Turtles Brazil is one of the animals that started loved by many animal lovers. With green shell, yellow and red combination behind his ears, turtle Brazil able to attract many people. Finally, everybody started vying to take care of a turtle that supposedly can live up to 20 years.
Unfortunately, everyone can not take care of the turtle is fine. Finally, turtle death is many things. Turtles Brazil is quite susceptible animals to the state. If the environment does not support, then they get sick and eventually die quickly. So terrible problem like this can never happen, think about how to maintain the right of turtle Brazil below.
Know Preview Tortoise Brazil
Brazil turtles came from Brazil in the South American continent. These animals are easily adaptable to treat everywhere. However, some diseases are still vulnerable to attack these animals if the body is not a good situation. A turtle Brazil adults can have a maximum length of 30 cm and a maximum age of 20 years when placed in a good neighborhood.
tortoise brazil
than adults turtle Brazil perform a wedding in the summer months, such as August-September. A female turtle can produce about 20-45 grains. Usually, the eggs hatch after 3 weeks and the chicks that came out immediately in water. Oh yes, turtles are the types of freshwater turtles. So do occasionally turn salt water.
Maintenance Media
Turtles Brazil may be stored in two different places. The first is in a glass aquarium is quite wide and the second in the pool is open. The main requirement that must be owned pond preserve turtle Brazil is enough for sunbathing earth. Although the turtles spend more time in the water.
maintenance turtles Media is recommended to clean regularly. The reason is that these types of turtles like to eat in the water. In addition, they also defecate there. If the water is not cleaned regularly, the turtle will experience digestive problems caused by ingesting dirty water clean faeces scars. To work around this, you can leave the dirt filter if the medium is the aquarium. (Read: how to take care of seedlings turtle in adulthood)
turtle care brazil
you who keep turtles in the aquarium, try giving UV rays within a certain time. The beam will be used for sunbathing turtles. If the UV rays can not you try, try taking the tank out of the room and place it in the sun for 30 minutes in the morning. Usually, a suitable time is 06: 00 to 9:00
The food is a very important thing for turtle Brazil to be a great body. However, all foods can be given to these types of turtles, although they are omnivores. If food is allergies or digestive problems, turtles are in danger. That's why knowing the right foods are the basic things that must be done by amateur turtle Brazil . Here is a list of foods that can be given to turtle Brazil . (Read: healthy food menu for turtles)
Vegetables and fruits - Vegetables are very important given turtle Brazil . Usually vegetables that are high in calcium such as spinach, cabbage, carrots up to the development of a turtle shell. Fruits like papaya and banana can be given, but not in large numbers
Insects and worms -. Turtles Brazil take various kinds of insects in their natural habitat. This is done to provide protein that can not be obtained if you eat fruit or vegetables only. Insects are often eaten by turtles are grasshoppers and crickets. If you have trouble getting the insects and to use as a substitute
chicken or fish -. turtles are very fond of raw meat fish and chicken. They could enthusiastically when you give it. The meat is very good for health turtle Brazil , but the gift is not too often. Turtles can be overweight and affect health directly.
Diseases and general problem
turtle Brazil often have problems and disease which makes them more vulnerable to death. Here is a disease that is often experienced by turtle Brazil
Diarrhoea -. Turtles have diarrhea from drinking dirty water. Habits are dirt in the water making many new E. coli bacteria and infect the digestive tract. For prevention of this disease, we must drain the aquarium water regularly and seek help of veterinarians to provide a cure
decreased appetite -. turtles appetite decrease as symptoms that are large enough on his body. If you find a turtle suddenly do not want to eat, immediately check the status of the turtle carefully. These symptoms usually appear when the turtle suffered severe health. Manipulation is not the maximum of these symptoms can cause turtles die
small tumors in the body -. The lack of nutrition, in particular vitamin E has led to the emergence of some bumps on the body. The disease is often called a tumor abcesses
There is blood in the stool -. If blood appears in the black turtles, we can be sure there are gastrointestinal tract disorders. Intestine turtle usually altered as bound septicemia amebasis and the presence of parasites in the gut that infects severe enough.
defects in the hull - flaw in the shell is usually caused by vitamin D3 deficiency, phosphorus and lack of sunlight. That's why very important moment in the sun turtles care of the aquarium.
Thus, a brief description of turtle Brazil . We hope you can increase your knowledge in caring for these animals in the long term.
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