In raising goats, we know there are some diseases that often attack the goats. His attacks can be mild, but others can cause death if not promptly recognized and treated. Therefore, on this occasion, we will discuss some kind of disease that often affects goats and signs, to take action as a form of treatment.
Recognize goats common diseases suffered immediately
1. Bloating
bloating or also called bloating is a condition of the goat stomach contains much gas resulting from the fermentation process runs fast and can not remove them as a pet. The strong accumulation of gas in the stomach press other pain of body organs and cause. So the goat was breathing with a breathing through the open due to high frequency mouth.
The clinical signs are clearly visible is the wider goat belly or swollen due to accumulation of gas in the rumen. The pain will usually goat snorted and will be launched on the left side. Backs goat also bowed, and as he was goat would be difficult to rebuild. If untreated can gradually deteriorate and goats can die.
goat inflated via
Usually caused by overeating legumes, forage grass consumes too young or moist when removed of the enclosure. It is important for farmers to be careful to give food forage should dilayukan first. Also, do not remove the goats in the morning, where the grass was wet with dew.
If experience bloating goats can buy cold medicine in pharmacies, while others give to drink vegetable oil, we feed the goats with soda and some goat stuffed with anus papaya leaf stalks that are already brushing with oil and then pressed and massaged so that gas from the bowels. Many ways can be tried, which is important for goats can release excess gas in the stomach or by the fart and burp.
2. Worms
There are many types of worms that could attack the goats, which are: Haemonchus cocortus, Trichuris sp and sp Oestophagostomum are probably present in the diet. The worms live as parasites in the digestive tract, the intestinal membrane and integrated suck the essence of food, body fluids, blood and remove toxins. This condition causes the goats become weak, lethargic and not grow, even if fed a lot. In some cases, young goats 3-4 months of age were exposed to thin and to have died
The clinical signs of goat intestinal worms :. Decreased appetite, weakness, lethargy, thin, protruding belly, rough fur, dull and loss. Goats also experienced diarrhea or diarrhea. It is important to maintain the cleanliness of the cage and gave regular worming, 3 months, 6 months or once a year at the latest. Worm medicine commonly used among other cetarin Concurat, phe and more wormex powder. Can also given herbal concoctions: Two old walnut betel, 2 tablespoons sugar, 5 pieces of tobacco leaves and 1 tablespoon of papaya latex powder. All ingredients are well mixed and mashed and given every 5 days.
3. Scabies
simple language mange or scabies and ringworm. The cause is ectoparasites or mite Sarcoptes scabiei, and Psoroptes varovis Chorioptes communis ovis. Usually this disease will attack the area around the ears first, then spread. Clinical signs usually appear affected by scabies rash that forms on the skin ulcers goat, spotted skin, then begin to thicken, harden, flaky and itchy. Because the itching, goat rub-rub body kedinding pregnant causes the fur to fall. Over time, the body of the goat will begin to look emaciated because of a decrease in appetite and lack of blood, so that milk production will drop.
The mites that cause scabies easily spread to other animals, it is necessary to pengkarantinaan for infected goats. Spray on dirty cage with a disinfectant. For the treatment given anti parasites such as Ivomec.
goat eats
But the first wash a goat with a brushed using an antiseptic soap or detergent, then cut short fur diarea thick injured . There is also a mixture of their own traditional ingredients including used oil, cooking oil can also coconut oil, kerosene, salt, camphor, the magic of lime, the onion, garlic, turmeric and sulfur powder in the mixture well and then spread to the injured party 2-3 days.
4. Orf
Often called dakangan or Ecthyma Contagiosa caused by a virus that Parapoxvyrus are zoonotic and can be transmitted to humans. Usually exposed to orf eating goat hairy grass and concentrate dust. Clinical symptoms include sores around the mouth in the form of a black crust, and there is also a bump. Long may spread away from the nail, hence goats become emaciated because no appetite. Usually orf or mouth scab can heal after a month, but in some cases can also lead to death in case of secondary infection.
The treatment is using a mixture of iodine and antibiotic injections. There also with a paste made from traditional materials such as betel nut, betel leaf and turmeric that has been cleaned first, then puree. Give lubricated traditional pasta residence without having to strip the crust on the mouth. It could also consider a vaccination for the prevention and pengkarantinaan to prevent the spread.
