Cats infected with fleas is a very common problem experienced by all cats, it is not only experienced cat owners who are beginners, but cat owners with a long cross in care for cats can be missed because the cat attacked by fleas.
there are many factors that cause a cat infected with fleas, a source of spread most often because some of the following:
- infestation spread occurs because there is no contact with other cats or dogs already infected by lice.
- lice can live in wood furniture in your home, they can hide and live there until a long time, if your cat closer furniture before they attack your cat.
- If you have a garden, cats can be infected by fleas that come from fleas dogs, rabbits and hedgehogs.
Why do you need to eradicate the lice cats?
There are several reasons why you need to get rid of cat fleas
- many types of cat fleas that can spread to human hair as well.
- cat fleas can also carry tapeworm larvae growing in the body of the cat.
- chips can cause injury or infection in the cat's skin.
If the infestation is too suck blood risk of cat the cat will become dangerous for the kitten anemic could even affect mortality.
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Some cats are allergic to flea bites, you can often hear the cat you like screaming and scratching up blood. If this happened to your cat to the vet immediately met the closest to get more help
Read :. 8 types of ticks are a threat to your cat
cats we have lice?
Lice can come from anywhere, even from a closed room, many people think that if the house is always clean and covered fleas will not be there, but many cases of cat fleas may come from anywhere and can hide in your home furniture.
Well now how so that we know our cats infected fleas or not? Some cases are easy for us to know that our cats have been infected, there are also signs that are difficult to understand, therefore, let us discuss fleas common signs of our cats were infected:
- the simplest way is paying attention when the cat suddenly looked surprised, then scratched his own chances of that caused by a tick bite.
- when you pay attention to the neck and tail maybe you saw no reddish-brown animal, yes it is the cat flea. Usually lice can be difficult to see because they are similar to his own excrement.
When you realize that your cat infected fleas then how early is to comb your cat with a comb lice special cats, let your cat standing on white paper or a large white cloth so you can easily see all the fallen comb lice hair and the cat from head to tail. (Read: the proper treatment to prevent the loss of cat fur)
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Prevention is better than cure
the best way to avoid our cat is not infected fleas is to ensure that the environment around our free activity flea-chat. So what we need to do
- Make sure we know a lot about ticks, with a little knowledge of this infestation will be our initial capital to solve this problem effectively.
- Make sure the environment in which the cat activity remains clean, ticks usually live in carpets, beds and room for the wardrobe so take some time to clean the parts thereof on a regular basis.
- the condition of a cat must always dressed, many believe that the condition of the cats that are less healthy more susceptible to lice. Therefore, make sure that the particular food intake is the best cat food.
- Grooming regularly can eliminate fleas and bring back the remains of eggs attached dibulu cats lice. Frequent combing the cat's fur after bathing is also a way to get a cat to avoid infestation.
- The most powerful means of eradicating lice shampoos and cats with special medications cat fleas, flea control, you can apply from the neck to the tail of a cat or a part some infected ticks.
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eliminating these intruders as soon as possible
After considering the consequences adverse of lice soon as possible to care for the cats and the environment around you well, do this treatment can be carried out over several months.
- First, get rid of the cat flea medications and shampoos, many products can you buy for the kill cat fleas. Follow the product instructions, usually you have to comb the first part of the infection, rubbing the infected part, but make sure that no liquid enters the area of the eyes and ears of a cat.
- Traditional medicine to kill lice is to use lemon juice and vinegar, both these fluids have an acid bath which makes the chips will not stand in the cat's body. Lemon and vinegar are also useful for wound healing and provide additional nutrients to keep skin soft and healthy cats. Tips you can do at home to prepare 1 lemon and pan containing 1 liter of water, lemon cut into pieces and dip it in water to a pot that has been waiting in the heat for 15 minutes then turn off . Let the lemon boil water at night, the next morning bathe the cat with lemon water, you can use a sponge to wet, if your cat has long hair like a Persian or Maine Coon, you can use a flea comb and drop dead fur.
lemons for the cat flea
- Second, make sure your own environment lice either inside the house or outside the house. If you pay attention to the external environment of your home is poorly maintained do not let your cat outside the house.
ended the discussion okdogi issue cat fleas, we hope that this article can be useful for us all.
Salam okdogi
- How to bathe your cat at home
- method of cleaning the cat's ears correctly
- How to clean your teeth cat
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