Koi fish is an asset for those who maintain it. Both in financial terms and in terms of the beauty of homeowners. Unfortunately, there are still people who do not know how to take care of koi fish. Regrettable that fish have the high price is not maintained even have to die in vain. To reduce this risk, it helps you learn how to keep koi correctly
Koi fish is a native fish that is native to Japan. Japanese company believes that these fish bring good luck to the owner. This fish is also endorsed by the Japanese people as a symbol of love and friendship that lasts. There satwapedia some time the team has released 11 fish koi from Japan and has a lot of demand in Indonesia. The article also discussed the koi fish Blitar which was the main supplier of the koi in Indonesia.
How to Care for Koi Fish For Beginners
Take koi care
the popularity of koi fish makes many people who wish keep this fish at home. Beginners and became a fish lover made should definitely do care koi well so quickly is great and stay healthy. So we set up some important points that must be prepared when you want koi fish in the right way. Here are the points that you can follow:
1. Choose a healthy Koi
The first step is a fundamental step how to take care of koi fish as a pet at home. Koi is a freshwater fish that is in demand by the public so that market demand is large enough. This market demand would koi breeder submerged until the person is not responsible for the sale of koi are not qualified / koi even wrong. To avoid this, you must choose the fish shop that has quite a good reputation around the place where you live. Find interesting discussion of the characteristics of Article koi fish add your insight. Oiya comes is not based on the amount of ago when keeping koi, koi maintain different because catfish memlihara. Better choose 5 koi that have a good quality compared to 100 koi ugly
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2 Preparation Koi Fish Pond
Like some sort of other freshwater fish, koi fish desperately need good water quality. You should prepare clear water that is free from contamination, including chemicals. For those of you who Beru create pools that use cement, do not enter directly into the koi ponds. The new cement pond in general still leave the cement odor that can not be accepted by the koi fish. To speed up the cement eliminate odors usually koi breeders use banana leaves. Also keep the acidity of the pool water to 6.5 to 8.5
We could use some sort of koi fish pond, the pond is concrete, pool or garden soil from the pond. And the use of the aquarium? Koi fish are strongly advised not to be placed in the aquarium. Koi need space which is large enough that the pond is more appropriate than the aquarium. Filters are also used by farmers as a way of taking care of koi koi nice. Filter koi are generally plated to 4 for the filter against dirt and bacteria have been more perfect.
3. Set Number Koi Fish In The Pool
Koi fish need space that is spacious enough to grow large quickly. The number of fish that do not correspond to the capacity of the pool, which inhibits the growth of koi. Try readjusting the number of fish you have with an existing scale.
4. How to Feed the Koi
How to care for your koi can also note the food. Food quality could make big quick and healthy koi fish. Eat, koi is known to have a higher price, this is due to normally get the best koi fish food should diimporkan Japan. According to data we have, the food of koi fish per kilo price to 150 thousand. To save money and the power is not excessive, then you need to adjust the power wisely. Power can be done 2 times daily morning and evening to say. Examples of koi fish feed that you can use, such as :. Collards, cabbage, crustaceans, worms hair, watermelon and blood worms
5. Keep water quality, if need to change air
How to care for the next koi fish is always keep the quality of the pool water. Observe the temperature and level of water turbidity. Do not let water koi fish disorder. Even if you use a filter system in the koi pond, pond water can sometimes be trouble. We recommend replacing 10% of the water in the pool once a week. Never replace all the water, because then the fish need to take adaptation, adaptation sometimes create stress fish so it is best not to drain the pond completely. You should also know that water conditions can mempengarungi color koi to 20%.
6. He used Additional quarantine Koi
Sometimes we wish to increase the number of koi fish in a pond. This usually occurs when the owner has their extra cash to add to his collection. You have to consider in advance the state of the fish, do not enter the contaminated fish / carry bacteria that can affect your long fish pond. We recommend that you quarantine the fish a few days in a separate bath, and only after you are sure that the fish are not bringing bad things you can put in your main pool.
You also need to quarantine the apparently healthy koi in the pond. Sometimes ikankoi could be exposed to the disease and make it aggressive and tend to have different attitudes than others
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Sometimes we forget the simple things that can make large koi fish grow. For fish lover, fish have a healthy and active is a fact and satisfaction. Hopefully the article on how to take care of koi fish could be useful for all the faithful readers satwapedia.com
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