Dissection rabbit male and female difference rabbit full!

Admin 22.04
Dissection rabbit male and female difference rabbit full! -

There is no popularity of ornamental rabbits never back which makes the interesting and funny animal as a pet in interest. Its appearance is funny and fuzz as they have also had success stealing the attention of children and adults once.

Nothing rabbit sellers is very easy to find, many farmers who sell several kinds of ornamental rabbits, we can also find sellers of ornamental rabbits on the road as an alternative . In general, a lot of people who would buy a rabbit breeder, they want to buy a pair of male and female.

kelinci betina dan jantan

source www.infopeternakan .com

But for those of you who are beginners in rabbit farming, it would be difficult to distinguish male and female rabbits. Well this article, we will cover all forms of differences between male and female bunny rabbit in general. Listen ya!

What the male and female rabbit difference?

Hare ram

to know kind of male in generally tiidak rabbits was so difficult. The first thing you need to do is hold the rabbit, then lifted the body and back. Note the lower part near the tail of the male rabbits, usually just above the anus there is a kind of pink tube and covered with feathers.

ciri kelinci jantan

source johnrabbitry.blogspot.com

If there is such tubes, then the rabbits male organ penis. Apart males aged rabbits over three weeks usually also has a head shape that is quite unique, and some apparently looked like a box beam.

The weight of the rabbit males were usually will be less than the weight of doe although they are of the same species. More more uniqueness and differences in male rabbits will look when warm weather arrives reached.

Usually, when the warm weather arrives, male rabbits will show when the testicles bulge as she sat or lay. Generally bulging testicles in male rabbits will not be seen during the winter.

A possess characteristics in male rabbits, rabbits are generally more friendly, family friendly with everyone or other animals in the neighborhood. Male rabbits Group also have a great curiosity.

female Hare

So how about discovering the sex of female rabbits? In general, there are different things you need to do to make sure that if a female rabbit or not. The first thing you need to do is hold the rabbit, then lift and return the body.

Try to look at the section under the tail just above the anus. When you see and get a gandukan with loopholes, so that is the main feature of the doe. Gandukan the position would normally next to the anus, so it is difficult to see because they are covered with feathers.

ciri kelinci betina

source johnrabbitry.blogspot.com

In addition to being aware of Gender doe these, there many more things we can see. Given the size and weight of the rabbits. Usually the female rabbit will have more weight than the rabbit stud. Although they belong to a species of the same type size weight in female rabbits will be more.

To measure the shape of the head on the type of female rabbits will head shape more rounded, and neck, there will be folds of skin and fur, the characteristics of female rabbits have common characteristics that tend to be quiet. Usually when the doe penetrates sufficiently mature age they will start looking for the nest to breed her.

In the personality of the doe equally balanced between aggressive and protective. Doe also have properties that are very friendly and respectful of the environment around him, trutama in humans, although not as friendly as it does a rabbit stud.

The conclusion that can be to distinguish male and female rabbit?

Well, so in essence, if you want to know the differences in female rabbits and male is by examining the genitals, the next you easily determine their sex by looking at the shape of the body and the head

read :. how successful awareness ornamental rabbits

read: rabbits mating infallible way

Nah already explained how how to distinguish male and female rabbits ? Ok success of our greeting, Okdogi.com

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