Ecthyma infected goats Contagiosa
5. Pink Eye
Alias Bèlèkan eye, usually caused by irritation impaled objects, such as thorns, wood, hair pieces and even the concentrated dust. But sometimes it can also be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Clinical symptoms are usually seen eyes flashing goat often with tears in eyes and red-brown color. In addition, the eye will be turbid and ulcers occur until the swelling. If not treated promptly and regularly can worsen Causes of permanent blindness same
How to deal :. First wash the eyes with warm water, then apply a special eye ointment containing antibiotics goat to quickly relieve the infection. Or you can also spray a mixture of stale tea, betel leaves and salt every day until recovery.
sick goat Pink Eye via
6. Anthrax
The cause anthrax are virus Bacillus anthracis is transmitted by direct contact, food, drinks and breathing. Clinical symptoms are high fever up, trembling, weakness, breathing problems, chest gland pembengkakakan, bada full of ulcers, indigestion, bleeding from the ears, mouth and anus. There is no cure, so the control of the disease is to burn the dead animals infected with anthrax.
7. Nails and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
Usually caused by mouth ulcers epizoótica (AE) in urine, milk and saliva. Clinical symptoms include loss of appetite, fever, excessive salivation, mouth, tongue and swollen feet and there are bumps containing clear fluid. Goats were contracted separated and treated, keep the cage and give vaccines.
8. Enterotoxemia
Because of eating grain overload until the Clostridium perfringens bacteria in the rumen to be more productive because of the level of acidity, so even produce toxins that are harmful to the goat. Clinical symptoms: goat tics, his teeth chattering fever and swelling of the abdomen. This disease can be prevented by an annual vaccination especially goat feeding and not give too much grain in their diet.
9. Myiasis
myiase is a kind of skin infection or Belatungan, people too often though Seten know. This disease often strikes in the thighs of women goat postnatal rest of the blood are not cleaned. Can also occur in children newborn goat because not given antiseptic or anti flies on her navel. But in some cases can also be caused by injury of the cage uncomfortable. Getting treatment: wipe ulceration with water, rinse with eucalyptus oil and then give the soaked tobacco and cover with a bandage. Replace every day until it comes belatungnya.
10. Diarrhea Diarrhea or
generally occurs due to a disturbance in the digestive tract that can be caused by bacteria, the food has been damaged, as well as the environment cold air. Clinical symptoms: goat looked lethargic, weak and pale. goat manure, light green, bright green, chartreuse, green, red or blackish green. If caused by food, then avoid giving the leaves of beans and green leaves. If, because of the disease can be a mixture of herbs of guava leaves, salt and 1 cup coconut water, then give 1/3 cup for 3 days in a row.
11. Intoxication
Poisoning usually occurs when a goat eating green feed containing poison or insecticide poisoning. Signs of poisoning: convulsions, foaming mouth, mucous bluish eyes, and dirt mixed with blood. In some cases, the disease can be severe and lead to sudden death. Handling intoxication: give water tablets norit or coconut. Again, we get a mixed solution of coconut oil, coconut milk, salt and tamarind. If the insecticide toxicity, drink 1 glass of warm milk.
12. Mastitis
Mastitis is often found in dairy goats because the disease is indeed attacking goats nipple. Often, the trigger is Staphylococcus aureus or it could be caused by the trafficking process is less than perfect, so the milk has not been exhausted completely milked. Mastitis resulting in a decrease in the amount of milk production and milk quality itself. Getting treatment :. Leave intramammary antibiotics and improve the trafficking process
goat mastitis disease via
13. Nails Rot
the cause was wet and dirty cage, so that the goat often tread water finally arrived decomposition. Signs: swelling and nail slot megeluarkan milky white liquid. peeling nails skin, painful bumps occur until the goat was limping and could end up with paralysis. How to deal: clean and cut his nails, pour the alcohol and bandages lamb and protect against dirty stagnant water
cinch goat via
14. Pneumonia
Generally due to the state of humid air, cold and dirty and goats that are not well maintained. Symptoms: goat difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, frequent cough and fever. Keep the cage to avoid moisture, always clean, no stagnant water, cover the cage when the strong wind and quarantine the sick goat. Treatments that can be done is to give antibiotics preparations.
15. Constipation or
Usually known only by the newborn child, because his first thick black earth and lasts so hard to get out. Kid hit hard pooping constipation in addition, he often ride and bleat. So to smooth the movement amplitude of the intestine can be given 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
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