Walnuts are birds chirping are popular in Indonesia. Moreover, with the growth menggeliatnya chirping bird market in recent years, it is highly sought after and also the price becomes inflated. However, one thing that is the question for many people, which is how the treatment of nuts is right and good. It is triggered by a number of cases canary look good physically healthy, but they are rare or do not want to sing. although it was already very mature. So, is there specific ways to make it reliable in the chirp? Before discussing this, we will explore the ancient history and the origin of birds that have beautiful feathers and chirp.
If you think this kind of bird has a relationship with the nuts, then you are wrong. Walnut name of this bird is derived from the original name of the place, namely the Canary Islands. This bird was found by a French sailor from John Berthan cost Early in the 15th century, unlike the Canary bird sightings on the market today. it is because canaries now circulating is the result of natural selection and crossbreeding that lasted more than five centuries. Then, as promised above, how to care walnut advice is good and right? Here is his review.
It is important to maintain Birds Walnuts
Image canary
Basically, maintenance is easy and simple nuts. However, if not done properly, it will be bad for the bird. The first and foremost thing you should notice is the right diet. For light brown, giving the protein-rich food with a percentage of about 25%. This is done in order to make the bird is not compromised growth. In addition, to support the development process, you must also provide a variety of different foods such as cereals, poached quail egg, bananas, cabbage, and other foods that contain calcium and phosphorus.
The second important thing in the treatment of dry nuts. Drying is done to increase the supply of vitamin D on the bird. In addition, the canary of sunshine Canary is also believed to make it more agile and easy to sing. However, there are certain things that must be considered in drying canaries. Among them you have to be careful that drying time. The best time is recommended sunrise until about 10am. And for best results, you Jemurlah birds chirping with an intensity of about 1 to 2 hours, adjusted to its own resilience of the bird.
Tips for treatment walnut latter is doing the training. The training will be very useful, especially for birds that were aged 2 to 5 months to grow confidence in singing. There are several ways you can do. Among these are the pair of birds that will be formed with other birds who are experts in singing. Or else, you can play a chirp from your mp3 player and put it next to the bird cage that will be formed. By doing this, the young birds imitate the chirping sound is heard so that he can develop a technical chirp like a bird that has a coach.
Those are some tips that can be done to address the canary correctly. However, in addition to the above tips, you should also take into account other elements such as cleaning the cage, the cleanliness of the dining room, bird baths, and more. Thus, the birds keep you not only healthy but also be proficient in singing. Some descriptions of nuts Care Tips, walnuts can also compare with other birds, for example, identify birds or Cucak green parakeet, may be useful
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