Not only humans, fish are also food as a basic requirement of life. In addition to growth, diet also plays an important role in the formation of the color of the arowana fish. We must not arbitrarily choose Arowana fish food. Although the arowana fish eating any type, we need to pay attention to any content in these foods and what are the benefits of this food for our fish. Do not memeberi eat just like that, because if the conditions for fish and aquarium unhealthy carelessly later can quickly contaminated.
Asian arowana is the most widely application. Fish habitat is the freshwater Asian region has a distinctive color that is striking. Freshwater Indonesia also include suitable habitat for these fish, particularly in the area of West Kalimantan. Although this fish a lot in Indonesia, but the price is still expensive compared to other types of other freshwater fish. The charm and the belief by some that these fish can bring hockey can be a factor why this fish has a lot of demand
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Pictures of arowana
food arowana fish for wide Quick Best
If you want your fish to grow well and his health is always awake, following the advice of how to choose the kind of food that we correct and appropriate arowana fish. These foods are also not too pollute your tank compared to other types of fish feed. Do not forget also that we want to convey that the growth of these fish will also affect the color quality of the fish, especially for young arowana fish. According to the data we obtain about 80% of color is affected by factors indukannya strain. So choose arowana following foods:
1. Crickets Cricket is a favorite food of arowana fish. Crickets are a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals that are good for the arowana fish growth. Arowana fish for food, make sure you buy from a breeder just crickets and try not you find crickets. This will keep their wild crickets contaminated with pesticides for wildlife. You also do not have to keep too many crickets in your home, because hdiup crickets are very short (usually only 40 to 49 days). Following tips you can feed carrots to the crickets crickets before it becomes the arowana fish food. Carrots contain carotene which acts as vitamin A and deliver an orange or red color in the arowana if crickets already consumed. You do not need to cut the legs of crickets, leaves intact because arowana really liked all jagkrik parties.
2. Shrimp Similarly, crickets, shrimp is the food for arowana fish that has many advantages. Shrimp are also highly recommended as a staple food arowana are still small. While the tank is not dirty as the rest of shrimp, shrimp should be there to give the arowana gradually but routine. This is arowana is sure to focus on the shrimp, but many were ultimately shrimp shrimp is not spent to make the aquarium a little dirty. Fresh shrimp better, but frozen shrimp can also be used as a food arowana
3. Maggots Maybe a little disgusted with maggots, but arowana very loved. It is strongly advisable to feed arowana dried form compared to wet maggots maggots. Indeed, the dry fly more active and still has a high protein content, while the wet maggots are usually dead and reduced protein content. You can also mix the maggots with pellets, vegetables, carrots and vitamins are printed on the mold before being given to the arowana. The mixture is arowana fish protein foods and help the growth of Arowana.
4. Frogs In its natural habitat, arowana are small frogs as food that can be eaten when you are hungry. Arowana jumping ability, it is easy to invade the small frogs that like to swim. You have to consider when using frogs as food arowana fish, you need to quarantine the frog during the week so that no parasites were still attached to the body of the frog. If the parasite left could arowana are infected with the disease.
5. Cockroach One of the most hated animals, especially by women. Unfortunately the arowana fish love so if you want to become big fish arowana fast, use a cockroach. Cockroaches used must cockroach cockroach breeder is not illegal. This is to avoid contamination of insecticides that harm our arowana.
6. Small fish Minnows or commonly known as feeder fish are also suitable for food arowana fish. This fish has a lot of protein which is ideal for the development of our fish. Small fish also includes food ingredients that are easy to obtain either nyari himself or breeders of small fish.
How to feed the Arowana fish
After discussing the food arowana fish, it's time to satwapedia team gives advice on how to feed the arowana fish is good and right. The first step you can do is to identify the type of fish in your tank. Feeding little different certainly Arowana an adult arowana feed. Small fish eat more fish than adults. In the period of growth, it would grow faster than the growth of cultured fish.
For a small fish whose size is still under 10 inches, you need to feed at least 2 to 3 times daily. only after his more than 30 inches, you can reduce to 1 times per day just to eat. For adult fish you should not give food every day. Precisely by giving food to eat every day are not 100% eaten, perhaps only 70% of it and the rest will be in vain. Better to let the appetite suppressant arowana to increase, for example, feed the 2 days. You are also strongly advised to take food scraps that are not spent by the arowana to avoid membusuj and pollute the water tank.
advice that you can apply to food and keeping the aquarium we have not dirty quickly. After all the dirty aquarium is not pleasant to look at and not good for our health arowana fish. For those arowana super red or golden red, choose fish arowana food we talked above, maybe the goldfish you get better and fresh.
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