Fish is one of the most popular animals in the country. Besides the price and the maintenance costs are cheap, food was readily available and are sold everywhere. Goldfish are among the most widely kept away from other fish such as koi, Louhan, arowana, fish or sea water. Fish from China is easily maintained throughout and even we can meet in natural areas such as rivers, lakes and freshwater ponds. The beautiful colors is the main attraction, besides its small body and watch while swimming agile.
Carp chef is just one of hundreds of types of goldfish can be found in the world. Carrying more than 500 species of carp have been found, including humans who often retained as shubunkin, Ryukin, black moor, heath panda, calico, and others. These fish have a variety of attractive colors from which inhabit the aquarium in our homes. Red, gold, pink, and bronze are the most commonly encountered colors.
How to Keep Goldfish chief
Figure goldfish
Keeping goldfish is not too difficult because these fish live in 'pure water. Despite this, we still have to look at the procedure of care that the fish remain healthy and we can enjoy it longer. Goldfish are very sensitive to this type of ammonia content in the water. He often complained of ornamental fish lovers and the origin of these fish die easily. Therefore, replacement of the aquarium water is vital to ensure the fish remain healthy. The water must be replaced at least once a week. There are also several other ways that can be done to neutralize the ammonia in the water levels. Ie using biofilters and growing water foam in the tank. Moss water can also be used as a decoration for the aquarium more attractive
The next thing to watch is the use of air bubbles. This type of fish desperately needs an air pump so that water use is mandatory. Do not forget to install filters on the flow of water in the aquarium. This fish is a type of fish loses a lot of dirt. Dirt is exactly what makes the ammonia levels in the water increases, so you must also be diligent to replace the filter when it is dirty. Overall aquarium Cleanliness is very important to take care of a goldfish. Regularly check the acidity of the water using a device for measuring the acidity are usually sold in aquarium supply store.
food for goldfish are easy to find in the ornamental fish stores near your home. Generally these fish are fed pellets with the composition of meat and herbs. Feeding can be conducted several times per day. Try pellets discharged within five minutes of waste and even pollute the aquarium. For this you need to know the right dose or diet gradually giving. After all key points are met, you can think of aquarium decoration to your home look more attractive.
Advantages keep this fish in addition to its beauty is the fish sale value which is quite high. You may reproduce and do as a business. There is also a myth that goldfish can carry and launch subsistence. Therefore, this fish is often used as a symbol of good luck for a pemeliharanya carrier
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