The best care for the kitten (kitten), must read!

Admin 12.06 Add Comment
The best care for the kitten (kitten), must read! -

All cat lovers would agree, time is kitten / cat baby will definitely be a great experience, but taking care of the baby cat was more painful than we imagine, it is the same as when we give birth to a child a lot of extra work for us at home.

stray cats in the small of time will be able to survive in harsh conditions, even from his mother left, it would be a PR when the cat house since I a small plain spoiled by their owners and therefore they could not establish the skills to survive.

How the kitten character

Since the birth of the uterus that your kitten kept by his mother, you should intervene because many natural mother cats know better care for their children, although the age of the cat was too young, so your task is only to observe if there is a strange thing, then you can act perform additional care for them.

anak kucing memiliki karakter yang kuat

cat child has a strong character

leading them to live with their mother will build the character of a cat can live without human intervention, the cat will turn into cats are independent, it would be helpful if you do not have much time to take care of your cat

it is important to note

disease -. Just as a human baby cat would be susceptible to the disease, so they need nutrients to maintain the strength of the body, nutrients derived colostrum is the milk of the cat.

Daya tahan tubuh bersumber dari air susu induk kucing

derived immune system the mother cat's milk

For a cat who can not define a proper diet during pregnancy will affect the amount of milk than usual this happens to a cat who is still too young, so the diet should be kept in good starts when the cat's mother was pregnant. Kitten that does not get much milk consumption will row of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses

current weight infants -. Many of the factors that influence body weight kitten, could be a mother cat does contain less than 60 days (usually 63 days or more), the length of the process of passing the baby at birth and usually the cat will give birth 3-4 Sodara in a phase with kittens normal weight of 500 grams.

weight when the kitten grows - After an old kitten a few days normally weigh 2 times heavier than their premature birth, the kitten will gain weight 400 grams in one week it also depends the amount of milk that can be produced mama cat.

Mata baby cat - Normally baby cat closes its eyes to 5 or up to 10 days. Mata is a way that is sensitive to a baby cat too soon receive sunlight can make their eyes blind, so we must be vigilant if the birth of baby cats eyes are not covered.

Additional treatments -. Make sure the place was sleeping kitten clean, warm enough and provide special food for kittens sell a certain brand of course, with the right dose

What if the kitten does not parent?

for kittens who have a parent perhaps we are not too busy to take care of them because the mother would be totally with them, but unfortunately, many cases have been orphaned kitten because he lost his mother could be perhaps because the cat's mother had died or because the cat's mother will not take care of them, it is time that our role is invaluable for kittens. Here are some additional care you need to know when caring for the kitten home

wean kittens -. Use powdered milk that was brewed with warm water let stand for a few minutes before you melolohkan milk to them. Make sure your head high leading to the bottle like normal way, they suck their mother

mensapih anak kucing

mensapih kittens

Clean the dirt -. Parent cat will clean the dirt of their children when kitten pee, but it will be your job if the kitten has no parent. You need to prepare is hot water, a soft cloth or tissue rubbed in cat anus after eating, because after the meal they normally need to urinate.

Train baby cat

In general, the cat's mother will teach many things to his son, well, if this case we must be responsible for training to learn a lot about many aspects of their life in the future, whether it be taught? we will discuss below

Choosing foods -. When they get older can be between 4 to 6 weeks kittens can be taught to start trying to eat solid special kitten food to get you in the pet store, if you accustom them to eat foods that have a hotel brand nine with a characteristic odor, so usually they just want to eat similar foods until they are adults

Train defecation -. After the age of 5 years old baby cats defecate week can be trained using the special sand for cat shit, though generally they mimic the natural mother to shit. Make sure the sand is a little far from where we eat kitten, it is important to keep food free of bacteria and germs.

box pasir anak kucing / image by

sandbox kitten / image


make the experience of taking care of a kitten as rewarding and enjoyable so that you do not saturate the problems that may arise, be sure to provide food that is specially formulated for kittens. If the care you provide in accordance with the provisions above may be their cats are independent and do not care when they grow up, call your veterinarian if there are serious health problems.

Hopefully this article can be helpful for my friend all.

Salam okdogi


Surefire way to clean cat's ears correctly

Admin 11.05 1 Comment
Surefire way to clean cat's ears correctly -

Hey cat lovers, cat if you have dirty ears? Want to know how mebersihkannya correctly? It's awesome! Because cat owners usually need to check your beloved cat ears. In fact, the ear will also clean, because otherwise it will be fatal for a cat that never in the clear telingannya.

sakit telinga kucing


telingannya Generally, cats are rarely cleaned will cause alarming infections! So my advice, you do not be lazy so lazy to clean cat ears. Here okdogi give some knowledge about diseases cat ears and how how to clean cat ears correctly, see!

Other common problems that are often found in cat ears?

1. Bacterial infections
2. Cancer
3. Ear mites
4. Allergies
5. Fungal Infections
6. wax stacking (secretion the ear can interfere with hearing)

the importance of the cat's ears!


pemeriksaan telinga kucing



As your cat lovers advise to check the ear of the cat at an early age, so that cats can become accustomed to when they are adults. Upon verification of your cat's ears at least you'll be able megetahui if anomalies of the ear of your cat abnormalities in the ear or not. There are probably some things you will find in the ears of the cat exams you among them as follows.

• Blood
• The stench is overwhelming
• Cats like to shake his head and scratching (ear mites)
• inflammation of the ear with their reddish color ear
• the bejolan like swelling

once you have finished checking the ears of your cat and you get a serious anomaly in the chat. Then the best step you need to do is take the cat to the vet to be given better care there.

There are different ways to clean the ear properly, some veterinarians and methods as the natural way to treat all cat lovers. Here are 3 veterinary methods to clean a cat ears, among others :.

Veterinary method in cleaning cat ears


membersihkan telinga kucing


1. Irrigation . This is often done by the vet to put all liquids that have a functional ceruminolotik to destroy or dispose of the dirt in the ear.
2. Mechanized . This is often done by a veterinarian and can also be done at home. The accumulated dirt inside the ear bud own chat with Catton / atu cotton swabs to clean the ear cerumen spoons.
3. The method suction / aspiration . This method uses a special tool or special suction machine suction ball which is owned by veterinarians and rubber information tool. This method is usually done when manure is fluid (pus). This method is also used to clean the inner ear, especially at the eardrum was damaged / torn.

For other methods are usually made of cat lovers also exist as follows.

How to clean cat ears

first you set up any kind of equipment like a thick cotton bud (bud Catton), wipes and cotton. Then later, you can clean the hole in the ear of your cat using Catton bud. Try cleaning, you must be careful, because the skin in the ear hole is very sensitive and do not include too deep, it can affect you inside the cat's ears.


membersihkan telinga kucing



once you have been able to ensure that the inside of the ears of your own cat, then use a new cotton is still intact for cleaning all surfaces inside the ear, If the surface of the ear of the cat and you are clean, you can use a special liquid drops cat ears that are sold in many pet stores and pet stores. The function of these drops is to kill lice that may exist in your ear.

How many times in cleaning the cat's ears?

