
• hamster seen shaking
How should :.
• Provide diet sugar-free
• Stop feeding the packaging plants and fruits because they contain fructose
• Add many a diet that is high in protein such as soy
• Provide always clean, fresh water and not let water in an empty place that hamster hydrated
8. Race
Just like humans, stroke occurs when the age is old. Usually hamster caress the night when the new morning, we could see this unbalanced look and hamster hamster head rolled onto its side and the hamster will be going in circles. Hamsters who suffer a stroke are generally able to live longer and the normal state, even with his head bowed. But hamster who suffered head tilted to the side can also be caused inner hamster ear infections, and sometimes also in parts of respiratory infections. And the operating frequency in the media can also cause brain tumors. So, be careful
Symptoms :!
• Head hamster will be switched to the side and started running with the turn
• The temperature around the hamster or the condition of the cage is too hot for hamster
• hamster will surely lose balance
• can see the hamster was a long day will suddenly silent motionless for a few minutes as a hypnotic
• bacteria can also cause strokes in hamsters
• Place the hamster in a normal or warm enough temperature. Not too hot nor too cold. It is best to place it at room temperature between 65⁰F / 18⁰C and 80⁰F / 26⁰C.
• Bring to the vet and vet will prescribe antibiotics
• Patience is the key in treating hamster had a stroke due to the inclined head making it difficult to eat and drink their own because of the how he surrounded, as it facilitates the love hamster, eating and drinking
• Make sure the cage is clean and comfortable so let sick hamster, he could still feel normal life
9. mites skin
Hamsters kutuannya know communion in the skin and is very dangerous. Ticks are parasites that hamster skin spider-shaped. Ticks that can get into the skin of hamsters and are very difficult to see. If there are hamsters exposed to ticks and hamsters that live in groups in a cage, and then all hamsters that were the stables will be exposed to ticks as well. Then infestation is a contagious disease, not only to other animals but also other animals. If my friend had a pet such as a dog or cat and your pet exposed to ticks, do not take your pets with your hamsters and vice versa
Symptoms :.
• Hamster will look scrape often his body because these mites cause itching and because of the body of the hamster often causes garukinya hair loss and skin damage
How :.
• Use a lice spray your hamster through spray to spray a toothbrush or a cotton bud then rubbed into the body of a hamster as a whole when, by dry weight hamster with a tissue or a dry cloth.
• Clean the hamster cage with a total and also spray dried after spraying the cage keada own.
• Do not forget also to see how the use of anti-lice spray is on the package.
• it could also provide olive oil all over his body until wet, then dry with a tissue or cloth to dry but not too dry during drying hamsters body by rubbing the olive oil as well.
• Provide a sand bath for hamsters hamster that was rolling in the sand to purify themselves.
• Repeat this way every day to be sure that the chips are OK -Law lost
10. ear mites
In addition to ticks on the skin ago Flea also happy once nestled in the hamster ear called Notoedres. The chips are alive, develop and lodged in the hamster ear area, but lice can spread to the face and hamster feet
Symptoms :.
• tick lodged in the ear infection causes hamster and hamster allergies so the hamster will always be scratching the ear
• Fleas in the ear is infected, it will become thick and hard, black
• Rinse the cage with total flea spray and spray once at home in the drain
• bring to the vet, vet can then make drug injections such as ivermectin or it could be by way of oral. Giving ivermectin once a week and keep doing until the hamsters recover from the infection of ear lice
• Provide medicated cream that is recommended by the veterinarian to relieve itching
• Brush the olive oil, lavender, rosemary, oil wasps, tea leaves and garlic oil or garlic oil for skin that has been hardened
11. tumors
cancerous tumors in hamsters usually dating at the time was quite old hamster. tumor disease is already in the elevator can generally be dating back to the hamster. Vet who perform small operations sometimes do not go well because of the small size hamster body and antibiotics can sometimes harm the hamster
Symptoms :.
