Namely ornamental variety of freshwater fish Favorites

Admin 13.07 Add Comment
Namely ornamental variety of freshwater fish Favorites -

freshwater fish is a commodity with a market share that never ends. From the past until now, the demand for this type of fish is high and likely to increase. As a result, many people see this as a promising business opportunity. So I wonder if the number of ornamental fish vendors increasingly mushrooming. We can also easily find in the streets, in the market, kiosks, even in housing which is actually a pond seller based ornamental fish. Unlike species of saltwater ornamental fish that require special water, freshwater fish is easier to grow for beginners.

This is very useful for collectors or enthusiasts. Besides being easier to find your favorite fish, the price becomes more competitive over time. However, this fact does not seem to apply to certain types of ornamental fish below. In addition to a difficult selection process, the beauty and uniqueness that makes them the target of many people. Therefore, the availability on the market become more and more limited. So what are the types of freshwater fish such favorites? Here is his opinion.

gambar ikan hias air tawar

fish freshwater Photos

fish type freshwater ornamental Favorites

kumpulan ikan koi

set koi

freshwater fish is the first favorite Koi. Fish is very popular in Japan and China, it has colors and patterns are very beautiful. In general, commonly called fish a bearer of this good fortune more kept in an aquarium. Therefore, for those who want to keep it, to better prepare for an advance. One thing to remember is to maintain the quality and flow of water in it, because these fish are very sensitive to habitat water quality. And as a reference for Koi 76 cm, they are usually sold at a price of Rp bekisar. 50,000. Regarding the type of koi fish, there are different types that you can collection, even now many farming is done in the country, one of them in the city of Blitar. There is some time, we published an article that deals with koi koi comparison imported Blitar

ikan arwana

Pictures of arowana

Second, is the Arowana. This type of fish commonly found in the waters of Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Burma. Generally, these fish have 4 colors for each variety, green, silver, red and gold, with popular varieties like Super Red, Golden Red, Green, Golden Cross Back, and Irian Arowana. Freshwater fish of this type is also known for its form and the beauty of its single scales. So I wonder whether the species has the Latin name Scleropages formosus has a lot of fans and high prices, even for the seed can be enjoyed only 100,000. For those of you who are interested in maintaining the arowana fish, we never discussed the 9 types of arowana fish from 4 different continents, perhaps the article can increase your knowledge about the arowana fish.

berbagai jenis ikan louhan

Fish Photos Louhan

favorite freshwater fish last Louhan. This type of fish has never reached the height of its popularity there some time, but often with the passage of time, he declined. However, that does not mean its popularity is low because the number of amateur fish is still high, and to the price increases gradually. Like Koi Louhan also considered good luck for some people. In addition, these fish also have a strong appeal to the uniqueness of the bulge protruding forehead, which possessed a combination of colors, as well as spots on the body that is supposed to form a particular section. And for those of you who want to buy, be prepared to spend about $ 500,000 for an average size. Learn more about the new types of aquarium fish trimmer Louhan.

Similarly, a description of the types of popular freshwater fish of high value. However, no matter what you keep, how maintenance is also very important. Always keep the cleanliness and water quality of the pond or fish aquarium pet where you live. Also, do not forget to feed the right doses accordingly. By paying attention to these things, then the freshwater fish that are retained will remain healthy, and can ruin your eyes with beautiful colors they have.

Red Bird Song Anis Lama for you

Admin 12.06 Add Comment
Red Bird Song Anis Lama for you -

If you are a bird lover, then you definitely know the bird red anise. The birds are also known or had other names that the worm bird or birds ANIS brick. Anis bird brick very melodious voice. In addition, compared to other intelligent birds chirping, this bird has unique characteristics that make it different from other birds. The uniqueness lies in the style of these birds Stoned managed to attract many bird lovers either. Maybe you can not find a jazzy style birds to other birds such as green Cucak, walnut or parakeet.

Perhaps because of its unique character, the red bird anise valued high enough. Among bird lovers, not much this bird. These birds are known only held by upscale bird lovers. If a bird lover has this bird, it is recognized as a first class bird master class. Only a small proportion of bird lover who has a red anise pet birds, and therefore deserve to be proud because this bird is quite difficult to find.

Feature Bird Anis red

foto burung anis merah

Photos bird red anise

Well, you know what characteristics of the bird red anise, who knows when you might have a chance to have it. This bird is quite sensitive and needs time to adjust to changes. The changes include a different treatment, the alternation of ornaments on the cage and even a change of scenery around the cage. If the change is quite striking, then this bird endangered may experience stress

At the same time, the bird is also very easy to get bored, so often need a new situation. These birds tend to be lazy to sing if placed in an area with too long a period. The fix is ​​pretty easy, stay organized so that the red anise nest is changing in such a way and as often as possible; may be once a week, three times a day or even once per day. So if you want to be able to hear the birdsong red anise and enjoy telernya as often as possible, you must move the cage as much as possible anyway.