In general, these activities should be performed regularly once a week. Because it is very useful to prevent any dirt or infestation which will destroy cat ears animals kamu.Biasakan to do with the routine because keeping the cat ears will certainly keep you also train the health of your cat.

Generally ear cats are rarely cleaned, generally result in a cat experiencing itching on the ears, and the cat is scratching scratched bloody finish and will also impact on the ear infection. My advice, if cat lovers saw the cat had an infection telingannya better take directly to the nearest veterinarian to be handled properly.

Okay, hopefully article on how to clean cat ears This can be your guide to do well at home, hailing the success of

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  • A convenient way to clean cat teeth
  • Wear this method to cut the cat nails

Dissection rabbit male and female difference rabbit full!

Admin 22.04 Add Comment
Dissection rabbit male and female difference rabbit full! -

There is no popularity of ornamental rabbits never back which makes the interesting and funny animal as a pet in interest. Its appearance is funny and fuzz as they have also had success stealing the attention of children and adults once.

Nothing rabbit sellers is very easy to find, many farmers who sell several kinds of ornamental rabbits, we can also find sellers of ornamental rabbits on the road as an alternative . In general, a lot of people who would buy a rabbit breeder, they want to buy a pair of male and female.

kelinci betina dan jantan

source www.infopeternakan .com

But for those of you who are beginners in rabbit farming, it would be difficult to distinguish male and female rabbits. Well this article, we will cover all forms of differences between male and female bunny rabbit in general. Listen ya!

What the male and female rabbit difference?

Hare ram

to know kind of male in generally tiidak rabbits was so difficult. The first thing you need to do is hold the rabbit, then lifted the body and back. Note the lower part near the tail of the male rabbits, usually just above the anus there is a kind of pink tube and covered with feathers.

ciri kelinci jantan


If there is such tubes, then the rabbits male organ penis. Apart males aged rabbits over three weeks usually also has a head shape that is quite unique, and some apparently looked like a box beam.

The weight of the rabbit males were usually will be less than the weight of doe although they are of the same species. More more uniqueness and differences in male rabbits will look when warm weather arrives reached.

Usually, when the warm weather arrives, male rabbits will show when the testicles bulge as she sat or lay. Generally bulging testicles in male rabbits will not be seen during the winter.

A possess characteristics in male rabbits, rabbits are generally more friendly, family friendly with everyone or other animals in the neighborhood. Male rabbits Group also have a great curiosity.

female Hare

So how about discovering the sex of female rabbits? In general, there are different things you need to do to make sure that if a female rabbit or not. The first thing you need to do is hold the rabbit, then lift and return the body.

Try to look at the section under the tail just above the anus. When you see and get a gandukan with loopholes, so that is the main feature of the doe. Gandukan the position would normally next to the anus, so it is difficult to see because they are covered with feathers.

ciri kelinci betina


In addition to being aware of Gender doe these, there many more things we can see. Given the size and weight of the rabbits. Usually the female rabbit will have more weight than the rabbit stud. Although they belong to a species of the same type size weight in female rabbits will be more.

To measure the shape of the head on the type of female rabbits will head shape more rounded, and neck, there will be folds of skin and fur, the characteristics of female rabbits have common characteristics that tend to be quiet. Usually when the doe penetrates sufficiently mature age they will start looking for the nest to breed her.

In the personality of the doe equally balanced between aggressive and protective. Doe also have properties that are very friendly and respectful of the environment around him, trutama in humans, although not as friendly as it does a rabbit stud.

The conclusion that can be to distinguish male and female rabbit?

Well, so in essence, if you want to know the differences in female rabbits and male is by examining the genitals, the next you easily determine their sex by looking at the shape of the body and the head

read :. how successful awareness ornamental rabbits

read: rabbits mating infallible way

Nah already explained how how to distinguish male and female rabbits ? Ok success of our greeting,

Want to have a British shorthair cat? Read this first

Admin 21.03 Add Comment
Want to have a British shorthair cat? Read this first -

British shorthair cat as the name suggests this cat is derived from the English motorway, this cat has indeed attracted many people in the UK and Europe . In Indonesia alone this cat has grown in popularity since 07, until now the cat is still the most beautiful of many cat lovers here.

What I want to know how this cat is created, let us discuss together, british shorthair is first formed by the crossing between Egypt cats with domestic cats in Europe particularly in England, this creates cross a cat with a terrible physical but have fur that is not long, but dense, relatively dense hair shorthair British aid belonging to survive in the air very cold europe far.

kucing british shorthair

british cat shorthair

Previously, in 1918 in Europe a large number of scientists who are experts in crossing genetically want to create a variety of new cat, to create varieties of cats with scientists British short hair shorthair cat used as broodstock, when i want to experiment with their long-haired cats to use as one of the breeders of Persian cats. Long before british shorthair has a Russian blue cat rival, two types are descendants of cats with short hair the most beautiful in Europe and ultimately determine the scientific british shorthair as a variety of strains better for shorthaired cats.

cat Profile british shorthair

This cat has a character that is quiet, so the cat is suitable for you who do not particularly like cats hyperactive british cat shorthair has a body Gembul that some people like big cat this particular cat women could be an option, especially their fur is short but dense you will keep hugging lying down or while relaxing. Cat british shorthair could be called a house cat, they will feel comfortable in the house, but when they are outside the home life of the hunting out when looking at other small animals.

kucing british shorthair

british cat shorthair

treatment of these cats can be quite easy for british shorthair have short hair, you only need to bathe once week and maybe you can take the time to comb the hair so that the dead can be raised feathers. (Read: 9 treatments needed to make the cat stay healthy)

In addition to a fur, you also brush your teeth regularly and pay attention to their ears to prevent mites and fleas. These cats also has a strong fighter so normally they would be comfortable with their long nails, but most often their claws could damage the furniture in the house, they nail clippers if you feel their claws disturb. (Read: how to cut the nails of a cat at home)

Supplements: weight in cats is usually reach the weight of 10 kg -18 kg for men and 6 kg - 12 kg for females, you need to reach the wallet with an average price of about $ 800 - $ 1400, these cats can also survive for about 12 years -. 18

few articles I wish the article on british shorthair cat cute this can be an additional reference for you who want to have.

Salam okdogi

11 types of turtles that can be kept as pets

Admin 20.02 Add Comment
11 types of turtles that can be kept as pets -

Turtles ( Turtle ) is often mistakenly equated with turtles ( Turtle ) by most laymen. Although these species are superficially similar and even in the Order of the same - namely Order Testudinata -. But the two are completely different

The turtles are animals that are included in Testudinidae family. This animal is an animal with four scaly legs vertebrates. Shell - which consists of two parts, namely the carapace and plastron -. Be protective for him when he is attacked by a predator

The turtle is itself divided into two, namely the turtle (tortoise) and freshwater turtles (terrapins / terrapins).

turtle itself has some kind. The size also varies, there is a very small and even very large shades of colors were mixed.

This type of ornamental land tortoise

Aldabra (Aldabrachelys gigantea)

Aldabra tortoises come from the Aldabra Island. This turtle is one of the largest tortoises in the world. types of turtle are also included animals that have the longest lifetime compared to other animals. Aldabra tortoise can reach the age of 255 years.