• There is a bump around her
• the cause could be tumors is because the coupling hamster with a blood as brother and sister, mother and son, father and son
• rupture of the tumor due to a sharp object which can cause direct mortality
How to handle:
• take the vet immediately be made even if a small operation the operation will not be perfect, but it may be better for his life
• Keep your hamster all sharp objects. Toys, as well as pregnant or have sharp corners to solve a hamster tumor should be quickly taken
• If the tumor is already broken, immediately spread with olive oil
12. cysts
Hamsters may also be affected by the cyst of the disease. Whether the hamster friend cysts is my friend could see on the neck, if a bump is definitely hamster cysts. Cyst is a piece that contains air or liquid that hardens. And the mass can be enlarged so that the hamster will have difficulty when swallowing
Symptoms :.
• There is a bump in the hamster neck
How to manage:
• bring to the vet. Vet will remove the lump piece yes, although later he will push
• If the cysts rupture, rub immediately with olive oil
13. Protein Deficiency
protein deficiency can have a huge impact on the health of hamsters.
• Nail hamster becomes stronger and broken and broken
• hamster fur is increasingly falling
lungs • hamsters will be inflamed lung
• hamsters become fertile ground for breeding
• growth hamsters became very guilty or is reduced especially for young hamsters or children
• Give hamster protein-rich diet and appropriate, as explained on the hamster food diet
14. glaucoma
glaucoma is a disease that attacks the hamster eyes that can cause the hamster eye becomes corrupted
Symptoms :.
• For the hamster eyes contained excessive fluid so the hamster pengeliatannya lost
• hamster scratching his eyes and his eyes become bigger because out of their sockets
• hamsters suffering from glaucoma is caused because when we take the hamster with dirty hands
• hold too strong hamster in the neck or neck
• combat hamster and when the fight hit
• pain in the eye it is also one hamster rubbed his eyes
• to bring Vet, Vet will painkillers eyeball
• provide eye drops given by the veterinarian to keep moisture in hamster eyes
• Do not marry hamster affected by glaucoma, because it will result in unhealthy generation
15. sticky eyes
sticky eyes or in other words maa in sticky caused by tear kelebihn so that the earth eyes become sticky and difficult to open and eyes will be red hamsters.
• There droppings eyes around hamster eyes
• Mata hamster becomes red
• Mata hamster would itch so that the hamster is scratched or rubbed his eyes constantly
• allergy hamster on an object and most allergies in bedding in which dust bedding sangalah small that it can easily fit in the eyelid
How manage
• Lap hamster eye with a clean cloth that has been dipped in warm water several times more
• Changing the bedding with linen or silk paper that does not feel
• Avoid air fresheners, carpet cleaning fluids and smoke around the hamster cage because it will hamster eyes became allergic and uncomfortable
• Apply a drop of liquid Euphrasia in water that has been boiled and droplets as analgesics such as Pulsatilla in a bottle of water to relieve hamster hamster sticky eye
16.. Obesity
Being overweight or obese also included the impact of health problems for hamster as we
• The unbalanced diet or too giving foods that are not in accordance with the feeding procedures hamsters
• hamster body seems very obese
• hamsters are more lazy and rarely move
• provide the sweet treat that can spread or interfere with vegetables and fruits
• More often invited to perform, if necessary, forced a little by giving him a toy hamster ball or you can let it run in the original part in one eye when he was playing in the room. It is very good for reducing excess weight and make the animal pal hamster hamster to a healthier life.
17. Respiratory problems
Respiratory problems in hamsters can also happen that you know
Symptoms :.
• Buddy see PAL hamster lying because of difficulty breathing
• hamster panting during exercise in a period of a few minutes
• hamsters are breathing very slowly and sometimes hamster his breathing because he felt claustrophobic
How to handle:
• sports hamster must be reduced in a way that we could take the most sports game makes tired
• Changing the dusty bedding, with a sheet of paper or cloth
• If respiratory infections still continues, please check the vet. Vet prescribe antibiotics for pal hamster. Antibiotics are commonly used as treatment of lung cancer in the hamster is a carbo Veg. or Ars
18.. Paralysis
Hamsters can also be paralyzed, but mostly paralyzed in an accident that most of the fall from a high place
• Hamsters become very quiet or sedentary.