Another feature is located on the mood changes that fluctuate. This bird is fairly easy to ride his mood, the cause could be triggered by many causes; among others too excessive drying, extra fooding which is too excessive and when they saw the bird anise another brick. At the same time, the bird is also very damaged. These birds seemed happy if more people are approaching and if caregivers have often changed. If the sight of a bird of persons approaching the cage and take care of it is, then it will be difficult to get up and hissed again. Well, it is spoiled, he also became its own advantages for bird lovers and master elsewhere who took care of him, because this bird is so easy to tame if approached.

Because the price is quite expensive, its ability to bring prestige high for the owner and also a very comforting presence, then it is good that bird gets the best care. Caring for the red anise need discipline and patience. Anis red bird's nest should be frequently cleaned and dried. The diet should also be organized, and it is recommended to feed the worms in a Sunday worms twice. With good care and regular cages were always clean and the food was adequate, anise old bricks will sing for you.

Types Most favored Catlovers Persian cat

Admin 11.05 Add Comment
Types Most favored Catlovers Persian cat -

There are some time we talked about the kind of the funniest pet cats and friends with your family. In this article, we mentioned that the type of cat that is most sought after in Indonesia is a Persian cat. Persian cat is always ahead of demand compared with the Angora cat, so it is very interesting to learn more about the types of Persian cat, which can be kept at home.

Persian cat is a cute cat that has the ability to live between 10 to 15 years. Flavor has a typical appearance of a unique and funny, even assuming that there is a cat doll. Pawakannya large with round eyes and head and small ears, but has the nerve to Gembul Persian cat called cat cubby. This unique Persian cat has several different views so that Indonesia only know there are four types of Persian cats can be maintained properly. Want to know what kind? Here are the details of the discussion.

The Persian-type cat type favored in Indonesia

Currently in Indonesia, there are 4 types of Persian cat who became an idol for pets at home. These four types of Persian cat is a kind of Himalayan persian, peaknose, Flatnose and medium persian. 4 types of Persian cat is characterized by the physical differences that can be observed directly.

1. Himalayan Persian type cat

gambar kucing persia himalaya diantara jenis-jenis kucing persia
Himalayan Persian cats known as Colorpoint patterned cat species. Colorpoint means the cat breed type where his body is a mixture of Persian and Siamese cats / Siamese. Persian Himalayan easier to recognize compared to other types. Its main feature is to have a black color only on the ears, ears, nose, tail and toes and on top of the white color of the body to the neck.

2. Persian type cat Flatnose

gambar kucing persia flatnose
Persian cats of this type gets its name because of the condition of the snub nose. Actual terms pug nose makes the Persian cat becomes funnier because of his fat cheeks Gembul this cat like a doll. There are people who are still confused to distinguish between the Persian and Persian cat Flatnose peaknose. The two are almost similar, but more nggemesi peaknose Persian cat compared Flatnose

3. Persian type cat Peaknose

gambar kucing persia peaknose, kucing peliharaan
Cat Flavor peaknose is the type most favored in relation to other types of other Persian cat. Persian cat peaknose has popolaritas higher than other types in several races in cats in Indonesia. Pembawaanya calm cat makes this type, it should be kept at home. Persian cat nose peaknose more in comparison with pug nose Deflated, snub nose even more expensive. It is inversely proportional to the circumstances that have occurred among humans huh? if man if he had a flat nose instead diejekin but if the cat has written, even nggemesin hahaha ..

Read also: why expensive Asalan peaknose cats

4 Type medium Persian cat

gambar kucing persia medium diantara jenis-jenis kucing persia
This mode is a little bear, not a snub nose and also pawakannya not like the Persian Himalayas. Some persian means a / shor short hair coat but adajuga long hair. In Indonesia, the types of environment not always able to persia rival Flatnose and peaknose.

This type of Persian cat dearest Indonesia

Of the four types of Persian cat, which was discussed above surely you curious to know what type is the price high? High price is directly proportional to its popularity is certainly where the kind of Persian cat peaknose one that many fans, so the price has also skyrocketed. Some of our observations peaknose persian cats as young as 3 months, the price reached 3-3500000 rupiah. Prices will be higher if his body starts a little bigger or upturned nose when his face began menggembul. value of cats will also be higher if it had won races cat is now in the grip held by cat lovers

Read also :. The type of pet cats that are safe for your child

and information about the Persian cat can tell you. Keep your cat's health status and the process as possible because cats are our friends. Good information on the types of Persian cat is add your insight or help you choose the type of cat that match your criteria.