Kura-kura Aldabra Aldabra tortoise

body shape and behavior is very similar to a giant turtle of Seychelles island. Some people even consider the two types of turtles are the same species.

The animal-shaped shell as a large dome, useful, like armor that protects the body from top to bottom. These turtles also have an unusually long time neck, enough for him to reach the foliage is in the highest branches. The average body length of male Aldabra tortoise can reach 1.1 meters, while the female body length can reach about 0.9 meters. The male body has a weight of almost 100 kg heavier than the body of the female.

Galapagos (Galápagos tortoise)

first arrived expose by Charles Darwin when he made a trip to the Galapagos Islands. Is the largest species of tortoise in the world. Its body length can reach 6,1ft (1.87 meters), with a weight ranging from 272 to 317 kg (registered the largest weight has reached 400 kg). This species also has a long neck like a giant Aldabra tortoise. This species is an herbivore, his food is grass and trees knaggy low.

Kura-kura Galapagos Galapagos tortoise

The species is now listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora as a protected species, requiring the trade of animals and products to be subject to strict rules that have been approved by the state, and the prohibition on international trade animals for commercial purposes.

spurred tortoise (sulcata Centrochelys )

Often referred to as the sulcata tortoise. This species berhabitat at the southern end of the Sahara desert in North Africa. Is the largest species of tortoise in the world and the third is a species belonging to the genus Centrochelys.

kura-kura African Spurred Tortoise

furrowed turtle Tortoise

mentions "sulcata" included in the name of this species comes from the Latin 'succus' which means "wrinkle" which refers to the wrinkles of its scales.

the weight of this species reaches 105 kg, while the body length can reach 83cm. The longevity of this species can vary from 50 to 150 years.

case it is quite fun and attract people, so rarely do as a pet.

Red- turtle feet ( Chelonoidis carbonaria )

is a species of tortoise from the north of South America. This species has a medium size, with lengths ranging from 30cm but can reach 40cm.

color body dominated by dark colors, with a shaped shell Tangkupan bread and a little lighter shade. Her legs is also a color combination of dark and light colors. This makes this species is suspected of having links with Yellow-Footed Tortoise.

Kura-kura Red-footed Tortoise

Turtles Red-footed Tortoise

The species is also included in the list Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora , which means that trade in these species on the country of origin must pass government approval, such as preventing the extinction of this species. Indeed, many who are interested in this species as a pet.

Desert Tortoise ( Gopherus agassizii )

species is native to the Mojave Desert and Sonoran Desert, located in the southwest states STATES, northwest Mexico. This species has now spread west to Arizona, southeastern California, southern Nevada and southwestern Utah.

Kura-kura Desert tortoise

desert tortoise turtle

long ages vary between 50 to 80 years. This slow growing species and the level of low reproduktifitasnya. The size of this species is between 25-36cm and weighed about 0,2-5kg. This species was included in the list of protected and should not be taken across national borders (except with permission).

Leopard Tortoise ( Stigmochelys panther )

The species is included in turtle species are large in the African savannah. This species is the fourth species of turtle in the world. This species also belongs to the species of turtles wider spread in South Africa.

Kura-kura Leopard Tortoise

Tortoise Leopard Tortoise

This species can reach 70cm in length and weighs the equivalent weight of a small child. The average age term to 100 years or more.

Gopher Tortoise ( Gopherus polyphemus )

Originally from the southern United States. This species has a carapace length ranging from 20-30cm, with up to reach 15-37cm. Its weight ranges between 2-6kg.

This species is one of three species of turtles dig burrows. Liang dug this species can reach over 50 feet, but generally varies between 15-18ft.

Kura-kura Gopher Tortoise

Tortoise Gopher Tortoise by DeviantArt

Gopher spawn only once a year. Females normally produce 5-8 eggs in the nest. This species incubation of eggs around 60-0 days with a temperature of 88 ° F

In the state of Florida, Gopher listed as a species endangered. Gopher property in the state must have an official authorization. While in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, this species has been recorded in the list of endangered species.

Radiated Tortoise ( radiated tortoise )

Represents cash turtles are relatively large island of Madagascar. This species is known from Sokake in Madagascar. This species is considered the most people as the only species that is the most beautiful among the other turtles species. This species is a famous exotic animal kind.

The length of the carapace of this species can reach 41 cm with a weight of 16 kg. The male can be identified with a longer tail than females.

Kura-kura Radiated Tortoise

Radiated tortoise Tortoise Photobucket

Because of its beauty, the population of these species are declining. Allegedly, 45,000 species are killed each year for food. Moreover, the beauty of this species, it is often traded illegally. Therefore, this species is now a protected species in the world.

Elongated Tortoise ( Indotestudo elongata )

is a species of tortoise found in Southeast Asia. This species used to import massively. Even now, the species is still imported, but not in large numbers. This is probably because these imported species that come from the forest habitat of the parasite infected or difficult for the species to adapt to new conditions. Therefore, animals were imported less had many takers, despite the massive importation.

Kura-kura Elongated Tortoise

Elongated Tortoise Tortoise Elongated Tortoise by

Long These animals can reach 30 cm with a weight of 3.5 kg. Females are usually larger than males and have a shell that is more rounded than the males. Males have grooves / basin on the plastron, while females have a flat plastron only. Claw owned Females are generally longer and more curved than men, it is likely to facilitate the females make nests.

This species can be found in Nepal, Bangladest, India, Burma (Myanmar), Laos, Thailand (Phuket), Cambodia, Vietnam, West Malaysia, and southern China.

this species is a tropical species, and unable to survive in a cold climate. The animals are exported to Europe or North America in general will suffer and die.

Pancake Tortoise ( Malacochersus tornieri )

Type turtles that land has a flat shell. This species is native to Tanzania and Kenya. The name "Pancake" is derived from the shape of its shell were flat as pancakes.

size of the flat shell and flat, length is about 17.8cm. Owned the shell are usually brown, interspersed with different patterns of lines. This shell is very flexible, can be compressed so that it can pass through rock crevices. This species lay eggs once a year and usually just lay an egg.

Kura-kura Pancake Tortoise

tortoise Pancake Tortoise

These animals included in the list of Annex II Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora , which prohibits the import of these species. Kenya imposed a ban on the export of the species, unless they have written permission from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Tanzania also protect the species under the command of Wildlife Conservation (National Game). CITES has also imposed restrictions on the number of species that can be exported, while the European Union to impose an export ban on this species. Yet the trade in this species are still members of the European Union.

Brazil ( Red Ear Slider )

kura-kura brazil

theturtleroom red eared slider. com

bird was discovered in the United States and brought to brazil be maintained because annoy some red-eared slider in the release into the wild, but it produces a turtle of this kind developed fast and reduce the population of tortoises native to South America declined. The unique shape makes a lot of people in Indonesia terpincut by the beauty of these turtles, countless red-eared slider turtles in most that have people in Indonesia.

hope that what is presented here can be beneficial to you, like this article? share there.

