jungle fowl, as the name suggests is a kind of wild animal. Besides having a beautiful coat, can also sound an audible voice. Chicken Huta n the male feathers are more beautiful than the partridge females tend to have a dull coat color. The reason? Because during the breeding season, males show the beauty of the color of their feathers to attract females. Males have bright plumage as golden yellow, blue, bronze, orange, purple and green.
tail feathers arranged perfectly with a unique shape. jungle fowl Males also have a pair of spurs on his feet very sharp helpful paw the ground and is also used as a weapon to fight for women.
In contrast, considers that the air partridge women so dark, the color tends to dull like brown, dark yellow with some black and white mix. This view is useful as camouflage to avoid predators such as jungle cats, ferrets, snakes and other animals. Especially when the female should be silent incubation of eggs, the nest is located above ground. The hens are not conical spurs on his feet
There are currently four species of partridge spread in Asia, namely :.
- poultry red jungle
- chicken green forest
- poultry gray jungle
- Sri Lankan jungle fowl
- poultry red jungle ( Gallus gallus)
red jungle fowl
red jungle fowl is best known for the distribution is quite broad. From Pakistan, India, China and the countries of Southeast Asia to the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java and Bali
cock length ranges between 65-75 cm with a weight 0.7 kg -. 1, 5 kg. Although the size of the hen around 40-45 cm with a weight of about 0.5 to 1 kg.
red jungle fowl
The specific feature which distinguishes it from other types of partridge is the head and comb little red jungle fowl. Long tail feathers, with black and green mix sparkled and there was a pair of tail feathers high that grows longer and curved, crescent formation . The lower body is also greenish black. His legs were thin bluish gray with curved and tapered spurs. The scales are also more subtle. Occurs fall feathers on the neck.
green jungle fowl ( Gallus various )
green jungle fowl is a type of partridge Indonesia is endemic Java, Bali, Lombok, Komodo, Flores, Rinca and smaller surrounding islands.
length of a rooster about 70-75 cm and a weight of about 0.7-1.5 kg, although the size of the hen weighs about 40-45 cm to about 0.5 0.8 kg and the production of eggs 3-5 grains / season.
green jungle fowl
symptoms are primarily the size of the comb is the largest compared to other partridge species and shaped blades are very large, pink with a rounded edge without serrations. Fur neck, nape and mantle grows short, rounded or slightly tapered and overlapping like scales, green, that can change. The lower part of the body and tail are black mixed with iridescent purple and green.
gray jungle fowl ( Gallus sonneratii )
ash jungle fowl shades is a kind of partridge is endemic in tropical forests of dry climates in India. Its habitat is the forest that are not too dense with grass little or no grass at all.
cock size around 80cm long and the female is smaller by about 38cm. Stud partridge size of most other types of partridge and can lay 4-7 eggs per season.
kususnya characteristics: a basic color black body with red spots land. The composition larger tail feathers with a tip and blunt legs are red. The most striking feature is chest hair that grows elongated white and expanded with a black ring around the edge of the feather pattern. Pattern and color of chest hair makes gray partridge female chickens at the beautiful plumage over cash partridge other females.
Sri Lankan jungle fowl ( Gallus lafayetii )
Sri Lankan jungle fowl is endemic animals that have limited distribution area in the island of Sri Lanka. A length of 66-73 cm range rooster weighing 0.8 to 1.2 kg. Females are much smaller, with a length of 30-35 cm and weighing 0.5 to 0.6 kg
Features :. At a black base color, with a golden yellow color neck and a dark orange color on the back, reddish yellow legs with rather straight and slender spurs. The characteristic of the jungle fowl Sri Lankan woman is in colorful feather wings between brown stripes and nest on the ground with 2-4 beige or brown eggs.
partridge Sri Lanka
chicken is also used to eat live prey, so it can not consume power. Therefore, Srilanka partridge very difficult to maintain in captivity.
As a kind of wild animal, rather bother easy to maintain a partridge. The handling is required is different from other types of ornamental chickens to stay healthy. Partridge easily stressed and still cannibals. Shortly noted:
Cage is good for partridge should be complete for the comb when the tap is inserted is still strong standing as a beauty of the jungle fowl is also located on the comb. Cages should be washed once a week with water, and then the portions of the cage must also be brushed and dried in the sun with the position of the door and the roof of the open cage. chicken manure and feed residue forests should be washed every day or can be sprinkled with lime to prevent odors and away from harmful attacks. A place to put food and drinks should also be cleaned daily. Cages can also be sprayed with kerosene that is useful to expel Tungga.
Like a wild hen, they are used to eating insects or other small animals in the forest. Can be powered termites, crickets, centipedes, lizards, and small frogs. They also eat some seeds, grass shoots and berries that can be given about 2 times a day, ie morning and afternoon. Do not forget to give your fish oils, liver meal, bone meal and meat. Also must often be given a drink which is produced from turmeric. Give vitamins in the form vitahick and AD plex 3 days. If a sick chicken should be given intensive drug and must be quarantined, but if the chicken does not heal then the chicken must be destroyed.
Bathe chicken every day. To get rid of lice in chickens can be given flea or it could be a way to dip the chicken in the sand. Part partridge cut need to be frank, there is no harm if used to peck each other.
jungle fowl from the age of 2-3 weeks is estimated at about 100 to 500,000. Age 1-3 months valued around 250 thousand to 1 million. While the age of 4-6 months is estimated around 400000 to 00000. For partridge chicks champions rewarded with unlimited value, depending on the quality indukannya.
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