
Admin 12.06 Add Comment
Yorkshire -

Yorkshire Terriers were (informally known as Yorkie) is a breed of dog in the category of dog toys (toys). Long known hair playful terrier. Distinguished by blue and gold feathers.

Yorkie can be very low, generally weigh no more than 3:18 kg or 7 pounds. Weight and height are not specifically defined. They are very friendly and can manage the children.

Dog Breed / Breed

Admin 11.05 Add Comment
Dog Breed / Breed -


Worldwide there are more than 800 breeds (dog breed) recognized by kennel clubs in the different country. The term "pure breed of dog" is actually valid for a number of generations of dogs, because all dog breeds were derived from mixed breeds.

Some small breeds are mainly the result of the evolution of there more than 10,000 years and is as old as history of dog domestication. But most purebred dogs is precisely the product of deliberate artificial selection. Different breeds of dogs produced by artificial selection has its own characteristics that quite typical for the race. Consequently, two different dog breeds could very different, although both are the same animal. Although the dog and its appearance looks very different, dogs can still recognize other dogs from other animals.

The definition of dog breeds (dog breeds) is highly controversial. Depending on the total founding population, closed gene pool who have problems with inbreeding or founder effect. The dog breeders (kennel) are increasingly aware of the importance of population genetics and maintain pools of various genes. Medical examination and new DNA tests can help avoid puppies with health problems and serious behavior.


Some dog breeds organization has set for a race (races) are looser. A dog may already be included as members of the race when he had 75% of its parentage is of that breed. The same considerations regarding the standard of purebred dogs entered in dog shows. thoroughbred Dog who won a dog show sometimes not spared the effects of genetic disorders due to founders and wedding antarkerabat However, this problem is not limited only to purebred dogs and could also apply to the mixed race population . Advantage maintains a dog breed is the behavior and physical form that can be expected to be more specific. Labrador Retriever Dogs generally love to play with water, while Beagle certainly very interested in the different odors. Instead, physical and behavior in unpredictable bastard form and sometimes quite unique.

In February 04, the Canine Studies Institute in Aurora, Ohio classify dogs in 10 categories.

Dog mix or mongrel dog is a dog that is not part of a particular breed, and is a mixture of two or more races in different percentages. Mixed-breed (mutt), or a dog without the origins of the pure race is no better or worse than purebred dogs to be used as companions, pets, working dogs, or competing in dog sports. Mongrel sometimes deliberately, for example, a dog that is a mix Cockapoo Cocker Spaniel with a miniature poodle. Such deliberate crosses the puppy should produce more superior as a result of heterosis. In addition, puppies may have other desired characteristics, but the loss of one or more characteristics that are the parent property against another as the temperament or the color of the fur. However, without genetic testing cross can sometimes reduce genetic damage that had both parents. Deliberate crossing two or more breeds of dogs can also produce new breeds of dogs.

Cairn Terrier

Admin 22.04 Add Comment
Cairn Terrier -

Cairn Terrier is one of the small dog breeds are from the Isle of Skye in Scotland since the 15th century. This dog has a ± 25-30 cm tall and weighs 6-7 kg. Certain physical characteristics that are typical of these dogs is the tail lifted, double layer pen and waterproof, small ears and straight up, straight legs and short, dark red eyes and thick eyebrows brown.

Cairn Terrier have the ability to swim and dig. These dogs often hunt rats, mice, foxes and other wild animals are even bigger than his body. Some of the health problems faced by vulnerable these dogs usually occurs in the liver (liver), eye and knee.


Admin 21.03 Add Comment
Akita -


Akita Japan is one of dog breeds. The official name of the breed Akita. Apart from the hometown in Akita prefecture, this large size dogs called Akita Ken (also means akita dog). This dog breed is not the same as the American Akita.


Akita is one of six Japanese dog breed. These dogs are dog breed new, and recently recognized as a race there are about 100 years.

Akita has great hunting ability. Due to the size and courage, Akita became a hunting dog that is reliable, where prey such as wild boar, moose and bear average Yezo located in the province of Akita.

Ancestors of fighting dogs

Ancestors Akita akita Matagi is used to Matagi (hunting bear and deer). In ancient times, large size dog does not exist in Japan. Matagi Akita is a medium-sized hunting dogs to hunt bears.

In the Edo period, Satake clan controlled the eastern province of Dewa (Akita region). Previous Satake clan was the head of the province of Hitachi, but the territory exchanged Dewa province after troops aligned to the West defeated in the battle of Sekigahara. Satake clan Tokugawa shogunate daimyo tozama treated as military power is very limited.

1630, Satake clan followers advocated place as an outlet for dog fighting militancy. Cored Satake Satake family clan based East Kubota Palace. Satake family clan of the other is the Western family, the family of families from North and South, each of which is domiciled in O-tachi, Kakunodate and Yuzawa. Western family based in the region known as the O-tachi breeder dogs crossbred dogs Matagi and local dogs. Dogs they produce what is called O-tachi-ken (Dog O-tachi).

Until the Meiji era, the tradition of dog fighting in Japan have also disappeared. Breeders continue to marry a dog from a local to large dogs imported to produce fighting dogs. Around 1897, a dog breeder in Akita prefecture to bring Tosa Kochi Prefecture, known as fighting dogs. Tosa Inu cross with dogs imported from the West for his body to be great. After the Sino-Japanese war of all, the Japanese who went back Sakhalin Sakhalin Husky and Hokkaido Inu.