Salam okdogi

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Peel treatments and character welsh corgi

Admin 19.01 Add Comment
Peel treatments and character welsh corgi -

Less known where the origin of welsh corgi breed just that. Some say welsh corgi is a shepherd type dog vallhaund derived from Sweden, who was caught in Welsh by the Vikings in 9-10 century. Some argue that Pembroke Welsh Corg i is a native dog Flandaria coming Welsh in the 12th century.

History where welsh corgi so ambiguous it seems the story that this breed is used to escape the nest of fairies and elves. It is said that in ancient times, there are two children who found the two welsh corgi male who they thought was the son of a weasel. They brought the animals home and on his way home, their parents make sure that the animal is a dog, and a gift from the fairies.

In the first, welsh corgi Pembroke is seen as the Sheepdog. Agility, speed, and intelligence to enable them to perform this task very well. Lovers Club dogs in the UK said the corgi is a purebred dog welsh corgi Pembroke in 1920 first exhibition in America in 1936.

The physical characteristics and character welsh corgi pembroke dog

Known welsh corgi dog in two varieties, namely pembroke and cardigan. The form and character of the two can be said to be the same, but the significant difference is the tail. While the long-tailed cardigan corgi born without a tail.

anjing pembroke welsh corgi

welsh corgi pembroke dog

Pembroke Welsh corgi has a body and short legs. Head shape resembles the head of a ferret. His eyes were dark oval. sharp triangular ears and feet. In general, corgi body height is 25-30cm from the ground to the shoulder, and weigh more than 15 kg.

welsh corgi

Pembroke with long double bermantel outer layer varies. They survive in cold or hot weather.

Variations in color corgi welsh dogs is red, tip black fur, white or light beige, three colors (red, black, brown), and the legs, chest, neck, stomach, white muzzle .

, including Pembroke Welsh corgi dogs were talkative, they like to express its feelings through barking. This breed is wary of people they do not know. welsh corgi dog , which is also often called PEM , including intelligent dog, agile, like to learn new things, as well as being a fun playmate for children.


Puppy dogs welsh corgi ideally be fed four times a day. Pemberiannya provided in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening around the time 10. For pembroke welsh corgi dogs adults, suggested giving ¾-1.5 cups a day is divided into two feedings. Keep in mind that many metabolic activity and your dog kebutuan also affect food intake.

dog dry food is given to appropriate corgi. Do not include the bones in their diet because it will cause intestinal disorders. Welsh corgi Pembroke also can not digest raw eggs and milk.

makanan pembroke welsh corgi

welsh corgi food

Welsh Corgi dogs require lots of high protein intake may be obtained from fresh meat . In addition, it contains omega 3 also be a good addition to maintain endurance. (Read: a diet that is important for your dog)

welsh corgi Pembroke including dogs who love to eat. You need to monitor the amount of food they consume.


With great energy and the nature of the underlying to bark, pembroke welsh corgi less suitable to stay in apartments or housing with the distance the adjacent house and require a large space. They can not be allowed to stay outside. This breed should be in the middle of the family in the house.

you can keep welsh corgi in both urban and rural weather, hot or cold. (Read: all kennels)

and health care

To energize and maintain their weight, welsh corgi requires a lot of sports and activities. Bring your dog for a walk out of the house every day for about 15 minutes.

welsh corgi breed rare disease. However, there are some common diseases in this breed. dog diseases include retinal atrophy, glaucoma and the problems of the hip joint ( hip dysplasia ).

perawatan pembroke welsh corgi

care welsh corgi

welsh corgi Pembroke include easy maintenance. Because many of their feathers fall, takes the sweeping at least once a week and only bathe when absolutely necessary. Nails welsh corgi should be cut once or twice a month.

Do not forget to clean his ears. Check and clean once a week. If you smell a bad odor or redness, possibility of ear infection. Consult a veterinarian if necessary. Clean the ears with a cotton swab and a special cleaning fluid carefully. Do not put anything in the ear hole.

process welsh corgi pembrok

By administering the portion of the wise, the food could be motivation to say the welsh corgi being you. Give a small snack every time they did a good job in return. (Read: Three basic methods to train dogs to obey)

welsh corgi Pembrok must be trained not to jump to and from locations that are high enough for them. Their body proportions are not able to move too high jump because it will damage their spine or legs.

Teach your dog to respect you. Corgi easily formed, but has a strong position. Training needs to do because they were children to educate them that you are their leader, not vice versa.

Take welsh corgi pembroke you meet so many people, they are the type of dog that feels comfortable around humans.

Salam okdogi

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Identify the dazzling partridge

Admin 18.00 Add Comment
Identify the dazzling partridge -

jungle fowl, as the name suggests is a kind of wild animal. Besides having a beautiful coat, can also sound an audible voice. Chicken Huta n the male feathers are more beautiful than the partridge females tend to have a dull coat color. The reason? Because during the breeding season, males show the beauty of the color of their feathers to attract females. Males have bright plumage as golden yellow, blue, bronze, orange, purple and green.

tail feathers arranged perfectly with a unique shape. jungle fowl Males also have a pair of spurs on his feet very sharp helpful paw the ground and is also used as a weapon to fight for women.

In contrast, considers that the air partridge women so dark, the color tends to dull like brown, dark yellow with some black and white mix. This view is useful as camouflage to avoid predators such as jungle cats, ferrets, snakes and other animals. Especially when the female should be silent incubation of eggs, the nest is located above ground. The hens are not conical spurs on his feet

There are currently four species of partridge spread in Asia, namely :.

  1. poultry red jungle
  2. chicken green forest
  3. poultry gray jungle
  4. Sri Lankan jungle fowl
  5. poultry red jungle ( Gallus gallus)

red jungle fowl

red jungle fowl is best known for the distribution is quite broad. From Pakistan, India, China and the countries of Southeast Asia to the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java and Bali

cock length ranges between 65-75 cm with a weight 0.7 kg -. 1, 5 kg. Although the size of the hen around 40-45 cm with a weight of about 0.5 to 1 kg.

ayam hutan merah

red jungle fowl

The specific feature which distinguishes it from other types of partridge is the head and comb little red jungle fowl. Long tail feathers, with black and green mix sparkled and there was a pair of tail feathers high that grows longer and curved, crescent formation . The lower body is also greenish black. His legs were thin bluish gray with curved and tapered spurs. The scales are also more subtle. Occurs fall feathers on the neck.

green jungle fowl ( Gallus various )

green jungle fowl is a type of partridge Indonesia is endemic Java, Bali, Lombok, Komodo, Flores, Rinca and smaller surrounding islands.

length of a rooster about 70-75 cm and a weight of about 0.7-1.5 kg, although the size of the hen weighs about 40-45 cm to about 0.5 0.8 kg and the production of eggs 3-5 grains / season.

ayam hutan hijau

green jungle fowl

symptoms are primarily the size of the comb is the largest compared to other partridge species and shaped blades are very large, pink with a rounded edge without serrations. Fur neck, nape and mantle grows short, rounded or slightly tapered and overlapping like scales, green, that can change. The lower part of the body and tail are black mixed with iridescent purple and green.

gray jungle fowl ( Gallus sonneratii )

ash jungle fowl shades is a kind of partridge is endemic in tropical forests of dry climates in India. Its habitat is the forest that are not too dense with grass little or no grass at all.

cock size around 80cm long and the female is smaller by about 38cm. Stud partridge size of most other types of partridge and can lay 4-7 eggs per season.

ayam hutan abu-abu


kususnya characteristics: a basic color black body with red spots land. The composition larger tail feathers with a tip and blunt legs are red. The most striking feature is chest hair that grows elongated white and expanded with a black ring around the edge of the feather pattern. Pattern and color of chest hair makes gray partridge female chickens at the beautiful plumage over cash partridge other females.

