Always talk about seputaran hamster Before you continue reading this article if you already know the types, how to take care also of good food for hamsters? otherwise please read the topic in the article below.
- Know the 6 types of popular hamsters in Indonesia
- Menu best food for hamster
- 10 daily maintenance Important for hamster
Caring hamster may seem very difficult and painful, again to buy a few things that needed to keep the hamsters in good condition and happy hamster requires a lot of expenses.
But make no mistake, keep the hamsters in fact, it has been very beneficial for us. If we are already used to feed and care for her hamster does not really care about what was my friend read even looking lovely companion. Of course, the problem is the cost. Do not worry my friend! maintaining your hamster could take a very promising fortune is with breed hamsters . So how exactly how good hamster cattle? Okay sip see are sister!
The initial stage of breeding and culture of hamster
hamster Selection
The first step is to choose a hamster is very important for the beginner who wants breed hamsters I recommend choosing a hamster Campbell because the price is average relatively cheap and easy to handle, even if it is a little grumpy hamster Campbell. But my friend would freely choose a custom hamster pal. But I suggest again to choose a good hamster choose a female hamster is agile and has a good appetite and a healthy posture and already aged 4-11 months because it was less than 3 months in a child worried that product will be low and growth is below the maximum, and this can also lead to stress because the mother got pregnant at a young age. Then choose a male hamster that have large buttocks which proved that the hamster is fertile. And I stress the hamster must marry the same type but should not be so blood. Why? Because inbreeding can trigger genetic abnormalities in babies produced. Examples such as prematurity, birth defects, and the poor state of the hamster and it can be hard on the life of a hamster for 8 months. But that will not happen if my friend can deal with a hamster buckwheat who are pregnant and giving birth, but much better, avoid inbreeding.
Syrian Hamster
Syrian Hamster is already ripe for inbred when she was 2-3 months, as I said earlier is better not inbred before age 3 month upwards. For women Syrian hamster fertile period, once every 4 days and the female Syrian hamster generally want to marry in the evening at about 20:00 to 05:00 dawn. The characteristics of the Syrian hamster woman willing to marry with will scratch your back and lift its tail upward with his eyes half closed. Child which is derived in a coupling can reach 6-10 tail, it depends on the age and quality of the men and women
Hamster Campbell
For hamsters Campbell was allowed minimum inbred 3 months. Hamster Campbell reached the fertile period once every 3 days, try if you want to get married Campbell hamster types when the male hamster age is older than the age of female hamster.
In the breeding process hamsters Campbell, prepare a box for a pair of hamsters and enter the first male hamster alone for 2-3 days after entering female hamsters were ripe for marriage. The next habit of treating these hamsters before mating is male hamster will smell the female hamster particularly the genitals, and if a match is long enough then the male hamster conscience is getting married woman hamsters.
Hamster Winter White
Hamster Winter White inbred loan at the age of 4-5 months. Hamster Winter White is not very different from Campbell hamster. Even fertile period, once every 3 days. In the process of hamster-biakannya promoter winter white hamster is approximately Campbell.
Hamster Roborovski
Hamster Roborovski ready inbred at the age of 7-8 months. But if she is 6 months old mostly been able to inbred hamster Roborovski because in fact it is the age of sexual maturity at the age of 5-6 weeks, but it's new to be biakannya in bloom at the age of 6-7 months, so that at this age the mature female hamster and strong enough to produce children and care for her child and would become sterile after 2 years. The fertile female hamster Roborovski is every 4 days and remain fertile within 12 hours where marriages can take place in the sense that it is a challenge to male hamster marry a female hamster in the fertile period because the male hamster successfully get can already be sure that the hamster women become pregnant. If for a male hamster will always be fertile throughout their lives.
Many breeders say the Roborovski hamster Roborovski hamster females do breed successfully until the following spring. This allows us to ensure that the Roborovski hamster mating season is spring and summer, which correspond to an increase in day length or temperature. Artificial lighting and heating can change this hamster breeding season and can be stretched throughout the year. But they can limit to continue to produce eggs because they have to provide for the child permanently. And remember, to marry this kind of male hamster hamster test larger than the female hamster. Female hamster Roborovski can produce eggs every 4 weeks or more and can produce 3-5 cubs alone in a companion.
Hamster hybrid
Since the hybrid hamster is the result of crossing very appropriately by the world, so of course, this hamster should not be in the cultivation of flowers. And of course hamster hybrid is rare that we can meet as it is actually very in keeping hamsters for the reason I mentioned in a previous article.
