The cause of cats suffering from, among others, is an eye sore where the cat's eyes are going to spend the excess fluid from her eyes. eye disease in cats is a serious problem that needs to be noticed.
pain cat eyes
Because if ignored can be bad for health and physical cat. You should know that the eye pain in cats in general can be caused by many things, including the following:
The common feature causes a disease cat eyes
1. during the production of
This condition is the result of the production of tears is over / redundant, according to information from various health services the expert eye of animals over production in the eye is a common (ordinary) occurs which, in explaining the adjacent cilia caused by the eyeball in cats.
treatment was good to overcome the problem of production in the eye is to use eye drops 2 times a day.
2. Nasolacrimal occlusion
eye diseases are due to a tear drainage system blockage in cats, which can be called normal secretion also served to lubricate cat eyes are not going well. While this can cause cat tears are not fair.
eye pain or anatomical defects can also affect the cat eye tissue becomes blocked for this type of eye pain is good use eye drops 3 times a day.
3. feline herpesvirus
feline herpes virus (FHV-1) is a kind of eye diseases caused Rhinotrachetis virus in cats virus called feline herpes caused.
Generally, this type of disease a regular target for cats under 8 months, this strain can also be somewhat unique because it can remain dormant for many years and can be lifted again when the immune cat becomes.
feature of the FHV-1 disease can katagorikan young cats with respiratory symptoms of shortness of breath, runny nose then occurs, mouth sores and changes in both eyes that any discharge in clear and cloudy.
However, for adult cats usually no respiratory symptoms, and there is an eye sore eyes affected them.
for the care and treatment of eye pain this type, you must use an ointment that is already in the mix with antibiotics and anti-viral drugs.
4. Conjunctivitis
For this type of eye disease, cat eye will be liquid, reddened and swollen even with some experience discharge. The disease is in the know can be caused by several factors, among others, environmental factors, and viruses.
For environmental factors are usually caused by grass, road dust and pollen in plants and the virus usually caused by a virus similar Eveline chylamydophila. The virus is usually very dangerous and deadly if the leave will lead to blindness in cats.
care / treatment of this eye disease can say is in need. For conjunctivitis is caused by environmental factors, you should use eye drops and eye ointment to the cat. But if your cat is experiencing conjunctivitis that is caused by the presence of dangerous viruses, then you should use the antibiotic that is already in the mixture eye ointment.
The use of eye drops should be used over the period of 2-3 hours, and the use of eye ointment and antibiotics used 3 times daily gradually over the 4 hour latency .
5. Worms eye
This type of eye disease is caused by thelazia californiensis (ver white eyes) nesting in parts of the eye. It is clear that this disease is not only experienced by cats only, including dogs, goats, cows and hamsters are also experiencing the same thing.
characteristic of this disease is the appearance of excessive tears and partly durtuk tear will look their berawarna white worm if the note. Besides the cat's eye will also experience sensitivity to light and can also develop conjunctivitis in general.
And according to medical science in animals that cyclical process a kind of worm thelazia that adults will impact spawning thelazia worms in the cat's eyes, which then turns into a larva.
larvae are housed in the cat's eyes normally be eaten by flies and it will affect the worse for the state of the cat's eye, why? Because flies that feed on the larvae menyababkan larvae that survive in the cat's eye thrive for 30 days.
Therefore, if the cat you adopt kinds of cat eye diseases Note and keep the flies eyes are attentive and cautious.
for appropriate treatment should use Antelmintika by injection at a dose of 0.2 mg and do the process by a margin of two weeks gradually.
may be useful successful greeting
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