Sri Lankan jungle fowl ( Gallus lafayetii )

Sri Lankan jungle fowl is endemic animals that have limited distribution area in the island of Sri Lanka. A length of 66-73 cm range rooster weighing 0.8 to 1.2 kg. Females are much smaller, with a length of 30-35 cm and weighing 0.5 to 0.6 kg

Features :. At a black base color, with a golden yellow color neck and a dark orange color on the back, reddish yellow legs with rather straight and slender spurs. The characteristic of the jungle fowl Sri Lankan woman is in colorful feather wings between brown stripes and nest on the ground with 2-4 beige or brown eggs.

ayam hutan srilangka

partridge Sri Lanka

chicken is also used to eat live prey, so it can not consume power. Therefore, Srilanka partridge very difficult to maintain in captivity.

As a kind of wild animal, rather bother easy to maintain a partridge. The handling is required is different from other types of ornamental chickens to stay healthy. Partridge easily stressed and still cannibals. Shortly noted:


Cage is good for partridge should be complete for the comb when the tap is inserted is still strong standing as a beauty of the jungle fowl is also located on the comb. Cages should be washed once a week with water, and then the portions of the cage must also be brushed and dried in the sun with the position of the door and the roof of the open cage. chicken manure and feed residue forests should be washed every day or can be sprinkled with lime to prevent odors and away from harmful attacks. A place to put food and drinks should also be cleaned daily. Cages can also be sprayed with kerosene that is useful to expel Tungga.


Like a wild hen, they are used to eating insects or other small animals in the forest. Can be powered termites, crickets, centipedes, lizards, and small frogs. They also eat some seeds, grass shoots and berries that can be given about 2 times a day, ie morning and afternoon. Do not forget to give your fish oils, liver meal, bone meal and meat. Also must often be given a drink which is produced from turmeric. Give vitamins in the form vitahick and AD plex 3 days. If a sick chicken should be given intensive drug and must be quarantined, but if the chicken does not heal then the chicken must be destroyed.


Bathe chicken every day. To get rid of lice in chickens can be given flea or it could be a way to dip the chicken in the sand. Part partridge cut need to be frank, there is no harm if used to peck each other.


jungle fowl from the age of 2-3 weeks is estimated at about 100 to 500,000. Age 1-3 months valued around 250 thousand to 1 million. While the age of 4-6 months is estimated around 400000 to 00000. For partridge chicks champions rewarded with unlimited value, depending on the quality indukannya.

6 Know the most popular type of hamster Indonesia

Admin 16.59 Add Comment
6 Know the most popular type of hamster Indonesia -

For you who are confused want to keep animals, but are afraid of being "dirty" Now I have an idea to recommend a pet that can entertain us. These animals are very cute, not so inconvenient and certainly do not have to worry about going to "dirty". Yep, you know certainly. I mean the pet hamster. The animals were almost become a favorite of people as pets. Indeed, perhaps this hamster look looks like rats or guinea pigs. And some people think the hamster is actually the mice with another type that is a little more fun.

Well, here, I want to reiterate that the hamster has not rats or guinea pigs. Indeed, this hamster is included in the order of rodents or in other words are rodents as well as rodents, guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters etc but kind quite different. So do not worry. Easy to maintain the hamster as I said before do not mind is stable. Because we do not need a large cage that meets the place.

Initially it was a hamster animal experiments labotarium but can sangking gemasnya occurs many interested people who maintain that as an animal about the benefit. And the hamster is actually not from Indonesia. Hamsters are from the northern subtropics of Russia, Mongolia, North China and Syria.

But I say, you know that hamsters are nocturnal. Thus, during the day most of the hamster nah sleep or rest during the night hamster was active and to play, feeding, breeding, and so on. The question is a definite "and that delicious keep hamsters that different activities with the activities we?" Do not worry my friend! Hamsters are still active in the day. Only sometimes they sleep. You can spoil it by feeding them or get out of the cage can also sometimes done. All animals need to be interactive with humans that animals know they are yours and you menyanyanginya so that animals will love you and by you. Similarly, let alone hamster. Hamsters are very tame the real origin of the chip that you touch, just think PDKT.

Well, even hamster so, please do not buy any purchase. It would be nice if you want to keep the animals you have to know the details of the animal you want to keep. At the end of regret regret always comes too late (you know?) Hahaha well here, I will say more about types and hamster characters in Indonesia. So you can choose what type of hamster also want to be ready in the dungeon. Karna same as ours, hamsters also have different types and different characters. So let's look is not let regret hehe ..

Types of Hamster and characters are unique

Syrian 1.Hamster
hamster Syrian Why this name? Simple, because the hamster is derived from the region around Aleppo, Syria. Syrian Hamster This is the hamster that most of the other hamster, even until there is a "Giant Hamster" for hamsters of this type and female hamsters were larger than the male hamster know if frankly Syrian hamster , including the fact that wild animals should not be kept particularly in human traded perjual. But Syrian hamster is a hamster more in knowledge and love that many people, even very easily found in all company-shop pet. Why? Because of this hamster is a hamster that is easier to jinakan us quickly and we can hold without much noise Syrian hamster because this movement is unusually slow, for children too would have been happy if she keeps this hamster. So take it easy, no se Syrian hamster terrible it was.

jenis syrian hamster

Photo by
Syrian hamster

Then there is another name for this hamster Syria is "golden hamster" because of their golden yellow of real fur coat. But this Syrian hamster also has many color variations of color really simple patterns. And Syrian Hamster This is a hamster with the longest hair of another hamster called long hair and because cover the length sangking stomach as the length of the skirt is sometimes called Angora.

Syrian Hamster be as solitary or in the direction of the meneyendiri love so that home, she would not come out with other hamsters that are not confused! But if you, he wants anyway as long as you can make it comfortable hehe ..

English Name: Syrian Hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Mesocricetus auratus
Nickname: Hamster giant, Golden Hamster, Angora
body length. ± 16-18cm
adult Size: ± 12-20cm
age limit: ± 1.5-3 years
age Ready to Marry : ± 2-3 months
Pregnancy: ± 15-20 days
Characters: solitaires (living alone), easy on jinakan, do not like to bite

More Syrian hamster read the article here

. 2. Hamster Campbell
Hamster Campbell is also popular with Syrian hamsters because there are many people who love mini hamsters and hamster Campbell is a mini-hamster more active, adorable too, and more asiknya new price is the cheapest, you know!

hamster campbell

hamster campbell

hamster campbell has a designation as "hamster Mad" appeared to be a grumpy, irritable because hamster campbell really love bites especially if yet close to the owner. Their bites can hurt us until they bled, and after biting will be blurred so little unsuitable for young children keep the hamster. But if we could tame hamster Campbell with a touch of confidence and gentleness, you will never regret having hamster hamster Campbell Campbell because if it is already in your arms, it will be very active, obedient to move in search 'Warning. Well suited to friends in times of calm, hamsters Campbell has 19 kinds of variations that exist in the world following the example image and keteranganya.

jenis hamster campbel

sort of hamster Campbell (click to enlarge)

Normally Campbell hamster fur coat dark brownish yellow with a black band on the back and long hair around the feet, but also has a variety of interesting fur coat anyway. Want to know what color is it? Right here!

