chicken farm business have good luck and a lot of people were plunged into the business world. But that does not mean the case without any obstacles, things to watch is chicken diseases because it can reduce the level of productivity of chicken and even cause death. Certainly, it would cause considerable losses.
The high mortality in chickens chicken disease is currently under the age of 2 months, while the chicken 2 months of age up are more resistant. But it is also possible for adult chickens to disease, because in addition to weather factors, diet and environmental factors are inadequate could also have a significant impact on the health of the chickens. But this situation is not uncommon for business people chicken, the most important moment of the chicken disease we need to know its proven features. thus facilitating the treatment process and to take precautions to prevent transmission to others
See also :.
this article will discuss some types of disease in chickens and -cirinya characteristics.
Tetelo (ND)
Tetelo or Newcastle disease , also called chicken plague, a disease common and most dreaded because it can cause high mortality in chickens. This disease is a viral infection caused by the virus Paramyxo. The disease is malignant because it spreads rapidly and wide. 3-4 days all animals will be infected and Paramyxo virus is usually transmitted by wild birds
The characteristics of Tetelo affected chickens :. Chicken looks lethargy, decreased appetite, decreased egg production, respiratory disorders, cough, sticky mouth, watery droppings greenish color, comb and the head of the bluish, cloudy cornea, paralysis and convulsions to head twisted backwards. Still not provided the drug for Newcastle disease, it is best to take precautions such as vaccination ND and chickens infected with Newcastle disease immediately quarantine or in the fuel so as not contagious.
also known infectious bursal disease (IDB) . Gumoro attacks and destroys the immune system of the chicken disease is derived from a kind of Avibirnavirus virus. Its spread by direct contact, drinking water, food, equipment, and the air was polluted virus. This disease does not directly cause death in chickens, the virus can live for up to three months on the body of the chicken. But to attack the immune system, it will cause infections that lead to death
The characteristics of gumoro exposed chickens :. Decreased appetite, chicken seemed, dull hair lethargic and sleepy, restlessness, diarrhea viscous, the balance began to fail and irritation / inflammation of the rectum due to frequent pecking chickens. Did not provide an effective remedy to cure infected chickens gumoro, so it is wise to prevent it by making routine vaccination with Nobilis Gumboro vaccine, Gumboro delvax, bursavac etc.
worm that attacks typically roundworms and tapeworms. Ascaris usually affects chicks while tapeworms affecting adult chickens. Worming generally common in the rainy season arrives. The characteristics of the chicken intestinal worms :. Loss of appetite, growth retardation / so slow, the body of the chicken in a thin, less active / soft, fur is dull and the aqueous dirt / slimy diarrhea slightly white and sometimes bloody
chicken intestinal worms
If the chicken intestinal worms worms can be used medicinal preparations piperazine were able to break the chain of transmission because it can kill the adult worms. Or you can also use others such as :. Pipedon-x rams (piperavaks) sulfaquinoxalin, sulfamezatin, sulfamerazi, fenbendazole or leviamisole
disease is also called snot or coryza caused by the bacterium Haemophilus gallinarum, usually strike during the change of seasons. The disease is mostly found in the tropics and can attack the chicks and adults. A 30% mortality rate and the number of pain was 80%. Transmission by direct contact with infected chickens, drinking water, food, dust, air, equipment and staff cage.
chicken snot sick eyes of
The characteristics of infected chickens snot: no appetite, seems weak and sleepy, slow growth the smell yellow mucus from the nose, eyes flow (foaming eyes), swelling of sinus (the border between the eyes and nose), the crust in the nose, runny nose and difficulty breathing.
treatment may be administered to chickens with glanders using sulfate preparations as sulfadimethoxine or sulfathiazole. One can also use enrofloksacyn preparations (Enflox) / with amphycillin preparations and colistin (Amphyvitacol). Antibiotics may also be used as ultramycin or imequil corivit. There is also the use of traditional treatments such as powdered milk / juice collision ginger, turmeric, and kencur Lempuyang. But for chickens whose condition was very bad as giving injections in the form of sulfamix.
Also called Chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) / sinusitis. The disease is caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma galisepticum. This disease usually affects older chicken about 4-9 weeks, which is transmitted by direct contact, drinking water, food, human and hatching eggs are infected.
Chicken snoring via www.bellsouth.
characteristics: decreased appetite, emaciated, listless, pale and dull color of the dress, the scum of the eye, such as shaking his head, runny nose, and white liquid manure. wheezing / snoring
how to treat :. Give about 10% Baytrit orally Mycomas, Tetracolin orally or Bacytracyn dissolved in drinking water
Berak Kapur
pullorum Known as the name of the bacteria that lead to this disease: Salmonella pullorum that can last for one year in the field. usually affects older chicks 1-10 days, although the attack of adult chicken, but caused increased mortality occurs in chicks, 85%. The symptoms are not too obvious in adult chickens
The characteristics of infected chickens :. Loss of appetite, soft and dull body, eyes closed, cold and like a jumbled looking for a warm, gray comb the attached anal fur and dirt mixed with diluted white beans as chalk.
Inject preparing or sulfa antibiotic furozolidon, coccilin neo Terramycin, tetra or mycomas chicken breasts to avoid the death of chickens does not eliminate the infection.
Green Berak
is still unclear the cause of this disease green stools, thought to come from the same bacteria as causing bacteria defecation disease lime namely Salmonella pullorum. This disease is a chronic disease that can be fatal. The transmission is by direct contact when the rooster marry hen, water and food to drink
Features :. Loss of appetite, listless eyes, dull hair, sometimes runny nose, the viscous mouth, bluish comb and green dirt water, Not yet available drugs used to treat should maintain the cleanliness of the cage and do a routine vaccination.
caused by the bacterium Pasteurella gallinarum or Pasteurella multocida which usually affects laying chicken and broilers. This disease is chronic with early symptoms such as decreased productivity and death. This bacteria attacks the respiratory and digestive system, which can be transmitted by direct contact, food, water, equipment, man of the earth and other animals
The characteristics of cholera chickens:. The appetite started to decrease, the joints of the legs and wings swollen accompanied by paralysis, difficulty breathing, bluish combs and wattles, such as shaking his head, yellow liquid feces, odors / viscous green, fetid brown .
treatment may be carried out using sulfate preparations or antibiotics such as Noxal, ampisol or inequil. You can also use koleridin or can be added herbs such as papaya and temuireng compotes.
Berak blood
Often called coccidiosis causes is a protozoan of the genus Eimiria sp. Whether or not this serious disease depend on protozoa are ingested by the chicken. The characteristics of the contract: decreased appetite resulting in stunted growth, loose stools tend to be liquid and blackish brown because it contains blood. When surgery performed on chickens died of koksidiasis his large intestine to swell with blood. Can be treated using Noxal, sulfaquinoksalin, diklazuril or more.
type viral DNA or visceral of Marek were classified as herpes-type B. The disease is most prone attacking the chickens when old chicks 3-10 weeks just before sexual maturity. Chickens affected by Marek characteristics :. His thin, pale, weak, staggering gait and lameness, blind eyes and there is a kind of tumor under the skin
No medicines available is sure to heal, so you should do the seedlings vaccination effect was aged a day using a vaccine derived from the herpes virus of turkey strain FC 126 is the brand Mar-Blem Sterwin-HVT-VC and MD Lyomarex.
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