For you who are confused want to keep animals, but are afraid of being "dirty" Now I have an idea to recommend a pet that can entertain us. These animals are very cute, not so inconvenient and certainly do not have to worry about going to "dirty". Yep, you know certainly. I mean the pet hamster. The animals were almost become a favorite of people as pets. Indeed, perhaps this hamster look looks like rats or guinea pigs. And some people think the hamster is actually the mice with another type that is a little more fun.
Well, here, I want to reiterate that the hamster has not rats or guinea pigs. Indeed, this hamster is included in the order of rodents or in other words are rodents as well as rodents, guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters etc but kind quite different. So do not worry. Easy to maintain the hamster as I said before do not mind is stable. Because we do not need a large cage that meets the place.
Initially it was a hamster animal experiments labotarium but can sangking gemasnya occurs many interested people who maintain that as an animal about the benefit. And the hamster is actually not from Indonesia. Hamsters are from the northern subtropics of Russia, Mongolia, North China and Syria.
But I say, you know that hamsters are nocturnal. Thus, during the day most of the hamster nah sleep or rest during the night hamster was active and to play, feeding, breeding, and so on. The question is a definite "and that delicious keep hamsters that different activities with the activities we?" Do not worry my friend! Hamsters are still active in the day. Only sometimes they sleep. You can spoil it by feeding them or get out of the cage can also sometimes done. All animals need to be interactive with humans that animals know they are yours and you menyanyanginya so that animals will love you and by you. Similarly, let alone hamster. Hamsters are very tame the real origin of the chip that you touch, just think PDKT.
Well, even hamster so, please do not buy any purchase. It would be nice if you want to keep the animals you have to know the details of the animal you want to keep. At the end of regret regret always comes too late (you know?) Hahaha well here, I will say more about types and hamster characters in Indonesia. So you can choose what type of hamster also want to be ready in the dungeon. Karna same as ours, hamsters also have different types and different characters. So let's look is not let regret hehe ..
Types of Hamster and characters are unique
Syrian 1.Hamster
hamster Syrian Why this name? Simple, because the hamster is derived from the region around Aleppo, Syria. Syrian Hamster This is the hamster that most of the other hamster, even until there is a "Giant Hamster" for hamsters of this type and female hamsters were larger than the male hamster know if frankly Syrian hamster , including the fact that wild animals should not be kept particularly in human traded perjual. But Syrian hamster is a hamster more in knowledge and love that many people, even very easily found in all company-shop pet. Why? Because of this hamster is a hamster that is easier to jinakan us quickly and we can hold without much noise Syrian hamster because this movement is unusually slow, for children too would have been happy if she keeps this hamster. So take it easy, no se Syrian hamster terrible it was.
Photo by
Syrian hamster
Then there is another name for this hamster Syria is "golden hamster" because of their golden yellow of real fur coat. But this Syrian hamster also has many color variations of color really simple patterns. And Syrian Hamster This is a hamster with the longest hair of another hamster called long hair and because cover the length sangking stomach as the length of the skirt is sometimes called Angora.
Syrian Hamster be as solitary or in the direction of the meneyendiri love so that home, she would not come out with other hamsters that are not confused! But if you, he wants anyway as long as you can make it comfortable hehe ..
English Name: Syrian Hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Mesocricetus auratus
Nickname: Hamster giant, Golden Hamster, Angora
body length. ± 16-18cm
adult Size: ± 12-20cm
age limit: ± 1.5-3 years
age Ready to Marry : ± 2-3 months
Pregnancy: ± 15-20 days
Characters: solitaires (living alone), easy on jinakan, do not like to biteMore Syrian hamster read the article here
. 2. Hamster Campbell
Hamster Campbell is also popular with Syrian hamsters because there are many people who love mini hamsters and hamster Campbell is a mini-hamster more active, adorable too, and more asiknya new price is the cheapest, you know!