The hamster colors based Campbell

color patterns hamster Campbell

deskripsi warna hamster campbell

Click to enlarge

Color Patterns description

pola warna hamster campbel

click to enlarge

Coating hamster Campbell

pola warna hamster campbell

click to enlarge

And to know the different color variations hamster Campbell can be found below:

pola warna hamster campbel

click to enlarge


y = it

X = No can be a genetic basis

? = Genetically there, but few

English Name: Hamster Campbell
Latin name: Phodopus Cricetinae sungorus Campbell
Nickname: Mad Hamster, dwarf hamster Djungarian
Body length: ± 9-12cm
adult Size: ± 9-15cm
age limit: 2-3 years ±
age Ready to Marry: ± 2-3 months
pregnancy: ± 15-20 days
Character: colonize (Flocking life), like biting, active.

For more on hamsters Campbell read the article here

3. Hamster Winter White
Hamster Winter white or usually abbreviated with WW hamster is derived from the vast snowy meadow without trees in the northern region of Kazakhstan and Siberia. Hamsers and WW are linked with a Campbell hamster. Unlike the WW hamsters are smaller than in Campbell hamsters. And hamsters Campbell has only three color variations are normal snow is white, pearl and sapphire. But if the hamster WW placed in cold temperatures, by itself hamster WW will change the color of the white snow and will return to the color aslina at normal temperature. Naturally, because of the name, these hamsters are from snow zones until the predator was hard to recognize.

sapphire hamster

sapphire hamster

Like hamsters Campbell, the also famous WW hamster like to bite and even worse, he does not release his bite, but if you succeed menghambil its heart, it is very docile and very very funny, he'll jump into your hands without you must reapply for the real hamster WW is quiet and shy animals. Therefore, it bites like to defend himself because he was afraid. But unfortunately this is a termalas hamster hamster among other hamsters. He prefers to sleep weigh the game.

Funny thing, this hamster WW physical characteristics ears facing the back, so not tense and muzzle nose is longer than the Campbell hamsters. But what must be noted is winter white hamster fact only have 3 types of winter white agouti, winter white Shapire and winter pearl white, well what kind of WW we often hear these blue, gold, purple and pearl red eyes silver? they understand it the type of hybrid hamster obtained from ww cross and Campbell.

There are three easy ways to distinguish between ww hamster and a hybrid of the first ww the biggest and most important eyes hybrid and Campbell, who both ww has an eye near the ear while the hybrid eyes in the middle of his face is balanced between the nose and the ears, nose original final form ww is flat and the dibadingkan slightly shorter snout with hamster campbell and hybrid stand out, to be more clear we will examine image below

perbedaan campbell dan winter white

campbell difference and winter white

Remember the above image is a distinction based on authentic and campbell the original white winter because they already have many variants derived from crosses, it is difficult indeed to distinguish with the naked eye

English name :. Winter White Hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Phodopus sungorus Winter White
Nickname: WW Hamster, Hamster snow, Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster
body length: ± 9-12cm
adult Size: ± 9- 15cm
age limit: 2-3 years ±
ready to marry age: 4-5 months ±
Pregnancy: 20- ± 23 days
Characters :. colonize (life flocking), biting, shy, quiet, lazy

4. Hamster Roborovski
Roboroski hamster derived from Mongolia region Eastern northern mainland China. Hamster Roborovski hamsters are the smallest of the other mini hamsters. Very funny and cute. Taking us amused but comfortable. Although the hamster is the smallest, but make no mistake, it is precisely hamster Roborovski has the price is quite expensive.

Hamster Roborovski

Hamster Roborovski

Perhaps because badanya small and light, hamster Roborovski which is very agile so that we find it difficult to hold because these hamsters with a hamster is a bit difficult to jinakan when the hamster is more timid than the winter white hamster, but the difference between these hamsters do not bite, skills, it was quickly run away as fast as lightning . But when it is benign, he preferred to play on our bodies.

Roborovski Hamster has two fur coats that Agouti are white on the eye that looks like eyebrows and stomach, and in the nose of the region to back up brown sand gold. The second is the white face, the color of the hair completely white face, but there is also a bit of a gray stripe

English name :. Roborovski Hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Phodopus roborovskii
Nickname: Desert Hamster
body length: 4.5-5cm ±
adult Size: ± 4-5.5cm
age limit: 2 -4 years ±
Age Ready to Marry: ± 7-8 months
Pregnancy: ± 20-24 days
Character: colonize (life flocking), shy, agile

5 .. Hamster hybrid
hybrid Hamster is the son of the result with hubunga Campbell Hamster Hamster Winter White. The result of this relationship is actually very appropriate in the western region because it removes the authenticity and purity of a subspecies of Campbell hamsters and winter white. Therefore hybrid hamster is not the kind of pure.

Many say that the search for hamster hybrid is very rare, but it is not. They are very easy to find, but because many contradictions, it is difficult to find. In fact, the hybrid hamster will not be done by a Campel hamster and hamster winter white hamster aka hybrid can be derived from two Syrian hamster cross with Campbell hamster or other hamsters because they come from the subfamily is the same, namely Cricetinae terms.

Hamster had faded cream-colored fur coat mixed with subtle gray and white stripe on the back of the faded beige. There are also bright red ata gold. Many Indonesian people are interested in maintaining both hybrid hamster because of the uniqueness of a different color than the others.

Hamster hybrid is also very agile, scared but calm. Like biting, but not as bad as the winter white hamster or Campbell hamster. He also likes playing with humans if we are already in trust by him, but unfortunately hybrid hamster is more susceptible to diseases such as tumors or obese

English name: Hybrid Hamster
Name Latin: -.
Nickname: -
body length: ± 8-11cm
adult Size: ± 8-12 cm
age limit: ± 1-1.5 years
Age ready to married: -
Pregnancy: -
Character: colonize (life flocking) shy
disease, agile, easily affected

6 .. Chinese Hamster
Chinese hamster is very rarely encountered in Indonesia. Chinese hamster principally owned by the state of the West, particularly America and Britain. Chinese hamster is certainly from mainland China specifically in northern China and is also found in the area of ​​Mongolia. Many say the Chinese hamster hamster mini but it's unrated, Chinese hamster does have a mini body size, but it is not quite a mini hamster.

Chinese Hamster is so easy in jinakan. He was very friendly and quiet. Very easy to interact with. However, if you forcing him or make him uncomfortable, he will bite. But so far, Chinese hamster is the easiest animals to the invitation if at first be a little aggressive.

