On the occasion of this day, I want a variety of how to match parakeet. Bird is one of the leading pet lovebird are in demand in Indonesia. There is some time I had to do an article on this bird prices after investigation bird markets. For those of you who have not read it, please go to the following article. Lovebird bird prices currently range diangka 350 thousand to 3 million rupees for blorok parakeet.
As with other species of birds, parakeet also require the regeneration process by way of reproduction. In nature there Inseparable known as bird faithful to their spouse. Birds are included in the genus argaponis is to get the name of a parakeet loan word agapein (from the Greek "love" ) and pornis (meaning bird), when in the wild budgerigar you find a partner and will remain faithful. Well, if the bird in a cage we then we have to match the bird parakeet.
How effectively inseparable pair for beginners
how to match the bird parakeet
Matching budgie bird is not easy, but it is not too difficult if we know the tricks. Tips and tricks coupled lovebird birds I'll explain step by step so we know what to do for this matching process works well. Here are some steps to match the bird parakeet
1. Go Birds Mating Season Inseparable
The mating season for each bird species parakeet n ' has not been the same. In nature, there are several unique facts were noted differences parakeet breeding season Peach-faced are different types of mating season Fiscer yng living in mainland Africa. Type Peach-faced entered the breeding season in April, October and February-March. Although this type of parakeet Fiscer breed in the dry season or the period from January to July. Knowing when mating season is right will help you to match birds and breeding parakeet effectively managed well you
. 2. Identify Features Parakeet Birds Ready Coupling
parakeet give special signs that give a signal to us that they were falling in love and wants a match with his idol. For beginners, it is important to know the characteristics when parakeet is ready for pairing. Take note of the following signs and make sure whether the bird you qualified to dijodohan :.
- Inseparable who are in love usually wanted to be with / wants to be close despite the different cages
- Inseparable males are generally almost become a hero by feeding the food in the female
- generally parakeet female will always be a position ready to mate, while the male is behind the female
- males and parakeet females will ngekek bersautan each other to attract each other
3. Recognize Yang Mana Mana male and female
How parakeet game it is very important and many novice breeder who can not marry because they do not know what that male and female. Sometimes we can be deceived because of the proximity of the two birds in pairs with the same sex. For example, we mistakenly inserting the male in the male or female cage female meeting. To start following tips to distinguish between male and female:
a. Note that the shape of the ends of the wings
main secret distinguish male-female birds lovebird can be known about the shape of the wing tip. Men will always wingtips that crosses dengankan females have a form wingtip which is open / not cross and male parakeet.
b. Note that the shape of the tip of the tail of
parakeet tails female usually a blunt and expands wider than the male parakeet. In male budgie birds form a pointed tail Unjung.
4. process of matching Lovebird Bird
Problems can not distinguish between men and women would be a problem when entering the stage of this process pairing. For this there is a bird lovers choose the path of natural selection using the sometimes large and populated by many birds lovebird. This method is often called twinning colonies and easier for beginners because parakeet will be looking for his soul mate as he wishes. How to match this parakeet highly recommended for beginners because it is very effective and practical.
The second way is often called polygamy method. This method is generally used by farmers who do not have much stock of lovebird birds. They usually enter 2-3 females in a cage containing a stud. Inseparable is a type of bird that could fertilize more than one female so the quick pairing process
Read also :. Learning about nine species of birds parakeet
How to match more than the game time still small parakeet. Usually breeders enter all the seedlings in larger cages when their age is one month. As Java called "Tresno rear wipe Kulina" is applicable here. Birds that live together will eventually find a soul mate there because the process of living together long enough. This matching process becomes more natural and does not require human intervention.
The four steps above will help currently learns to breeding budgie birds. There are certain things that were considered trivial, but it is precisely the success factors in terms of parakeet match. Hopefully a simple article on how to match this parakeet useful for all readers satwapedia.com
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