Angora Cat Food is Right Under The requirement

Admin 22.04 Add Comment
Angora Cat Food is Right Under The requirement -

Hi all .. back to take the time to share the sidelines of the daily routine. This time, I want to discuss the Angora cat food to supplement the previous session, the discussion of intelligent advice in choosing a food for Persian cat. Maybe you've read the previous article is whether the food for the angora cat is different from the Persian cat or both eat the same food? ok we hope to find the answer in this article or previous diartikel yes 😀

The choice of cat food is a little difficult, especially those just starting to keep the cat. Power / power must be careful because the stomach of the cat is very sensitive. If you are wrong to feed the cats, your cat might even abdominal pain or diarrhea. You already know yet cat signs of abdominal pain or diarrhea because a meal? so I usually observed his puppy. Cats that do not fit his food usually have a puppy that is very bad and watery.

The choice of food for Angora cats right and best

makanan kucing anggora

Feeding Angora cat

Select feed Angora cat is not difficult, just remember that basically cats are carnivores. As course carnivorous cat loves food meat and probably will not like the food of vegetable / plant, although sometimes there are cats that also eat plant-based foods. Then the right foods for angora cat is how?

Good question again, if you want to give the best Angora cat food, you must provide foods that contain fatty acids, proteins, amino acids and vitamins. The various inputs in meat or fish. Good fish, beef or chicken meat contains amino acids taurine and argirin which is very good for the Angora cat health. And cheese? Ok maybe you have read the previous article about food for Persian cat because cheese is a type of food preferred by the Persian cat. For the Angora cat was in fact he could not accept the cheese as an alternative to food other than meat and fish, but if you are not familiar angora cat often require adjustments in advance

related article :. Angora cats that pet cats at home

If you have a dog at home, you could be the spirit of giving the same food for your angora cat. If it exists in your mind, maybe from now on you have to throw such thoughts. The diet of the cat is different from other animals, cats are unique in terms of eating so as not to feed the cat with dog food because the vitamins and nutrients they are very different. You also should not be affected by the cat food the price anggoa cheap. Although it is not cheap, but you should be more concerned about the content of nutrients in these foods compared to the price of the cat's food.

Top Cat Food Based Nutrition

Previously, I mentioned about the importance we look angora cat nutrition content in food if we use a certain brand of food for cat. For those of you who prefer a cat food sold in the market, you can examine the nutritional content of cat food through nutrition tables are usually included in food packaging. You can compare the existing content on the packaging with nutrition that is recommended for cats. The following is the recommended intake of nutrients in a food cat :.

  • Having a high protein content, minimal implies 25%, where over the kandunganya better
  • It has a low fat content
  • low pH
  • Having a low magnesium levels
  • Contains taurine
  • contains arachidonic acid / arachidonic acid
  • Contains vitamins and minerals (vitamin a, B12, niacin, thiamine)

Angora cat food requirements by age and Conditions

Perhaps many have not realized that the cats of food is not enough to put the food on the plate is then placed close to the cat cage. Note also how the state and the cat well suited to the age of the cat. The nutritional needs of cats vary by age. To be clear, the following explanation:

1. Kittens / Kitten not yet 1 year
kitten / Kitten Mudai generally fed by humans if it was aged 3-4 weeks. At the age of cat can not eat dry foods and wet foods can be given with the man. At this age need extra patience and persistence in angora cat food. We must be fed foods with a dropper or a teaspoon to feed cat food. Their own food should be soaked in warm water so that the texture is soft. When the cat has entered the age of 2 to 3 months, the proportion of water in the pasta cat can be reduced to adaptation will allow the cats can eat dry cat food completely.

2. Suda cats adults over 1 year
calorie consumption required by the Angora cats weighing 4-5 kg ​​is 300 calories per day. You can use cat food from commercial brands sold on the market, but must be labeled Balanced / complete . Cat food labeled as it has generally to contain a sufficient and balanced nutrition for cats of Angora.