Chinese Hamster has no fur coat a lot, so it attaches directly to the skin. And there are two kinds of color variations for hamsers China is the normal color, gray with a clearly visible line of dark brown or black on the back and the color of the fur on the belly is white. And the second is the light-colored fur coat is white with black stripe dipunggung. Generally, Chinese hamster men have more weight than women

English name :. Chinese hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Cricetulus griseus
Nickname: Dwarf hamster Long-tailed
body length: ± 9-12cm
adult Size: ± 10-13cm
age limit: ± 2-3 years
Age Ready to Marry: ± 3-4 months
pregnancy: 15- ± 20 days
Characters: solitaires (living alone), friendly, quiet, friendly

Last ferret price list, an update on !!

Admin 15.58 Add Comment
Last ferret price list, an update on !! -

weasel is an animal that was not in the market to maintain. Well buddy want to preserve ferret kah? Because the market yet, be careful if you want to buy in fear circumvention know. Friends must know the price of the weasel how the hell leave when buying a buddy already well aware of the ferret market.

Price ferret that is down is the price that was taken in July 2015, this list may change at any time.

harga musang

The market price weasel

  • Musang Luwak

Musang Luwak or what we often hear, and pandan ferrets including cheap price. If my friend bought a baby ferret is still cheaper than Rp 250,000 -.. Rp 400,000 but if my friend wants to buy a ferret that has already cost quite mature and benign Rp . 450,000 - Rp 1,000,000..

  • masked palm civet

masked palm civet has a high enough price. Curiously, the price is still a baby ferret is more expensive than the price of adult ferrets. Price is always a baby ferret is Rp 1500000. - Rp 3,000,000 while prices for adult ferrets Rp 1,300,000. -. Rp.. 2,000,000

  • Musang Rase

Rase Musang has the cheapest price from the other muasng. Price ferret is still a baby or are already dewasaa same, namely Rp 150,000 - Rp. 400,000 only..

  • Musang Roots

Musang this root has the same price of the fox in which the price of a ferret is still a baby is Rp 1500000. - Rp 3,000,000 while prices for ferrets adults are Rp 1,300,000. -. Rp. 2,000,000.

  • Musang Binturong

Musang Binturong has quite disproportionate price that is Rp 5000000 -.. Rp 8,000,000 to harass infants and adults.

This is the price of five kinds of weasel known and most interest for people to maintain. All prices depend on how fat, fur quality, physical and other factors. Of course, the better the quality ferret it will be more expensive, is not it? Just be smart business. Hehe .. But seriously, keeping ferrets also really, really fun, guys!

Good luck yes, do not be fooled!

The factors that cause sore eyes and solutions cats

Admin 14.57 Add Comment
The factors that cause sore eyes and solutions cats -

The cause of cats suffering from, among others, is an eye sore where the cat's eyes are going to spend the excess fluid from her eyes. eye ​​disease in cats is a serious problem that needs to be noticed.

kucing sakit mata

pain cat eyes


Because if ignored can be bad for health and physical cat. You should know that the eye pain in cats in general can be caused by many things, including the following:

The common feature causes a disease cat eyes

1. during the production of

This condition is the result of the production of tears is over / redundant, according to information from various health services the expert eye of animals over production in the eye is a common (ordinary) occurs which, in explaining the adjacent cilia caused by the eyeball in cats.

treatment was good to overcome the problem of production in the eye is to use eye drops 2 times a day.

2. Nasolacrimal occlusion

eye ​​diseases are due to a tear drainage system blockage in cats, which can be called normal secretion also served to lubricate cat eyes are not going well. While this can cause cat tears are not fair.

eye ​​pain or anatomical defects can also affect the cat eye tissue becomes blocked for this type of eye pain is good use eye drops 3 times a day.

3. feline herpesvirus

feline herpes virus (FHV-1) is a kind of eye diseases caused Rhinotrachetis virus in cats virus called feline herpes caused.

Generally, this type of disease a regular target for cats under 8 months, this strain can also be somewhat unique because it can remain dormant for many years and can be lifted again when the immune cat becomes.

feature of the FHV-1 disease can katagorikan young cats with respiratory symptoms of shortness of breath, runny nose then occurs, mouth sores and changes in both eyes that any discharge in clear and cloudy.
However, for adult cats usually no respiratory symptoms, and there is an eye sore eyes affected them.

for the care and treatment of eye pain this type, you must use an ointment that is already in the mix with antibiotics and anti-viral drugs.

4. Conjunctivitis

For this type of eye disease, cat eye will be liquid, reddened and swollen even with some experience discharge. The disease is in the know can be caused by several factors, among others, environmental factors, and viruses.

For environmental factors are usually caused by grass, road dust and pollen in plants and the virus usually caused by a virus similar Eveline chylamydophila. The virus is usually very dangerous and deadly if the leave will lead to blindness in cats.

care / treatment of this eye disease can say is in need. For conjunctivitis is caused by environmental factors, you should use eye drops and eye ointment to the cat. But if your cat is experiencing conjunctivitis that is caused by the presence of dangerous viruses, then you should use the antibiotic that is already in the mixture eye ointment.

The use of eye drops should be used over the period of 2-3 hours, and the use of eye ointment and antibiotics used 3 times daily gradually over the 4 hour latency .

5. Worms eye

This type of eye disease is caused by thelazia californiensis (ver white eyes) nesting in parts of the eye. It is clear that this disease is not only experienced by cats only, including dogs, goats, cows and hamsters are also experiencing the same thing.

characteristic of this disease is the appearance of excessive tears and partly durtuk tear will look their berawarna white worm if the note. Besides the cat's eye will also experience sensitivity to light and can also develop conjunctivitis in general.

And according to medical science in animals that cyclical process a kind of worm thelazia that adults will impact spawning thelazia worms in the cat's eyes, which then turns into a larva.

larvae are housed in the cat's eyes normally be eaten by flies and it will affect the worse for the state of the cat's eye, why? Because flies that feed on the larvae menyababkan larvae that survive in the cat's eye thrive for 30 days.

Therefore, if the cat you adopt kinds of cat eye diseases Note and keep the flies eyes are attentive and cautious.

for appropriate treatment should use Antelmintika by injection at a dose of 0.2 mg and do the process by a margin of two weeks gradually.

may be useful successful greeting

recommended items

  • identification of diseases of your cat now
  • distamper Suspicious disease in cats


Make cat fleas from your cat!

Admin 13.56 Add Comment
Make cat fleas from your cat! -

Cats infected with fleas is a very common problem experienced by all cats, it is not only experienced cat owners who are beginners, but cat owners with a long cross in care for cats can be missed because the cat attacked by fleas.

there are many factors that cause a cat infected with fleas, a source of spread most often because some of the following:

  • infestation spread occurs because there is no contact with other cats or dogs already infected by lice.
  • lice can live in wood furniture in your home, they can hide and live there until a long time, if your cat closer furniture before they attack your cat.
  • If you have a garden, cats can be infected by fleas that come from fleas dogs, rabbits and hedgehogs.

Why do you need to eradicate the lice cats?

There are several reasons why you need to get rid of cat fleas

  • many types of cat fleas that can spread to human hair as well.
  • cat fleas can also carry tapeworm larvae growing in the body of the cat.
  • chips can cause injury or infection in the cat's skin.

