Types Most favored Catlovers Persian cat

Admin 11.05
Types Most favored Catlovers Persian cat -

There are some time we talked about the kind of the funniest pet cats and friends with your family. In this article, we mentioned that the type of cat that is most sought after in Indonesia is a Persian cat. Persian cat is always ahead of demand compared with the Angora cat, so it is very interesting to learn more about the types of Persian cat, which can be kept at home.

Persian cat is a cute cat that has the ability to live between 10 to 15 years. Flavor has a typical appearance of a unique and funny, even assuming that there is a cat doll. Pawakannya large with round eyes and head and small ears, but has the nerve to Gembul Persian cat called cat cubby. This unique Persian cat has several different views so that Indonesia only know there are four types of Persian cats can be maintained properly. Want to know what kind? Here are the details of the discussion.

The Persian-type cat type favored in Indonesia

Currently in Indonesia, there are 4 types of Persian cat who became an idol for pets at home. These four types of Persian cat is a kind of Himalayan persian, peaknose, Flatnose and medium persian. 4 types of Persian cat is characterized by the physical differences that can be observed directly.

1. Himalayan Persian type cat

gambar kucing persia himalaya diantara jenis-jenis kucing persia
Himalayan Persian cats known as Colorpoint patterned cat species. Colorpoint means the cat breed type where his body is a mixture of Persian and Siamese cats / Siamese. Persian Himalayan easier to recognize compared to other types. Its main feature is to have a black color only on the ears, ears, nose, tail and toes and on top of the white color of the body to the neck.

2. Persian type cat Flatnose

gambar kucing persia flatnose
Persian cats of this type gets its name because of the condition of the snub nose. Actual terms pug nose makes the Persian cat becomes funnier because of his fat cheeks Gembul this cat like a doll. There are people who are still confused to distinguish between the Persian and Persian cat Flatnose peaknose. The two are almost similar, but more nggemesi peaknose Persian cat compared Flatnose

3. Persian type cat Peaknose

gambar kucing persia peaknose, kucing peliharaan
Cat Flavor peaknose is the type most favored in relation to other types of other Persian cat. Persian cat peaknose has popolaritas higher than other types in several races in cats in Indonesia. Pembawaanya calm cat makes this type, it should be kept at home. Persian cat nose peaknose more in comparison with pug nose Deflated, snub nose even more expensive. It is inversely proportional to the circumstances that have occurred among humans huh? if man if he had a flat nose instead diejekin but if the cat has written, even nggemesin hahaha ..

Read also: why expensive Asalan peaknose cats

4 Type medium Persian cat

gambar kucing persia medium diantara jenis-jenis kucing persia
This mode is a little bear, not a snub nose and also pawakannya not like the Persian Himalayas. Some persian means a / shor short hair coat but adajuga long hair. In Indonesia, the types of environment not always able to persia rival Flatnose and peaknose.

This type of Persian cat dearest Indonesia

Of the four types of Persian cat, which was discussed above surely you curious to know what type is the price high? High price is directly proportional to its popularity is certainly where the kind of Persian cat peaknose one that many fans, so the price has also skyrocketed. Some of our observations peaknose persian cats as young as 3 months, the price reached 3-3500000 rupiah. Prices will be higher if his body starts a little bigger or upturned nose when his face began menggembul. value of cats will also be higher if it had won races cat is now in the grip held by cat lovers

Read also :. The type of pet cats that are safe for your child

and information about the Persian cat can tell you. Keep your cat's health status and the process as possible because cats are our friends. Good information on the types of Persian cat is add your insight or help you choose the type of cat that match your criteria.

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