Koi is a type of freshwater fish are much preferred by fish lovers. To determine the best type of koi, koi we need to know with the advantages and disadvantages of each. This is due to the diversity of fish is sometimes confused fish lovers, especially for beginners who just decided to keep koi in the pond. According to public confidence in Japan, koi is a symbol of friendship and love symbols. Indeed, the word koi homophones in other words that have become a symbol of love. Fish from Sakura / country Japan is also believed to provide a profit for its owners. So many owners who prepares the best pools to hold this fish
Knowing the type of Koi Ideal for Maintained
Koi included in this type of fish Karper Cyprinuscarpio . This fish is an animal that is very funny and beautiful to watch. The color shades and patterns of koi carp about equal, but more striking and diverse. No wonder when the koi is also distinguished by patterns, body shape and its color shades. Here are some types of fish koi Featured:
1. Kohaku
Kohaku koi kind
Kohaku koi is the oldest genre in comparison with other koi. Kohaku usually have a white base color with red shades. Most Kohaku has a white base pattern with shades of red that have the best quality. There are several types that belong to the species Kohaku, among others :. Tancho Kohaku, Kohaku Maruten and Gin Rin Kohaku
2. Taisho Sanke
Taisho Sanke Koi
have both a plain white background Taisho Sanke looks almost similar to the Kohaku. The difference lies in the type of Sanke koi color pattern of red combined with black. Taisho Sanke Sanke is most often mentioned by fish lovers so easily pronounce.
3. Showa Sanshoku
Showa Sanshoku
Showa Sanshoku or ore nicknamed actually somewhat similar to Showa Sanke. The main difference between the two types of koi is contained in the existing black pattern on these fish. black pattern Showa spread throughout the body, while Sanke only on the top of the course. black pattern Showa also on the head, while not Sanke.
4. Asagi
Asagi Koi fish like
Asagi is a type of koi fish Japanese native who has a blue pattern on the back of the body and the combination of red -oranye in the abdomen and fins. Type koi are the best species of Asagi Koi carp have red patterns above the lateral line, the red pattern does not continue.
5. Shusui
Shusui are descendants of species that Asagi course can be distinguished from small differences. The difference is in the color of the dorsal scales that distinguish blue color nets in Asagi Koi. As the offspring of fish then you need to observe that not one of the types of Asagi Koi.
6. Tancho
Is koi fish species belonging to Tancho Kohaku case. This fish is very popular in the group of species. There are many legends that make koi Tancho so respected by the society koi Tancho Jepang.Ciri qualities you can find in the head, there are red dots / similar Japanese flag image that is not in other types of koi.
7. Shiro Utsuri
Shiro Utsuri
Fish Shiro Utsuri have significant differences compared to six fish over. Koi has a black base color with shades of white. koi better tap species shiro Utsuri has a characteristic color combination of black and white in the head.
8. Ki Utsuri
Ki Utsuri
ki koi Utsuri is a bit expensive because of small numbers. These fish belong to rare species that are hard to find. Her body has a black base color and coupled with yellow undertones. Since the price is quite expensive, you need to be careful when you want to buy this koi, do not let other types of Utsuri.
9. Matsuba
Matsuba is a koi that has an assortment of colors basic in his body. This fish called koi from Gin Matsuba white, and yellow Ki Matsuba Matsuba aka color red base. Typically, Matsuba metal color and has a black mesh pattern.
10. Kumonryu
If you want to have a koi can bergonta color your choice will fall on Kumonryu. These types of koi really you will not get bored with the appearance of koi that's all. The ability to change the color model from white to black or a combination of both the main attraction.
Up to here our first division this time, I hope you were able to distinguish Antaa koi koi with each other. Do not let one more in choosing the type of koi that you want to keep. I also made the article how to take care of koi fish for starters, you might be interested to learn.
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