If the infestation is too suck blood risk of cat the cat will become dangerous for the kitten anemic could even affect mortality.

Kucing menggaruk dirinya sendiri

Image source

Some cats are allergic to flea bites, you can often hear the cat you like screaming and scratching up blood. If this happened to your cat to the vet immediately met the closest to get more help

Read :. 8 types of ticks are a threat to your cat

cats we have lice?

Lice can come from anywhere, even from a closed room, many people think that if the house is always clean and covered fleas will not be there, but many cases of cat fleas may come from anywhere and can hide in your home furniture.

Well now how so that we know our cats infected fleas or not? Some cases are easy for us to know that our cats have been infected, there are also signs that are difficult to understand, therefore, let us discuss fleas common signs of our cats were infected:

  • the simplest way is paying attention when the cat suddenly looked surprised, then scratched his own chances of that caused by a tick bite.
  • when you pay attention to the neck and tail maybe you saw no reddish-brown animal, yes it is the cat flea. Usually lice can be difficult to see because they are similar to his own excrement.

When you realize that your cat infected fleas then how early is to comb your cat with a comb lice special cats, let your cat standing on white paper or a large white cloth so you can easily see all the fallen comb lice hair and the cat from head to tail. (Read: the proper treatment to prevent the loss of cat fur)

sisir kutu kucing

source image

Prevention is better than cure

the best way to avoid our cat is not infected fleas is to ensure that the environment around our free activity flea-chat. So what we need to do

  • Make sure we know a lot about ticks, with a little knowledge of this infestation will be our initial capital to solve this problem effectively.
  • Make sure the environment in which the cat activity remains clean, ticks usually live in carpets, beds and room for the wardrobe so take some time to clean the parts thereof on a regular basis.
  • the condition of a cat must always dressed, many believe that the condition of the cats that are less healthy more susceptible to lice. Therefore, make sure that the particular food intake is the best cat food.
  • Grooming regularly can eliminate fleas and bring back the remains of eggs attached dibulu cats lice. Frequent combing the cat's fur after bathing is also a way to get a cat to avoid infestation.
  • The most powerful means of eradicating lice shampoos and cats with special medications cat fleas, flea control, you can apply from the neck to the tail of a cat or a part some infected ticks.
obat kutu kucing

source image

eliminating these intruders as soon as possible

After considering the consequences adverse of lice soon as possible to care for the cats and the environment around you well, do this treatment can be carried out over several months.

  • First, get rid of the cat flea medications and shampoos, many products can you buy for the kill cat fleas. Follow the product instructions, usually you have to comb the first part of the infection, rubbing the infected part, but make sure that no liquid enters the area of ​​the eyes and ears of a cat.
  • Traditional medicine to kill lice is to use lemon juice and vinegar, both these fluids have an acid bath which makes the chips will not stand in the cat's body. Lemon and vinegar are also useful for wound healing and provide additional nutrients to keep skin soft and healthy cats. Tips you can do at home to prepare 1 lemon and pan containing 1 liter of water, lemon cut into pieces and dip it in water to a pot that has been waiting in the heat for 15 minutes then turn off . Let the lemon boil water at night, the next morning bathe the cat with lemon water, you can use a sponge to wet, if your cat has long hair like a Persian or Maine Coon, you can use a flea comb and drop dead fur.

    jeruk lemon untuk kutu kucing

    lemons for the cat flea

  • Second, make sure your own environment lice either inside the house or outside the house. If you pay attention to the external environment of your home is poorly maintained do not let your cat outside the house.

ended the discussion okdogi issue cat fleas, we hope that this article can be useful for us all.

Salam okdogi

  • How to bathe your cat at home
  • method of cleaning the cat's ears correctly
  • How to clean your teeth cat

How simple cleaning cat teeth

Admin 12.55 Add Comment
How simple cleaning cat teeth -

Unlike humans, in general, the cat can not clean their teeth while brushing teeth. But instinct in wild cats have their usual care of your teeth by chewing on a bone and grass in the streets. Therefore, you should be routine for cleaning your cat's teeth is when the cat is a domestic cat (pets).

menyikat gigi kucing


cat teeth cleaning is basically very important to do so for domestic cats. In order to maintain dental health and hygiene of the cat, then it should be done. However, if you do not clean your teeth cat regularly, rarely or never at all, then it will usually result in the gum is problematic, scale formation, poor tingling breath, plaque buildup is excessive, and so that after a fading and an abscess in the tooth.

What if your cat has a health problem on the teeth, as a trained cat not eat because they can not chew food. We recommend that you immediately action to clean the cat tooth brushing regularly with a qualified toothpaste specifically for cats.
This is how to clean cat teeth by brushing your teeth properly!

teeth cleaning cats properly and appropriately?

1. Provide tools and materials

alat dan bahan membersihkan gigi kucing


First provide tools and materials for cleaning or brushing your cat first. Like toothpaste that does not have a mint flavor or spicy flavor overload. My advice should use a toothpaste that tastes like cat food in the dough to be prepared to do this activity. For a toothbrush, and use a special brush for teeth cats that are sold in pet stores or can also use a children's toothbrush in humans.

2. Strong Hold the cat's head with the palm of the hand

cara membersihkan gigi kucing


If you have prepared a variety of equipment is needed to clean your cat's teeth. The first thing you do is Keep your cat's head with the palm of the hand, strong and powerful handheld but not too harsh. Then open your mouth while pressing both ends of the corners of the mouth with the thumb and middle finger you. your other hand can be used as a way to open the front jaw and lower.

3. Use toothpaste

pasta gigi kucing


After a mouth jaw open your cat, and the cat feels comfortable. We recommend that you apply toothpaste directly in all parts of the tooth surface. Then with the Mijat section massage gently with your finger. We recommend that you use a toothpaste that has the flavor of the meat in the pasta. Usually, each cat will love this type of toothpaste.

4. Use a toothbrush

sikat gigi kucing

to brush teeth cat

When all tooth surfaces rub with toothpaste. Furthermore toothbrush for your cat to use a "special toothbrush Cat" and use the method of horizontal / vertical movements for clearance on each tooth. Usually the cats tooth brushing can be done for a few seconds (about 30 seconds) until the teeth clean shiny cat.

toothbrush cats usually have the form of various kinds, among which there are toothbrushes in the glue on the tips of human fingers there is also a toothbrush consisting of a brush of a small child teeth in humans. (you can brush your teeth outside, inside and also above).

5. Offer rewards (reward) for your cat

menyayang kucing


once you brush your cat's teeth it helps you to praise for cats as gently stroked stroking treating or may be giving her favorite food. The goal is to be making any cat you do not experience stress after doing these activities.

Preferably in a cat cleaning or brushing teeth should be done regularly for cats who are still children (kitten). So if the cat has increased so they will be familiar and comfortable for these activities.

Generally cats teeth once in the brush by the owner, usually the cat will feel uncomfortable and refused when they want to clean her teeth. So to overcome this problem should be to introduce new cat in this activity can be done slowly and with kelembuta as well as patience. Usually the cat will feel comfortable after doing these activities are routine and gradually.

Okay, hopefully article on how how to clean cat teeth can be beneficial for you.

successful greeting

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