Speaking of fish is not complete if no mention koi. There are so many types of koi fish be kept at home in our appeal further consideration in this article. For those of you amateur who wants to add a koi pond in the collection, you'll certainly want to know, what is the most species bear hockey. For those of you who breeder over the fish want to know which species are most sought after by lovers of koi is not it? Besides being a decorative pond fish, koi, also known as pets are quite profitable and has good prospects in the future.
It has long been known that the koi fish carriers hockey for the owner. Koi fish are also believed to reduce the level of stress for the owner, in retrospect really Bener. Not a mystical problem or trust, if I feel the stress disappear because dikolam attractions that can be enjoyed when home from work or when writing articles like this one. If you look, the fish have no relationship or whatever his name but very similar to goldfish, may be why there are names koi carp in Indonesia.
11 Type Koi Fish Best Original Japan
picture Koi
The term Japanese koi carp, meaning refers more particularly to a Nishikigoi carp more or less significant are embroidered in gold or silver. In Japan, koi became a kind of symbol of love and friendship. This because koi are homophones for another word which also means affection or love. Koi carp, including Cyprinuscarpio guy who has a beautiful color pattern. Koi is particularly distinguished by body shape, pattern and color hue possessed by the fish. Here are the best indigenous species Japanese koi fish:
1. Kohaku
Kohaku koi fish is a type of the oldest and best known by the public in the world . This fish has a white background with shades of red and white overlay pattern. Species included in the category is Gin Rin Kohaku Kohaku, Kohaku Tancho Kohaku and Maruten. Almost all of these species are of good quality with a white base pattern and coupled with shades of red.
2. Tancho
Tancho always in line with Kohaku. Koi fish is a very popular fish species in the Kohaku. The most important characteristic of these fish is the red spot that is in his head. Tancho is the most fish in Japan because they respected their resemblance Grus japonensis or red-crowned crane. Tancho species is Gin Rin Tancho Tancho and Doitsu.
3. Taisho Sanke
Similarly, Kohaku, Sanke Taisho Sanke or more commonly known is a koi that has a white background solit with red and black color layer system . Sanke koi fish are basically similar to Kohaku if you do not look closely. Species included Sanke Sanke is Doitsu, Maruten Sanke, Tancho Sanke and Gin Rin Sanke.
4. Showa Sanshoku
The Japanese prefer to call by Showa Koi fish have a similar pattern to the Sanke, but you can certainly make a difference! Showa Sanke and difference is the black pattern belonging to both of these fish. A Showa black patterns exist in all parts of his body, while Sanke only in the upper body. Showa also has a black pattern on the head where the fish Sanke not. fish variations, among others, Gin Rin Showa Showa, Tancho Showa, Showa Doitsu, Maruten Showa and Kin Showa.
5. Asagi
Asagi is a koi that has a unique style compared to other types. Asagi has a blue color pattern on the back coupled with a red or orange color on the abdomen to fish. Asagi Koi fish is the best on the type of fish that has red patterns that do not extend above the lateral line. Variations of this type include Hi Asagi Asagi and Gin Rin Asagi.
6. Shiro Utsuri
Unlike some earlier types of koi, fish Shiro Utsuri has a solid base color black with an extra white pattern. Best of koi fish on the types of shiro Utsuri can be found with typical head that has a combination of black and white. Gin Rin Shiro Utsuri, Gin Shiro Shiro Utsuri and Doitsu Utsuri is a variant of this type.
7. Ki Utsuri
Utsuri Ki is a koi fish species more expensive than the rarest among other Utsuri. This fish has a yellow handset model on the black body, but you have to be watched carefully so that person with another type Utsuri.
8. Shusui
Shusui is a type of fish version of Asagi drawbar. different with Asagi, this fish has scales along the back line at the top of the back to replace the pattern of blue nets of Asagi. Part fins, side and stomach similar to Asagi is dominated by orange and red shades.
9. Matsuba
Matsuba known as koi name that has a solid body with a metal base color and has a black mesh pattern. There is another version of the Matsuba. namely gin Matsuba has a white background, Ki Matsuba has a yellow base color and Aka Matsuba that have a red base color.
10. Kumonryu
Kumonryu is a species of the more interesting koi fish because of its ability to change the model Hinga several times throughout life's journey. Koi can change from solid white to black or a combination of both. Maybe if you often get bored with the fish that was so-so alone, you can maintain this type of fish.
11. Chagoi
Chagoi have a genetic relationship with wild carp, but this fish is among the most bizarre friendly and TAME compared to other types of fish, right? Color tend to be pale, namely brown or bronze, it is very different from fishing other coins are usually brightly colored. If you are a beginner to keep the fish, you can choose the Chagoi type because they are fun and easy to train.
Type Koi Blitar
11 species of fish that I mentioned above is a true koi fish product from Japan. Many people still compare the quality of imported fish or fish farming in Indonesia. Koi koi culture of conservation efforts in the country to reduce the expensive biasaya imported from Japan. It is expected to meet the demand koi are gradually becoming more common.
Blitar City is a city known as a center for culture koi. When you enter the town of Blitar, you will meet a koi fish statue as a sign that the city is the center of koi Blitar. Some residents of the city in a koi fish farmers, especially those who live in two boyo Tambak Subdistrict and the District of Blitar. Potentials of Blitar city that has good water source in the growing influence of koi good quality are still below koi from Japan.
Farmers in Blitar trying to preserve the purity of koi fish by not marrying with the common goldfish. For a koi fish good quality, the koi fish seeds undergo the sorting process for 5-6 times (1-2 years since fish month). Koi Blitar also has a beautiful color, which is red or yellow light and white as snow.
Maintaining a koi fish is not only advantageous in terms of economy as from the culture. Koi has a bright color can also be a stress reliever as they swim here and there. Hopefully this article on the types of koi fish makes you more affectionate with your koi or do you want to keep koi home.
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