In Akita Prefecture, Akita continue ancestors crossed with imported Western breeds, Mastiff animals were German engineers mining Kosaka. In the mid-Meiji era, the ancestors began akita dog crossed with dogs of German Shepherd and Great Dane. Akita body born increasingly large. At that time, erect ears and a curled tail that characterizes Spitz dogs began to disappear.

Adu dogs allowed in Akita Prefecture since 108 because it was considered corrupt society. Residents are so immersed in dog fighting game so that the prefectural government banned dog fighting. The prohibition of dog fighting, cock fighting, and fighting cattle throughout Japan made Department of the Imperial Japanese police since July 26, 1916. After dog fighting was banned, Ranchers Akita Prefecture dog was a dark future. Dog imported from the West has become more popular as local dogs. Different types of mixed breeds born from crosses with dogs imported from the West.

Common features

These dogs are large, have a body balance and good body proportions, and stocky. . calm nature, faithful, obedient, docile

Comparison of the height (measured from the ground to the shoulder) and body length (measured from the shoulder to the point in the ass) is 10: 11. the females have a body

the females have a height of about 24 to 26 inches and men from 26 to 28 inches.

The head, ears, muzzle


equilibrated with the body. The wide front has folds are clear, but without wrinkles. Bone forms the forehead (stop) is clear.

large black nose. Only white dog may be a slight lack of pigment, a black nose better. Muzzle long, strong and broad, slightly narrowed at the ends, but not sharp. Section between the right eyes. Strong teeth, the inside of the upper teeth and the lower teeth touch the outer portion (section), and lips.

Mata rather narrow shape, almost triangular as the outer corner of the eye upward. Both eyes further. dark brown eyes, but the darker the better.

The leaves are relatively small ears, thick, triangular in shape with slightly curved tip. Both ears is so far. Ears standing and leaning forward.


muscular neck, balanced with the head, muscular, toned skin without wrinkles. Straight and strong, loin broad and muscular. Chest expand as well, a thin stomach.

bushy tail feathers and worn on the back. When hanging down, reaching the tail end of back elbow. Tail coiled shape.

Styles ran as resilient and full of energy.

Fur and color of

coarse outer fur and right, while the inner fleece lining is smooth and tight. Shoulders and back of thighs covered longer hair. feather tail over body feathers.

rather a dark red-brown color, sesame (rather dim yellow brown with black tip), such as stripes (brindled) and white. Unless the White Dog, all colors must have urajiro (fur inside white muzzle, cheeks, lower jaw, neck, chest, body and tail and the inner thigh) .

The height at withers 67 cm while a woman is 61 cm, each with a tolerance of 3 cm. Akita was a fur bearing 2 times a year.

character and temperament

Regarding the dog or other animal, Akita can become more aggressive and may attack. If there are other pets in the home, such as large fish, reptiles, cats or other dogs, then the owner must be more vigilant.

Akita instincts as a watchdog and is always trying to protect his family against threats or foreigners. Akita is a faithful pet dog. Akita is an intelligent dog and also discriminatory.


Akita has long, thick hair, so it requires a lot of attention. It should be bathed in order to avoid loss of pile layer water resistant. molt Akita in a particular season.

eyes must be cleaned to prevent dirt. Akita known to molt once every 2 years. Some owners choose not to Akita dress them too often. Fur Akita not be clipped or trimmed.


Having a large fenced yard and is a condition that is suitable for akita activities. Akita is a type of dog that is strong and can easily pull a freight train and faced a high activity. But so important for akita, aged 18 months not to pull a heavy load, because their bones and joints are not yet well developed.

It is also important to let them practice their own. Akita likes to jump, run and play when he wants. They also like to play with children, running around and around.

Akita dogs as well as other types, they like different types of variations in practice, which is not the same routine every day. Akita Inu is also a good swimmer. Avoid akita for a swim when the weather is cold, because their fur will be difficult to dry when the temperature became colder.

Chow Chow

Admin 20.02 Add Comment
Chow Chow -


Chow Chow is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world come from China. The main features of this dog is its thick, creamy fur, mouth and tongue are black and the rear legs are bent so as to make this dog ran stiffly.

This dog has a physical appearance resembling little lion or bear. In his story, there are about 00 years old Chow Chow used to pull a sled, pulling carts, fillers, cattle breeding, or keeping the goods.

However, some ancient Chinese society also maintains Chow Chow as food and clothing. This dog has a character Benin, polite, honest and loyal to his employer. Chow chow also included one of the dogs which are sensitive to heat.

Afghan Hound

Admin 19.01 Add Comment
Afghan Hound -

Afghan hound is a type of Afghan hound which depend on the speed and vision. In history, this dog is believed to have existed since Egypt and paintings discovered in a cave in Afghanistan there are about 4000 years old. This dog was once used as a shepherd dog and hunting animals such as leopards (leopard), guinea pigs, and wolves. However, when deployed in the west in the 19th century, an Afghan hound pet plush and often called the "king of dogs."

The physical characteristics of this dog are the pelvic bones stand out, tall and thin, long head feathers around the head (peak) long and smooth, and dark oval eyes. in general, these dogs can coexist well with other pets.


Admin 18.00 Add Comment
Maltese -


Maltese terrier is a small dog toy category. The name of this dog, which means "Malta" in English, usually not translated into Indonesian. A typical Maltese puppy is that feathers did not fall, the soft fur as silk

The descendants of Malta is a dog whose name is the island in the Adriatic, Mljet (m . ll-yet), City of Sicily, Melita and the Mediterranean islands of Malta. Malta is one of the oldest breed of dog.