Less known where the origin of welsh corgi breed just that. Some say welsh corgi is a shepherd type dog vallhaund derived from Sweden, who was caught in Welsh by the Vikings in 9-10 century. Some argue that Pembroke Welsh Corg i is a native dog Flandaria coming Welsh in the 12th century.
History where welsh corgi so ambiguous it seems the story that this breed is used to escape the nest of fairies and elves. It is said that in ancient times, there are two children who found the two welsh corgi male who they thought was the son of a weasel. They brought the animals home and on his way home, their parents make sure that the animal is a dog, and a gift from the fairies.
In the first, welsh corgi Pembroke is seen as the Sheepdog. Agility, speed, and intelligence to enable them to perform this task very well. Lovers Club dogs in the UK said the corgi is a purebred dog welsh corgi Pembroke in 1920 first exhibition in America in 1936.
The physical characteristics and character welsh corgi pembroke dog
Known welsh corgi dog in two varieties, namely pembroke and cardigan. The form and character of the two can be said to be the same, but the significant difference is the tail. While the long-tailed cardigan corgi born without a tail.
welsh corgi pembroke dog
Pembroke Welsh corgi has a body and short legs. Head shape resembles the head of a ferret. His eyes were dark oval. sharp triangular ears and feet. In general, corgi body height is 25-30cm from the ground to the shoulder, and weigh more than 15 kg.
welsh corgiPembroke with long double bermantel outer layer varies. They survive in cold or hot weather.
Variations in color corgi welsh dogs is red, tip black fur, white or light beige, three colors (red, black, brown), and the legs, chest, neck, stomach, white muzzle .
, including Pembroke Welsh corgi dogs were talkative, they like to express its feelings through barking. This breed is wary of people they do not know. welsh corgi dog , which is also often called PEM , including intelligent dog, agile, like to learn new things, as well as being a fun playmate for children.
Puppy dogs welsh corgi ideally be fed four times a day. Pemberiannya provided in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening around the time 10. For pembroke welsh corgi dogs adults, suggested giving ¾-1.5 cups a day is divided into two feedings. Keep in mind that many metabolic activity and your dog kebutuan also affect food intake.
dog dry food is given to appropriate corgi. Do not include the bones in their diet because it will cause intestinal disorders. Welsh corgi Pembroke also can not digest raw eggs and milk.
welsh corgi food heycravings.com
Welsh Corgi dogs require lots of high protein intake may be obtained from fresh meat . In addition, it contains omega 3 also be a good addition to maintain endurance. (Read: a diet that is important for your dog)
welsh corgi Pembroke including dogs who love to eat. You need to monitor the amount of food they consume.
With great energy and the nature of the underlying to bark, pembroke welsh corgi less suitable to stay in apartments or housing with the distance the adjacent house and require a large space. They can not be allowed to stay outside. This breed should be in the middle of the family in the house.
you can keep welsh corgi in both urban and rural weather, hot or cold. (Read: all kennels)
and health care
To energize and maintain their weight, welsh corgi requires a lot of sports and activities. Bring your dog for a walk out of the house every day for about 15 minutes.
welsh corgi breed rare disease. However, there are some common diseases in this breed. dog diseases include retinal atrophy, glaucoma and the problems of the hip joint ( hip dysplasia ).
care welsh corgi mom.me
welsh corgi Pembroke include easy maintenance. Because many of their feathers fall, takes the sweeping at least once a week and only bathe when absolutely necessary. Nails welsh corgi should be cut once or twice a month.
Do not forget to clean his ears. Check and clean once a week. If you smell a bad odor or redness, possibility of ear infection. Consult a veterinarian if necessary. Clean the ears with a cotton swab and a special cleaning fluid carefully. Do not put anything in the ear hole.
process welsh corgi pembrok
By administering the portion of the wise, the food could be motivation to say the welsh corgi being you. Give a small snack every time they did a good job in return. (Read: Three basic methods to train dogs to obey)
welsh corgi Pembrok must be trained not to jump to and from locations that are high enough for them. Their body proportions are not able to move too high jump because it will damage their spine or legs.
Teach your dog to respect you. Corgi easily formed, but has a strong position. Training needs to do because they were children to educate them that you are their leader, not vice versa.
Take welsh corgi pembroke you meet so many people, they are the type of dog that feels comfortable around humans.
Salam okdogi
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