Each dog karater different, there is a dog that is very quiet very often heard them bark, type of dog as more friendly to everyone so it is easier for strangers to approach them without fear they strike, saw the body language of these dogs, they are more often plaintive request a touch, a hug and food.
There is another dog karater aggresive where a dog like this will often barking dogs as they have properties that have remained vigilant and suspicious of new people that they do not know, a dog like this game well in dog care that still-aggresive dogs, they will be spoiled by their employer.
now, we will not discuss their characters but we will dissect how the understanding of a dog's body language, knowing the language of the body will be easier to get closer to what they feel all days. We will discuss what we can learn
Learning to understand body language and dog behavior
Angered -. Do not try mendakati dogs if they are angry, you can listen to certain parts of their body that are changed when they are distracted, try to survive or try to attack.
- dogs who look foreign and Eve will lift the head to the tail parallel to the body, things are very suspicious of the tail will be brought up is a sign that their not like the presence of the person.
- Please note that if mengongong looked like crazy, but the spiral tail anus and genitals down them is a sign that they are just trying to survive and fear of the presence us.
- very angry dog will enforce his head and bark, raise its tail and very aggressive approach to the target market. If the tail standing but their front legs slightly bent is not a sign of them survive, this is a sign that they find time to throw away.
angry dog
Want to play - Dogs have also behave differently when they are ready to play, no change in their body language such as the eyes, the movement of the tail and standing for them.
- Usually the dog feels happy to be shaking its tail and pull the tongue, if their body slightly bent so that the signal they are ready to play with us. Meaning eyes wide open leads to an object is a sign that they are simply curious about the subject these days are also suitable for that we invite them to play.
dog wants to play
Stress - Just like dogs humans can get bored or worse you they could be stress, stress that the dog is because many factors may be due to tick bites are very disturbing, the noise from the ownership of the equipment or car horn, the latter may be due to a lack of attention of his employer. How is a sign that the dog is bored or stressed consider the image below.
- Dogs who are bored seek a not much activity, yawning and dozing is the preferred position when they are bored.
- Ticks are parasites that very disturbing mood dogs, a dog infected tick bites will be more scratching and licking their own body parts. (Read: how to kill fleas without flea medication)?
canine stress and boredom
Shy - Function shy and timid dog was little different, these two characters will be seen by their body language are almost the same. When dogs feel the fear and shame that they will lower his ear parallel to the head and they will be looking for a place to memojok, a dog like this will try to appear small for the animals are dominant see that they are not opposed.
timid dog
happy - dogs are generally happy to be seen when they pull on the tongue and tail tics as I described earlier. Press the tail or the warm touch of the dog is also a sign that they were happy and very happy where you are close.
Dog Happy
Some items okdogi was created, being able to read on the dog's body language This will our relationship and they would be better because we can understand their condition.
means the movement of dogs
- tail hung -. this is when the dog is in aggressive conditions, it could be that they feel disturbed by our presence or mood that they are not good at this stage, they are ready to attack
- the tail of the dog to move to the right and left quickly -. the dog is in a state of relaxation and calm, they are ready to invite him to play
- the dog's tail moves slowly and head down -. this shows that your dog can understand the conditions around them, they might feel curious about something or suspect the arrival of the object or person
- the tail of the dog down, came into feet Selah - fearful or anxious dogs will do this, they could also feel pain in his body. If this is the case with your dog immediately choose what the cause, between the vet to be sure.
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