How not find Persian cats Caring Right?

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How not find Persian cats Caring Right? -

Caring cat was difficult, especially for Persian cats. We need to know how to take care of Persian cat is good and right. Yes, you could say that the treatment should be proportional to the price of the cat itself. Persian cat is the most popular cat this time in Indonesia alone most people want mempelihara type of cat has been compared to another breed of cat. It looks elegant and understated the main attraction

Persian cat is a cat that came from Iran (formerly Persia name used before changing into a state of Iran). This cat has spread to several parts of the world and to be the most beautiful domestic cats in countries like the US and Britain. There are 4 types of Persian cat is widely known by the public are a cat lover, cat four types are the cat Persian Himalayan Flatnose, medium and peaknose Persian cat. Peaknose Persian type cat is the most preferred type because of its very funny. The price for puppies 3 months only reached 4 million, so it is natural that we should give extra care to the Persian cat

Related article :. The reason why the peaknose expensive Persian cat

cara merawat kucing persia

how the devil take care of Persian cats right?

for some people, especially who just want a cat is sometimes confused as to how we should take care of the cats were quite expensive. A-One is actually even make cats sick and die because of poor maintenance. Health Persian cat is very dependent on how the care provided by its owner. These cats morphologies very unique, especially on the nose that needs extra care. If you are beginner in keeping the cat world, it would be nice if you try advice on care for the next Persian cat:

1. Choose a cat from a seller trust
LHOH instead of discussing how to take care of Persian cat eh? why even discuss how to get it. Yep maybe some of you do not know whether it is the foundation of your capital when you want to maintain the Persian cat. However puppies Persian cat is very dependent on the quality of indukkannya. Do the adoption of cats seller trustworthy, wise to spend money for you to choose a cat with good quality, if your home can sometimes be a time bomb which, at times the cat actually cause problems for you.

2. Know that the Persian cat can live up to 20 years
In general age of the cat can live 10 to 15 years. What may distinguish or exceed this number is the level of health of the cat itself. Persian cats are cared for properly can take up to two decades of his life age / 20 years. You will of course need additional fight like cleaning the nose, eyes, fur and daily nutrition chat. knowing this course will be your motivation to take care of the Persian cat.

3. The best place for the Persian cat is inside
The next important thing you need to know to make Persian cat care is where the good place to put the cat. You should know that the Persian cat is not suitable for long outside the house. Conditions were wet and cold air sometimes makes the fur felt hat cat and make the cat feel uncomfortable. After all these cats once came from the deserts of Iran to a dry place and inside of the house more suitable for the Persian cat. Currently, the foundation you already know how to take care of Persian cat, and then after that will be followed by technical guidance services.

4. Brush parts of cats with refined
Persian cats are very dense, it makes us to be diligent in cleaning the rare hollow comb. cat fur matted or not maintained sometimes makes them uncomfortable and seemingly stress. Reach parts can not be cleaned by the cat himself as the tail, neck and legs so that vermin and germs can be lost. You can do every day to sweep at least 15 minutes before going to work or university. You might also need to brush your teeth you Persian cat therefore remains clinging to the teeth.

5. Provide nutrients other than meat
There is no doubt that the Persian cat's favorite food is meat or fish. In fact, some time ago, I talked about some foods that are appropriate for the Persian cat in food kinds Persian cat the best article titled. And the provision of vegetarian cat food?

You are a vegetarian huh? vegetarian meals is ok mixed with wheatgrass to your cat. It would be a counterweight to prevent weight problems in cats, you should consider of course does not directly convert food from meat to vegetarian food directly. Cats also need to adapt to receive a vegetarian meal because the stomach is very sensitive. types of cats with long hair Persians are generally more likely to accept vegetarian food, but you still have to provide the amino acids derived from meat or fish proteins.

6. Bathe your cat regularly.
Bathing is often the same with cats in general, for example in domestic cats really do not like water. Persian cat is a cat who really need a shower to avoid germs that stick when these cats play outside. Then if you have to bathe the cat regularly 2 times a day? actually not really the cat water schedule depends advice or preferences of their owners veterinarian, even clinging to custom cat itself. Persian cat is very active and explore the sub-sub sometimes make fur exposed to so many impurities that swimming is a way to take care of the Persian cat is the most appropriate.

7. Clean the area around the eyes
The area around the eyes is very sensitive Persian cat, her eyes often filled with tears which he has an eye for sticky crust. If you do not do knowledge with this of course makes cats are easily infected by bacteria that is sometimes visible facial discoloration. Problems in the eye of a cat is more common in the Persian cat peaknose compared to the average Persian or Himalayan. To clean the area around the eyes, you can use the usual wet wipes or wipes moistened with water and then rubbed into the area around the eyes are dirty subtly and delicately. Remember do not let the cat's eye, as it would actually bring new problems.

8. Famous Persian cat prone to kidney disease
About 30 to 40% persian cat could be suffering from polycystic kidney disease. The disease is often called the PKD usually occurs in cats aged 3 to 10 years with symptoms such as depression, apathy care what you do to a significant weight reduction. Currently there is no medication that can address these problems so that you really should keep cleaning your cat to avoid being hit polycystic kidneys.

9. Make overeating
Overfeeding or too melolohkan the Persian cat food is not good for health. Cats that eat too frequent diarrhea fact or vomiting, it is because the stomach is very sensitive Persian cat. Inadequate diet can also make the weight of the cat could decrease significantly. If you want advice nourish Persian cat, try to read the related article, entitled intelligent in choosing foods for a Persian cat.

10. Clean the nostril
cat types peaknose persian often had problems with their respiratory system. Sometimes they had to breathe using their mouths because there is a barrier that makes the air can not enter through the nose. If you memiiki types of persia the Himalayas or the media type, you will be relieved to not have to constantly clean the cat's nose. How to care for Persian cat with his nose can be done with the help of a tissue bud or a pad to a sinus infection or a flu virus does not interfere with the respiratory system chat Persian.

11. cat ears should also be cleaned
Another part of the Persian cat that needs to be addressed is the earpiece. Cats certainly can not clean its own ears that cat owners are obliged to do for the health of his cat. Caring for Persian cat in the ear can be done using wet wipes special buffers were wiped tau-kan gets ear so that the manure can be transported and does not cover the ear holes.

Similarly, 11 tips on caring for the Persian cat that can do for your cat become healthy and protected against some diseases. Treat because, besides the price is quite expensive, the Persian cat is very cute cat would be a shame if you can not take care of him. You can also consider other types of cats when objection to maintain the Persian cat, please visit the article entitled safest cat kept at home. Hopefully this article on how to take care of Persian cat helps you want to keep the new Persian cat.

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