• difficult hamster to the road
• hamsters will not eat
• stable state that many sharp or dangerous corners hamster
• surveillance under pal when released hamster cage
• That the hamster friend alone in a cage and the cage in place away from the noise. To the extent possible to be really quiet so that hamsters can recover
• Usually, the hamster will heal by itself. There may be some hamsters that do not cure but it is very rare
• If the friend hamster will not eat, Suapi hamster with food protein yan, mushy like baby food
• stable condition to be repaired, use all plastic tools instead of wire. Keep away from sharp objects
• More attention hamster buddies while playing outside the cage.
19. Greasy Fur
Greasy Fur in the direction of fat pal hamster fur and is also very bad for the health of hamster because hamsters are always dry
Symptoms :.
• Bedding cages are not replaced regularly
• Hamster you are sick or weakened for not wanting to clean their feathers
• Sometimes greasy fur own genes or genetic parent
How to handle:
• do not be lazy to replace bedding regularly as already described. At least once a week
• If the hamster friend looked lethargic and weak than usual immediately brought to the vet to follow with a good
20. Fur Problems
the problem that often occurs in hamsters is fur loss, broken skin, dry and itchy and the skin becomes red. Hamster usually lose hair around the nipple during breastfeeding hamster babies. . old hamster will also experience hair loss caused by hormone levels are older
• Maybe a hamster pals have allergies
• Feeding evil
• cedar wood shavings bedding can also cause hair loss hamster
• the age factor is where the hormone is also age
How to manage:
• If the loss of bedding mengalamin hamster dressing fur with linen or silk paper
• Giving food regularly and properly according to the procedure
21. ! Norris
ringworm can also attack the love hamster, you know
• The fungus develops on the skin and nails of the hamster
• the fungus will continue to grow at a wet bulb temperature with no air circulation is not good and the plastic housing is also a very humid
• lack of bersihannya stable condition
How to handle:
• Bathe hamsters 4 weeks using shampoo Povidoneiodine or antifungals as Eniconazole or natamycin. Do not forget to wear gloves when they wanted to keep the hamster kurapan
• Do not be lazy to wash the cage. Sometimes the cages should also be sprayed with germs and bacteria busting
22. Cuts and Bruises
Hamsters can also be injured or bruised like us. This could occur as a result of fighting or injuries were accidental in the box when moving
Symptoms :.
• Can see there are injuries such as scrapes or bruises, some blue small around the body of hamster
• Apply tea leaves with cream (cream tea tree) on the body cuts or bruises on the hamster. This cream tea leaves we can buy in pet shop or pharmacy. tea leaves with cream is very useful with the rapid healing of wounds and bruises in hamsters
• Apply the cream as other hamster but he was not injured. Point so as not to disturb others hamster hamster who was injured in its treatment
23. abscess
Injuries hamsters on the body can lead to a bacterial infection in the body resulting hamster hamster have an abscess of the disease. And if the swelling gets bigger and broken, will release the pus, very bad
Symptoms :.
• A cut can result hamster fighting
• A cut can be due to accidental difference in beraktivitasa or could be hamter you fall and injury
• It seems bentolan there or purulent swollen about body hamster
• take immediate veterinary veterinarian later drain the abscess
• After bentolan was drained, bentolan need to wash frequently 2x / day with an antiseptic such as Tamodine (Vetark Professional)
24. Hibernation
as I already said, hamsters are very comfortable and the assembly is at a temperature of 65⁰F / 18⁰C and 80⁰F / 26⁰C. If the temperature suddenly changed radically this will cause death in hamsters favorite pal
Symptoms :.
• Hamsters have difficulty breathing and breathe slowly is not normal as usual
How to manage:
• To avoid undergoing pal hamster hibernation
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