Siberian husky is an attractive dog, although the zoom in wild look like wolves, siberian husky is a very friendly dog. Apart from that the dog is also very nice, they have a character who is obedient, playful, and very intelligent compared to other dogs.
The single character of this dog is very much at all, except that they have the intelligence and tenderness, even zoom looks dark. Selebih of siberian husky can also live tropical region or climate, even if they come from a cold region.
However, although this dog has many advantages and uniqueness, they have a character that is exceptionally tough, so siberian husky is a dog that is quite difficult to be trained by the employer. The group of these dogs include the type of dog alpha dog who is a leader and always wants to come first as it does about the food, except for the Siberian husky is also not preceded by another dog.
While huskies are gaps stubbornly but dogs that sweet a lot of very nice things. For those of you who just have a siberian husky dog, two puppies or adult yuk refer wrote how merawatan siberian husky correctly .
Any need to take care of husky dogs
Siberian husky is a dog that is active and hardworking. In addition, they also have physical characteristics with long hair. Therefore, if you have a dog like this, you need to adjust the appropriate and balanced nutrition to their diets so that the dog's health can be maintained. (Read: healthy food for dogs)
In addition, you must be careful to choose foods, usually the food that contains too high cause itching in your dog proteins.
Due siberian husky had beautiful long hair, then you must also provide food nutrients such as vitamin E. function of food, which contained vitamin E stimulates the growth of hair on the dog you, more than vitamin E will also keep hair loss siberian husky you.
for more wary of hair loss on the nature, you should never use the dog foods that have high levels of excess salts in the food your dog because it would be fatal to the loss and health of the dog.
eat and drink
for feeding dogs siberian, you must use a food / drink special dogs for sale in various pet stores pet stores. In general, this will really help your dog to always know where the food for him.
Apart from that, you also do not forget to always clean up the food on a daily basis so that the dog food you place there Hyang bacteria can harm health in dogs. It is advisable to use a place to eat / drink dog made of stainless steel or ceramic steal because these materials are cleaner and easier to clean than the plastic to place the food. Some of the materials used to make the feed dogs can be dangerous for the Siberian husky, so make sure that the material used is safe.
If you want to keep your dog not to wander at random, then what you need to do is buy a comfortable cage. By providing a comfortable cage is generally the best way to teach a dog to toilet training, especially for husky dogs were still saplings (young age), because basically all dogs do not like shit or pee in the house alone.
outside the cage in dogs also give the impression of comfort when they are left alone by their employers in the house. Remember to always clean the cage you 2 days with dish soap, so no germs or harmful bacteria in the cage.
Also, you can give me a bed in a dog cage, so that they can comfortable bed. Our advice to use a bed that can be cleaned as with materials that do not absorb water.
Toy dogs can chew (chew toys)
Basically siberian husky dog is a friendly, active and playful. We recommend that if you have this dog, toys provide the best for them. because if you do not provide toys for them, maybe the furniture in your home as well as home equipment such as sofas and cabinets can they damaged later. Therefore exchanged toys for them like chew toy, this toy has a feature that will not damage your dog's teeth and is safe enough for you to ask him to play in the yard.
Collar and leash (leash dog special)
In addition to the toys you need to ensure your pet Siberian dog. You also need to buy a collar and leash for your dog so that it can learn and get used to walk using a special dog rope.
tool that is so you can keep your dog house when invited in the post midi / evening. use a necklace with a halter, this necklace is a type of connection to the dog's shoulders pressed. This will generally not hurt the dog's neck when they memberontaknya.
In grooming care to breed siberian husky dog swimming is compulsory at least once a month. Highly recommend using baby shampoo or special dog shampoo. because if you use a shampoo adults will result in the dog's fur to fall and as dull in general. Apart from that diligent diligent to comb your hair looks matted dog jikat, because if nothing will make your hair quickly become dirty dog and a bacteria outbreak in the body.
bathe dogs are also used to remove lice can cause itching and sores, dogs like siberian husky also require special shampoo to keep their fur to stay healthy and not fall.
General Questions
Food what the hell should not be given?
for husky dogs should avoid foods containing alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, grapes, avocado, pepper and salt. The food is generally very abstinence to give the dog Siberian husky because it will give a negative impact to the death of your dog. Although there are several types of foods that contain substances less dangerous that I mentioned earlier the better as far as possible, you should avoid.
any obligations when doing maintenance?
you really need to always clean the environment around you Siberian dog. Because, basically, siberian husky breed dog does not know when it is dirty or clean. Due to the warm weather climate in Indonesia, in general, the Siberian dogs are always very happy to play in the water around even on his own urine.
Well, if you ignore and allow your dog to be a dirty environment. So you also must be prepared to accept the risk terserangnya your dog by various diseases that can endanger the health of dogs, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses are deadly.
But when it happens, it is good that you should do first is to menggromingnya with a special shampoo provided in various pet shops and other pet stores. In addition, you can also take your dog to the vet.
Whatever you have to do to stay healthy husky?
The exercise is necessary to do to a dog you have maintained their health. But there are a few things to note. And in the provision of food. Do not let your dog be given dietary intake in excess, because excess food will endanger the health factor in dogs. takeran should use a balanced diet with nutrients that match and effective.
In addition, you must also complete a syringe vaccination when he was small. full immunization is a vaccine made with a variety of stages with as recommended by the vet gave. We recommend that if you have a new puppy is whether the dog has been vaccinated fully or only once.
Usually many errors between buyers dog with the seller, such seller dogs provide an explanation that the dog had been vaccinated so that buyers feel the dog was vaccinated to complete. More teliiti should reiterate that yes, the vaccine is already complete what has not. Usually dibuku vaccine has been shown between the new vaccine made once the vaccine has been done several times (full).
How to train a siberian husky dog?
For the Siberian dogs are still puppies basically you have to train the instinct to defecate or urinate house or yard. How to train, it's easy enough informed regularly taking her out of the house every morning / afternoon or when he wants to pee.
Well get used to it so when you are a coach, you have to use words such as the word "Yes", "No", "Good boy", "Good girl" and "Guys". If he had known briefly as described above, you will definitely be easier to train ketahap following.
Some of us, I hope this article useful doglovers yes.
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