Keep the cat is a pride for the cat lover in the world, but keeping the animals of this type is worth every cat owner should know the characteristics of the cat and everything else in their care.
characterize sick cat
things that need to know the cats, of course, there will be a period where the cat was healthy or not healthy, but I'm sure everyone would not want to chat in an unhealthy position.
Therefore, we recommend that you should know the characteristics of unhealthy cats how and what type? Because if you ignore it, it can be fatal to cats. ok refer ONLY! Generally, the characteristic of a sick cat is divided into two types, among other physical and behavioral traits in cats.
physical characteristics unhealthy cats
characteristic of these traits are generally easier to be noticed directly,
• Swelling of parts of the body, usually because of the hard impact and internal injuries in a particular part.
• cat hair loss, vitamin deficiencies can also cause a cat to experience hair loss on the mantle.
Read :. the appropriate treatment to prevent cat hair loss
• Liquid eye out too, it may be due to the flu and sore eyes on the cat
• dirt on the cat, make sure the cat litter is not bloody, and worms
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• The vomit vomit cat, in addition to using a form of sign of pregnancy in a cat, it may also be due to the presence of the disease in the body your cat.
• changes in body weight decreased significantly, the cause is usually due to diarrhea in cats
Read :. Solution mentasi cat diarrhea
• decreased appetite, vitamin deficiencies in cats, as well as the presence of bacteria and viruses can cause the cat no appetite.
• bad breath smell bad enough, if the mouth of the cat you have a smell that is not fair, it is likely that the cat sore throat or heartburn.
characteristic of the behavior of a sick cat
for this function helps you to look closer to the behavior at any time
• Tired, lethargic and limp, the factors cats have experienced this can be caused your cat exposed to bacteria and viruses in the body.
• Drinking water too frequent, can mean your cat is experiencing dehydration.
• behavior changes suddenly, for it is good to take your cat to the vet, so you know what kind of disease in the cat had. Due to changes in behavior in cats can be a variety of diseases, of course
Read :. Kinds of cat diseases
You already know the characteristic of the cat is not healthy? Well, you must continue to be aware of this. because it is very necessary to treat your cat
oke helpful, hopefully yes. The continued success of
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