chat conditions are still healthy and active is the desire of all cat owners. However, all good companies which are made to maintain cat health, you still can not completely protect your cat against the diseases that come suddenly, especially the diseases that come from viruses. Before the bad things that happen, we'll find out in advance information regarding cat strain and learn how to prevent them.
feline panleukopenia
virus is also known under the name of Feline parvovirus this raises a serious illness when it infects cats, especially kittens that are not vaccinated. The death rate caused by this virus is quite high, about 25 to 85 percent. Many have found the case of cats that died from the virus panleukopenia end.
feline panleukopenia virus cats
The virus can not be transmitted to other cats through direct and indirect contact. Direct contact is done by touching objects that have the virus. Although no direct contact occurs when the breathing air contaminated with the virus, so the virus spread panleukopenia can occur in a short period of time. The virus can also be transmitted at the moment of newborn kittens, if the parent had the disease during pregnancy. This virus can not be transmitted to dogs or humans.
Virus panleukopenia can survive outside the cat's body for a long time and almost any type of disinfectant fails to eradicate this virus. The virus enters the cats of the body through the respiratory tract such as the nose and mouth, then spreads throughout the body and attack the defense of the gland, bone marrow and mucous membranes in the intestines that cause damage the digestive system of cats.
Cats infected with this virus will show certain symptoms, such as loss of appetite, followed by severe diarrhea and prolonged vomiting. If not treated immediately, the cat will soon become dehydrated because more fluid is expelled from the body through diarrhea and vomiting, while a little fluid intake due to loss of appetite cats. It is then a cause of death of the cat.
To prevent transmission of the virus panleukopenia , you need to bring a cat to the vet for routine immunization. Newborn kittens can be immediately vaccinated at the age of about 8 to 10 weeks. Then, the vaccine was repeated a month later to form a stronger immune system. After that, the vaccination is repeated regularly every year. Vaccination is not able to prevent your cat from contracting the virus in it one hundred percent. However, vaccination will minimize the impact of this dangerous virus, it is likely to recover from an infected cat becomes greater.
Virus panleukopenia This can continue living in your neighborhood for a year. Therefore, you need to eradicate this virus using a special disinfectant to prevent the cats who had recovered back pain or transmitting the virus to your other cats. Disinfectant-contains chlorine and is generally not sold freely in supermarkets.
feline immunodeficiency (VIF)
FIV virus has similarities with the HIV virus that infect humans, even -Even attacks the immune system. As the HIV virus, FIV has not a drug or a vaccine which can cure or prevent transmission of the virus. The cats were positive for FIV can not be guarded condition in order not susceptible to other diseases caused by the immune system is weakened.
feline immunodeficiency
FIV can be transmitted to other cats through direct contact with the bite wound is infected with a virus, or transmitted to a kitten when designed by the parent who has been infected. aggressive Tomcat and happy wandering outside the home increased the risk of contracting the virus. Aggressive cat easily got into a fight with a cat that has been infected by FIV, so these cats can be infected by the bite.
FIV infected cats usually show no symptoms of pain for several years. However, perhaps you can begin to be wary when your cat becomes more susceptible to the disease process and healing of disease takes longer than usual. Because it can not be cured, the immune fire long chat over time. In general, cats with FIV will die after 4-6 years of infection.
As mentioned above, FIV can not be prevented or treated because not found a vaccine or drug to fight against this virus. However, you can do some simple prevention, so that pet cats are infected with FIV like the following.
- Keep your cat does not wander outside the house and met with wild cats.
- decrease aggressive behavior in male cats by gelding.
- Finally, keep your home environment and provide nutritious food for the domestic cat and make vaccinations on a regular basis. Cleanliness is maintained and the first cat health will increase immune cat to reduce the risk of VIF.
This was the information about the two cat strain is known to be harmful to the health of cats you. Diseases caused by viruses simply can not be completely avoided. improving care is the best prevention to reduce the chance of your cat infected with a dangerous virus. Yet there are many other types of viruses that can not all be discussed here. Well, now is your job to find out more, to do prevention before it is too late.
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