Identify the four types of hybrid persian cat!

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Identify the four types of hybrid persian cat! -

Currently, many Persian cats that were developed in Indonesia. Probably not a few people who have had cats of this type, even though the price of these cats can reach tens of millions of rupees, it does not reduce demand.

Cats persian is a unique cat can survive up to 15 years, they have distinctive features and characteristics that are cute and pretty, even some few people say the doll as a Persian cat. Persian cat usually have the characteristic of the head and round eyes, and ears are small.

However, it should be in the know, the Persian cat is not only one type, but there are several types such as eg cats Persian Himalayan persian means, Deflated Persian and Persian cat nose peaknose. For you who love Persian cat, this time present a wide range of Persian cat as follows, ya see!

Persian type hybrid cat

Persian Himalayan

Himalayan Persian cat is a hybrid type of Persian and Siamese cats who produced Himalayan Persian cat is so unique and interesting. For this type of cat has physical characteristics that are very striking and will certainly captivates us like their color colourpoint pattern on the body in the capture of pure siamase cat breeds race.

kucing persia himalaya

persian cat Himalayan

many pet cats researchers say this type is already very well known in the world for hundreds of years but some say the kind of persia the new Himalaya known in Europe in the 1950s with the name of the known point persian cat color. In general, for this type of cat is very much a uniqueness that no other cats

Read :. What you need to know about Himalayan Persian cat

Persian peaknose

peaknose Persia is a Persian cat that has a snub nose in world. Peaknose persian is a variant of Persian cat that appears first developed in the United States. Face shape, they are very different to the Persian cat more, especially Persian regular, face shape peaknose persian is quite unique with wrinkles on the nose and eyes bulging like a stranger.

persia peaknose

persia peaknose

Cats peaknose persian have the same properties as the other Persian, but for peaknose groups is a bit lazy and tend to be more solitary. peaknose types of persian cats must also be given toys around so that the cat could be more active in their environment

Read :. Let's get to know the Persian cat peaknose

Persian Flatnose

Persian type is also the same at first developed in America. However, they are not too snub nose and a little sharp. For in the head on the type of cat is not like the Persian cat peaknose, the shape of his head a little box not round.

kucing persia flatnose

Flatnose Persian cat

For feathers Flatnose Persian cat has long hair, so can longhair Persian Flatnose persian is multiple. Persian cat Flatnose have the same properties as the other Persian, but for Flattened Nose groups tend to be more active and bermaain types of persia the other.

means Persia

Middle Persian is the result of a pure Persian cat wedding with a cat that has the physical characteristics of an aquiline nose as local and cats other breeds. Thus, the main feature of the Persian type of this is on the nose is clear and does not like the other type of Persia


kucing persia medium

Persian cat medium

to persian cat fur on the support has some variety because there are a longhair and shorthair nothing. Either way Persian cat is manarik with other Persian.

Okay cat lovers, a variety of type of Persian cat I explained here. Hopefully useful!

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