hamster campbell
hamster campbell has a designation as "hamster Mad" appeared to be a grumpy, irritable because hamster campbell really love bites especially if yet close to the owner. Their bites can hurt us until they bled, and after biting will be blurred so little unsuitable for young children keep the hamster. But if we could tame hamster Campbell with a touch of confidence and gentleness, you will never regret having hamster hamster Campbell Campbell because if it is already in your arms, it will be very active, obedient to move in search 'Warning. Well suited to friends in times of calm, hamsters Campbell has 19 kinds of variations that exist in the world following the example image and keteranganya.
sort of hamster Campbell (click to enlarge)
Normally Campbell hamster fur coat dark brownish yellow with a black band on the back and long hair around the feet, but also has a variety of interesting fur coat anyway. Want to know what color is it? Right here!
The hamster colors based Campbell
color patterns hamster Campbell
Click to enlarge
Color Patterns description
click to enlarge
Coating hamster Campbell
click to enlarge
And to know the different color variations hamster Campbell can be found below:
click to enlarge
y = it
X = No can be a genetic basis
? = Genetically there, but few
English Name: Hamster Campbell
Latin name: Phodopus Cricetinae sungorus Campbell
Nickname: Mad Hamster, dwarf hamster Djungarian
Body length: ± 9-12cm
adult Size: ± 9-15cm
age limit: 2-3 years ±
age Ready to Marry: ± 2-3 months
pregnancy: ± 15-20 days
Character: colonize (Flocking life), like biting, active.For more on hamsters Campbell read the article here
3. Hamster Winter White
Hamster Winter white or usually abbreviated with WW hamster is derived from the vast snowy meadow without trees in the northern region of Kazakhstan and Siberia. Hamsers and WW are linked with a Campbell hamster. Unlike the WW hamsters are smaller than in Campbell hamsters. And hamsters Campbell has only three color variations are normal snow is white, pearl and sapphire. But if the hamster WW placed in cold temperatures, by itself hamster WW will change the color of the white snow and will return to the color aslina at normal temperature. Naturally, because of the name, these hamsters are from snow zones until the predator was hard to recognize.
sapphire hamster
Like hamsters Campbell, the also famous WW hamster like to bite and even worse, he does not release his bite, but if you succeed menghambil its heart, it is very docile and very very funny, he'll jump into your hands without you must reapply for the real hamster WW is quiet and shy animals. Therefore, it bites like to defend himself because he was afraid. But unfortunately this is a termalas hamster hamster among other hamsters. He prefers to sleep weigh the game.
Funny thing, this hamster WW physical characteristics ears facing the back, so not tense and muzzle nose is longer than the Campbell hamsters. But what must be noted is winter white hamster fact only have 3 types of winter white agouti, winter white Shapire and winter pearl white, well what kind of WW we often hear these blue, gold, purple and pearl red eyes silver? they understand it the type of hybrid hamster obtained from ww cross and Campbell.
There are three easy ways to distinguish between ww hamster and a hybrid of the first ww the biggest and most important eyes hybrid and Campbell, who both ww has an eye near the ear while the hybrid eyes in the middle of his face is balanced between the nose and the ears, nose original final form ww is flat and the dibadingkan slightly shorter snout with hamster campbell and hybrid stand out, to be more clear we will examine image below
campbell difference and winter white
Remember the above image is a distinction based on authentic and campbell the original white winter because they already have many variants derived from crosses, it is difficult indeed to distinguish with the naked eye
English name :. Winter White Hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Phodopus sungorus Winter White
Nickname: WW Hamster, Hamster snow, Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster
body length: ± 9-12cm
adult Size: ± 9- 15cm
age limit: 2-3 years ±
ready to marry age: 4-5 months ±
Pregnancy: 20- ± 23 days
Characters :. colonize (life flocking), biting, shy, quiet, lazy
4. Hamster Roborovski
Roboroski hamster derived from Mongolia region Eastern northern mainland China. Hamster Roborovski hamsters are the smallest of the other mini hamsters. Very funny and cute. Taking us amused but comfortable. Although the hamster is the smallest, but make no mistake, it is precisely hamster Roborovski has the price is quite expensive.