Chinese Hamster
Chinese Hamster ready to marry at the age of 3-4 months, but as I have described above is better inbred at the age of 4 months.
developers How biakannya like hamsters Campbell and Winter White.
How to know the sex of hamsters
Hold your pet hamster and gently and slowly turn the hamster in the palm of your hands let him lying on your hands stay with the treatment of love.
Watch your hamster genitals
Men :. Having two separate holes about 1 cm ^ 1_2. The lower part will be more elongated. Usually, the male hamster look larger than the female hamster, but not always
Women :. Make 2 holes are very close even grip and has 4 nipples
image clarasarchan.
If the reverse hamster pal pal difficulties at hand, trying to get into the plastic and look through the plate with care. This can save time boyfriend to watch the kind of hamsters.
marriage Process hamsters years 3-4 weeks because if observed before this age mate will trouble distinguishing the sex of hamsters. hamster
Previous surely we must unite our hamster in advance, the way is to make a special enclosure for their mating process. So usually give a partition in the middle, preventing the feud between female hamsters with male hamsters when they are directly united despite quarrels usually lasts 2-3 days and will not cause injury, but would be much better if separate first contiguous least about 1 week old female hamster that will not stress and they can know the smell.
Having united will usually male hamster sex sex kissing female hamster. Usually the female hamster will behave a bit difficult to get, he will not live just to get married. But he would have kept running in order not to marry and the male hamster will continue to pursue the female hamster.
Process chase chase it usually depends on the female hamster, if tired to run, we shall go and ready for marriage. hamster wedding could happen during the three weeks or it could just once, depending on the design of a hamster as your pet.
Then, if the hamster has been satisfied, they will lick the genitals of the other.
mating process usually takes 15 minutes and after that female hamsters will clean.
If a pregnant female hamsters are already visible, immediately separate male and female hamster in a different enclosure. It is the intention that female hamsters do not feel disturbed and threatened menimbulan stress so that later she can give birth to her children as well.
Give eating and drinking on favorite pal hamster regularly and well as I described in my previous article on the hamster's food menu. The food was highly recommended when grown hamster are foods containing eggs as a source of protein foods, eggs are high in protein will excite the pair to mate and last hamster yeast, yeast why? because yeast will hamster relax and not strees during the recovery process, the hamster kesetreesan level is one reason why many farmers hamster has not successfully reached the target culture, give foods that contain yeast such as snack for hamsters, bread or give half a tablet of vitamins dogs or cats containing vitamin B because certainly a lot of the content of the yeast was there too.
foods containing yeast useful for hamsters
Livestock Coop
already as I also explained in previous articles on treating a hamster cage that is good and healthy. I underline once again just as in the replacement of sawdust greatly in number united yes so do not be lazy.
Not only the man who could polygamy, but hamsters can also polygamy or otherwise mate with several females hamsters. Here are some of the most important points of use or the type of cages when they want to maintain the process of coupling pal hamster.
Cages for animals can be a cardboard box chain has been my friend, you can also use an aquarium glass or plastic. But let me not bother my friend, try the enclosure that can make the hamster dirt falls down so that my friend will be easier to clean.
stables can be by
Make sure that the stable free PAL rats , kuncing and other animals. Make sure the cage is also to be safe, clean and comfortable. Make sure the stables no escape for fuzzy hamster in one direction out of the cage, determine the number of pairs that will be in cattle.
If my friend wants menernakkan 10 hamsters then quite a hamster in one cage for mating process. Usually if you want menernakkan 10 hamster hamster ideally 2 male and female hamster rest. And do not forget! If the hamster similar, but not blood that yes in a cage. If the mating process was completed and the visible hamster females already pregnant female hamsters immediately separated and blasphemy.
But other female hamsters were also pregnant should also be separated so to avoid a quarrel because of fear of threats and childbirth process will not be easy. Cage can be either shoveling or wall paint cans of 5 liters of savings and it is love strimin muzzle for each individual pregnant female hamster. Then, in the rice fields of dami love caged or corn husks, dried and used as sawn wood base. And if more pregnant hamsters are not waiting with their hands, but take with a spoon because hamsters are pregnant tend to be more sensitive and fierce.
Okay, there is a point in terenting breed hamsters .
I wish you successful and highly profitable business with, but do not forget me yes! Hehehe good luck
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