Laying hens itself is -ayam high adult female chickens only to take their eggs. For poultry eggs, selected type of laying hens to feed is very important because a major effect on profits. Laying hens even many types, there are able to lay more eggs and other meat that could be used. But broadly, known for laying hens 2 groups: Type Ras chicken and chicken Buras Laying Laying . What is the difference
Ras laying hens
Pose or people Broiler - people often call it the chicken of the state is the chicken from crosses of various types genetic chicken in the world / import of chicken. In each crossing, farmers will be eliminated in a bad mood and good nature will be preserved. To produce a superior laying hens are able to produce more eggs, but in a relatively short time. A layer of chicken Ras can produce about 250-280 eggs per year. Broiler will start breeding at the age of 5 or 6 months and may continue to lay eggs until the age of 10-12 years. However, usually the best production of chicken eggs Ras occurs in the first year. Oh yes, chicken Ras also have properties for egg incubation
Chicken race itself subdivided into two types, namely :. Layer Chicken Race Broiler Laying light and medium. Here is the explanation.
Laying White (White Leghorn)
Why white laying hens? Because the chicken is indeed pure white feathers and their eggs are also produced white and red comb. These chickens are classified as soft egg that body shape is sleek and slim, it is intended not only to lay eggs to produce meat. These chickens are able to produce more eggs than 260 eggs per year.
But the weakness of the types of chicken are sensitive to heat and agitation that made the chicken so jumpy impact the amount of egg production decreased. pure strain or ancestors are the kind of white chicken Leghorns origin of Tuscany, central Italy. A laying hen actively and effectively to produce 280 eggs per year
Examples of chicken strains, commonly known among others :. Babcock B 300 Dekalb XI-Link, H & W Nick White Hisex, Hubbarb Leghorn, Ross White and Shaver S 288. But white Hisex strain is the largest producer of eggs is 288 grains per year with about 62 grams of egg weight.
Plymouth rock (Barred Rock)
Chicken is suitable for you who are just learning bebisnis laying hens, because the chicken is more cendrerung easy to maintain, and more unusually strong endurance. A Plymouth Rock may issue 0 eggs per year. Their eggs are more small than other types of chicken. Plymouth Rock dominated the gray fur with white stripes almost all over the body. Plymouths is a large bird that is much better suited for the usual chicken dibiyarkan freely in the wild in search of food. Sussex as they are birds were very friendly which can be easily tamed.
chicken Plymouth Rock
Laying Brown (Hybrid)
color feather is brown and egg products are also brown. This chicken rather heavy weight about 2 kg, but not as heavy as the meat of broilers, but can also be sold and taste better than broiler meat. That's why chicken is also included in the type dual use, the production of eggs and meat.
Hybrid chicken
This chicken is more calm, not easily shocked and egg size which is derived also greater than white laying hens, so the price of brown eggs more expensive. Examples of these known common chicken strains, including: Babcock B 380, Hisex Brown, Hubbarb gold Cornet Roos Brown and Shaver Star Cross. But the size of the largest egg of the Babcock B 380 strain with a weight of 64 grams and produces about 260-275 eggs per year.
Rhode Island Red
this chicken came US chicken is unusual in animals for the purposes of eggs and bacon. They are one of the descendants strong famous chicken extreme conditions and able to produce many eggs, eggs in total production is 250 perekor chicken eggs so can not imagine how you have more than 100 chicken.
chicken Rhode Island Red
Contrary to their name, Rhode Island Reds have the brown and black fur to give them the appearance of a little darker, as said before their famous hard chicken, chicken was also friendly, especially with penggurus their cages.
as Rhode Island Red, a lot of people raising chickens goal is to get eggs or meat. A Sussex capable of laying 250 eggs per year. colored eggs vary from brown to white.
Sussex chicken
Sussex may have eight different colors, the most common, often do you find is pure white body with a fur collar and black tail. They are very quiet chicken, sussex can look for food in the park without breaking the bank! If you menginginkanayam tame that will eat into the hands of Sussex is the right choice.
native Laying Chicken
Often also called a local chicken, is a type of chicken that has been naturally could spawn its own, without the interference of man. So chicken is not the result of a cross like a chicken race, despite that domestic poultry is considered to have a higher lifetime compared to broilers, especially against environmental conditions change - change. Unlike the Ras chicken, chicken Buras was incubated properties and may also be made in the grill. Here is a type of chicken that was laying hens, being able to produce eggs in large quantities.
Ayam Kampung
This type is most recognized by the public. fur color varies, smaller body shape Ras chicken, but more agile. A chicken can produce about 115 eggs per year, with a weight of smaller eggs Ras chicken which is about 43 grams per egg. usual chicken egg incubation for 21 days.
chicken Kedu
local chickens in Central Java of, can also be made in laying hens for egg production up to 0 eggs a year. Kedu chickens begin laying eggs at the age of 4-6 months, the brownish color of cream eggs. Furthermore Kedu black and some are white and black mixed Kedu but more productive than other types. Chicken Kedu also easy to maintain and the new terhada jugacepat adaptability to the environment.
chicken Kedu
Arabic chicken
this chicken saw two types of colored fur, namely: silver (shiny white feathers) and gold (red pen). Arab chickens capable of laying 10-250 eggs per year, which begins at the age of 5 months and get the best quality when it was already eight months upwards. The eggs of Arab origin chicken tend to produce more white on the contrary, the result of crossing of Arab chicken eggs more brown. So many people keep chickens as the United Arab chicken result of the original crossing. Arab dagingya chicken was not too excited because of the color of meat and chicken skin is a little dark.
laying hens arab
Ayam Nunukan
also known as the Chinese chicken because it would have come China's land, a typical chicken not fully developed tail / short, as if cut off. But high productivity of the egg is the Nunukan long tail. Nunukan chickens are able to produce 0-140 eggs per year with a fairly large egg size of about 40-60 grams per egg. These chickens begin laying eggs around the age of 5-6 months.
laying hens via Nunukan
Yep, the information of a kind of laying hens are usually known to the public. So either Ras laying hens and egg-laying chickens Buras has the advantages of each. Ras laying hens are greater in number than chicken eggs bibitannya Buras products and cheaper, so that commercial farmers / breeders prefer this type of large Ras chicken. While the upper Buras Chicken for endurance and maintenance in the appeal of the chicken race, making it more suitable for breeders house / small scale.
Some information on the types of laying hens that have to know you as a businessman chicken eggs, hope this information can help you pick the chickens are suitable for you to keep.
See also
- identify the charming partridge
- 15 Type ornamental chicken with picture + picture
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