Hamster Roborovski
Perhaps because badanya small and light, hamster Roborovski which is very agile so that we find it difficult to hold because these hamsters with a hamster is a bit difficult to jinakan when the hamster is more timid than the winter white hamster, but the difference between these hamsters do not bite, skills, it was quickly run away as fast as lightning . But when it is benign, he preferred to play on our bodies.
Roborovski Hamster has two fur coats that Agouti are white on the eye that looks like eyebrows and stomach, and in the nose of the region to back up brown sand gold. The second is the white face, the color of the hair completely white face, but there is also a bit of a gray stripe
English name :. Roborovski Hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Phodopus roborovskii
Nickname: Desert Hamster
body length: 4.5-5cm ±
adult Size: ± 4-5.5cm
age limit: 2 -4 years ±
Age Ready to Marry: ± 7-8 months
Pregnancy: ± 20-24 days
Character: colonize (life flocking), shy, agile
5 .. Hamster hybrid
hybrid Hamster is the son of the result with hubunga Campbell Hamster Hamster Winter White. The result of this relationship is actually very appropriate in the western region because it removes the authenticity and purity of a subspecies of Campbell hamsters and winter white. Therefore hybrid hamster is not the kind of pure.
Many say that the search for hamster hybrid is very rare, but it is not. They are very easy to find, but because many contradictions, it is difficult to find. In fact, the hybrid hamster will not be done by a Campel hamster and hamster winter white hamster aka hybrid can be derived from two Syrian hamster cross with Campbell hamster or other hamsters because they come from the subfamily is the same, namely Cricetinae terms.
Hamster had faded cream-colored fur coat mixed with subtle gray and white stripe on the back of the faded beige. There are also bright red ata gold. Many Indonesian people are interested in maintaining both hybrid hamster because of the uniqueness of a different color than the others.
Hamster hybrid is also very agile, scared but calm. Like biting, but not as bad as the winter white hamster or Campbell hamster. He also likes playing with humans if we are already in trust by him, but unfortunately hybrid hamster is more susceptible to diseases such as tumors or obese
English name: Hybrid Hamster
Name Latin: -.
Nickname: -
body length: ± 8-11cm
adult Size: ± 8-12 cm
age limit: ± 1-1.5 years
Age ready to married: -
Pregnancy: -
Character: colonize (life flocking) shy
disease, agile, easily affected
6 .. Chinese Hamster
Chinese hamster is very rarely encountered in Indonesia. Chinese hamster principally owned by the state of the West, particularly America and Britain. Chinese hamster is certainly from mainland China specifically in northern China and is also found in the area of Mongolia. Many say the Chinese hamster hamster mini but it's unrated, Chinese hamster does have a mini body size, but it is not quite a mini hamster.
Chinese Hamster is so easy in jinakan. He was very friendly and quiet. Very easy to interact with. However, if you forcing him or make him uncomfortable, he will bite. But so far, Chinese hamster is the easiest animals to the invitation if at first be a little aggressive.
Chinese Hamster has no fur coat a lot, so it attaches directly to the skin. And there are two kinds of color variations for hamsers China is the normal color, gray with a clearly visible line of dark brown or black on the back and the color of the fur on the belly is white. And the second is the light-colored fur coat is white with black stripe dipunggung. Generally, Chinese hamster men have more weight than women
English name :. Chinese hamster
Latin name: Cricetinae Cricetulus griseus
Nickname: Dwarf hamster Long-tailed
body length: ± 9-12cm
adult Size: ± 10-13cm
age limit: ± 2-3 years
Age Ready to Marry: ± 3-4 months
pregnancy: 15- ± 20 days
Characters: solitaires (living alone), friendly, quiet, friendly
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