was very fun when you can maintain sea water ornamental fish at home. its funny, saltwater fish Already known to be more aggressive than some freshwater fish species. Hobbies maintain the ornamental fish moved the team to gather information related to the type of fish that can be kept at home by the beginner. We hope that through this article fish lovers can find the types of fish that are easy to maintain.
The maintenance of ornamental fish from sea water is not easy. saltwater fish care probably more difficult than freshwater fish species. If you've never maintain the kind of saltwater fish, you should start with the fish category for beginners. Why is it? it's like that, when we preserve the freshwater fish, we certainly use fresh water that is easy to get because we use fresh water to be consumed daily. While saltwater fish species certainly can not live if the fresh water is used, because they can not adapt to its environment. Oiya you should know also generally these types of fish also requires a larger aquarium and you need to replace the sea water on a regular basis does not get dirty.
Ornamental Fish Seawater easily Maintained
The oceans are largely in the world is inhabited by many species of marine fish. These fish are well adapted to its environment, the sea water. Sea water is an absolute requirement if you intend to make saltwater ornamental fish in your tank. If you have a large enough aquarium seawater always be replaced following the selection of ornamental fish and the Latin name of seawater
1. Watchman ornamental fish gobies
finned fish Watchman
Watchman gobies ornamental fish has a scientific name Cryptocentrus. This fish is known by many models, but is famous and spotted pink Bluespotted Watchman Goby. Watchman Goby is an aggressive fish and a fish species suitable for beginners. The survival and the ability to swim makes this fish is a type of saltwater fish to be kept by beginners. Food for Watchman Goby are generally small shrimp.
2. Angelfish
Ornamental Fish angelfish
angelfish is a fish called scientific Pomacanthidae. This fish has a characteristic which is flat and wide shape. There are many models for these types of fish and all have special characteristics that a pattern of lines on each side of the fish body
. 3. Fish Blue Devil
saltwater fish ornament Blue Devil
seawater blue devil ornamental fish is a fish that has a body that is aesthetically pleasing. Maybe his body is not as scary as the name suggests, in the science of fishing, this fish has a scientific name Paraplesiops bleekeri. Looking at the body, you should not use super large aquarium because her body tend to be small and thin blue on Baian body with white spots on the top. Oiya since these fish like to swim in the rocks, and can add some coral ornaments in your tank.
4. Fish Botana / Blue Tang
Ornamental Fish Blue Tang
Scientifically this fish named Paracanthurus hepatus and known as blue tang. Blue tang in Indonesia known as surgeonfish. There are several types of surgeonfish, you can choose the type of blue surgeonfish, surgeonfish and mattresses Botana glasses. If you have ever watched the movie Finding Nemo, maybe you remember dory "and called surgeonfish blue characters.
5. Ornamental Fish Yellow Tang
Yellow Fish Tang
Another type of the Tang family, the yellow tang is a type of saltwater fish that is capable to be held at home to decorate the room. This fish has a scientific name Zebrasoma Flavescens and ponds typical of the family are known to be very active.
6. Ornamental Fish Neon Tetra
Ornamental Fish Tetra Seawater Neo
Neon tetra is a known fish for a distinctive style that has a golden color with a thin blue line as the neon lights on the body of the back to close the eye. neon tetra known by the scientific name of Paracheirodon innesi and many live in Colombia and Peru.
7. Clownfish / Clownfish
clown fish Image
Perhaps the type of fish are unfamiliar to the reader. He is the main character in the movie "Finding Nemo". This fish is known as clown fish although many mengtahui clownfish fish if his name. saltwater fish species Amphiprioninae a scientific name. I do not know why the fish Clownfish can be called a clown fish, most likely anyway because their color is similar to a custom clown is? hehehe. This is clearly bersembungi bottom fish in the coral and the reef, so if you want you can maintain it could also provide the coral in your tank.
8. Lion Fish
fish Lionfish Photos
Lionfish is the fish of sea water ornament that has the scientific name Pterois and enter the Scorpaenidae family. This fish is very unique with ornaments on her body that is shaped like a thorn. You may need to pay attention to where the fish must be timed in an aquarium with fish because fish food is quite different from the food of clown fish.
9. Dottyback
Image Fish dottyback
kind of water ornamental fish is next dottyback, this fish is a fish that lives in tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific which is also known by the number of coral reefs are abundant. The scientific name of this fish is Pseudochromidae. Because these fish much the disekitaran Indonesia marine life and fish are suitable as ornamental fish of the sea water in your tank.
10. Butterfly Fish
sea water butterfly ornament Pisces
Fish Papillon Chaetodontidae a scientific name that many live in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Similarly, dottyback fish is also suitable for beginners maintained by enthusiasts saltwater ornamental fish. Appointed by butterfly fish for striped patterns of shapes and colors almost like the color of butterfly wings. The charm of this fish is very nice if you put in the tank size is large enough for them to swim here and there.
Similarly, the information that we can say, we hope the information on saltwater ornamental fish could be additional insight for those of you considering keeping marine fish the aquarium of your home, take care of the fish as well as possible if you intend to care for him at home.
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