3. Cats that are pregnant or breastfeeding
If you have a cat that was pregnant, then you need to provide foods that contain protein are higher than never. It is required by the cat to cat health it in the womb, as well as the cat itself. Meanwhile, when the cat had given birth and breastfeeding anakannya, you can give a kitten food for the parent because it contains high peotein. You can also add a calcium supplement for cats who are nursing

Read also :. The type of pet cats are the most funny and friendly

Total Angora cat food

adult cats who Berar about 5 kg require the intake of 300 calories a day . You can check the food packaging calories. Determine the amount of food to meet the caloric needs for a day, then divide that number depending on the supply frequency (2 or 3 times per day). Examples of its application are:

The amount of food is calculated from the weight of the cat. When cats eat every day about 2% of their body weight and weight of the cat is 5 kg, the food takes about 2% x 5 kg or about 100 grams /hari.

Feeding the angora cat
in fact, you can feed the cat in many ways, but the following tips provide good practice how to feed the cats according to their needs.

a. The food is always available in plate / cat to eat
Putting food on the plate will provide flexibility for the cat, when he was hungry he could eat the point. This method is suitable for the kitten / cat less than a year. Cats at this age need a protein intake for future growth. A typical kitten who likes to play, then back to eat again, then play again also be a factor why the appropriate way to Kitten only.

b. regular diet
Feeding angora cat on a regular basis usually done for cats that have entered the age of 1 year. At this age, usually the cat already has a habit to always remember the cat. You can feed 2-3 times Sahari and so I usually leave the food in the morning and evening only.

Oiya keep in mind that, in addition to feeding us must also give a drink at the Angora cat. Better still provide us drinking near the cat cage cat let thirst at any time he could drink. Thus sharing the session today, we hope that this article can provide greater insight regarding Angora cat food and how pet cat food that we present we can be helpful.

Physical characteristics Himalayan Persian

Admin 21.03 Add Comment
Physical characteristics Himalayan Persian -

Hello all, they want to add to the collection cat at home? ininih I ngebahas about Himalayan Persian cat if you want to add a collection of cats at home. Himalayan kinds of Persian origin race are not included, but the result of a genetic mutation carried out by veterinary experts to provide a mixture of Persian and Siamese cats. Perhaps we should be grateful geneticists such as Dr. Keeler and Cobb began a transfer program of the gene to a merger of two cats born phenomenal race.

Himalayan Persian, also known by its scientific name Felis catus . According to information obtained on wikipedia, these cats come from England and America. Currently, there are two types of Himalayan Persian cats that you can choose. Both are extreme and traditional Himalayan Himalayas. Himalayan kind of extreme is a cute cat, unfortunately Kucin is very sensitive to health problems because the conditions were very upturned nose. Himalayan traditionally known also with doll face by Traditional Cat Association (TCA) is recommended to be maintained over the Himalayas to the extreme.

Physical characteristics Himalayan Persian Cats know mandatory When you want to take care

foto kucing persia himalaya

Himalayan Persian cat photo

in general, Himalayan cat memarisi widely Persian form of the cat's body. From the shape of the body and strong, then the face of the apartment is also a special feature possessed by his heirs (read: the Persian cat). Maybe for beginners cat lovers who still can not distinguish types of spouses or other types of persia. Well, to help beginners to know the physical characteristics of persia the Himalayas, the following specifications:

a. Posture
known as a Himalayan cat a cat that has a great body with strong bones. the body weight of this chat number from 4 to 6 kg.

b. Section Chief
The Himalayan head is round and full with a snub nose. Even Himalayan kepesekan decision can be divided into two types: traditional and extreme. The head was white, but dominated the brown as the color of a Siamese cat. His ears were too dark / colorpoint like a Siamese cat. short ear size Persia. To the eye, the Himalayas have the blue color Maa round and rather large

c. Legs Party
short legs Himalayan cat with darker color than the color of his body. The foot is covered with thick fur and ditompang by large and powerful claws.

d. Fur and tail
fur belonging to the Himalayan Persian cat is quite heavy, as well as other types of Persian cat. thick, glossy fur indeed become the hallmark of Persian, distinguishing lies in colorpoint very very dominant on the face, legs and ears. While the tail belongs to the Himalayas is quite disproportionate to their size.

e. Age Himalayan
Probably the same as other types of Persian, Himalayan cats are also able to survive up to 9 to 15 years. If you do not care that the maximum so that your cat can live longer.

f. Persian cat personality
cat cat is classified as active, more active than other persian but still less than the Siamese cat. It adalh sweet cat as kedamainan but sometimes a little difficult and you like to mess around

Related article :. The characteristics of the Persian cat native

History of Persian cats Himalayan

The results of our research, these cats came into existence in the 1920s through 1930. this time, many farmers are trying to produce a body of valiant Persian cat fur but with exotic crossbreed spouse. In 1924, there was some hope when a genetic mutation led by Dr. T. Tjebbes began a successful means in Persian with Siamese mix of genes

Read also :. The ins and outs of the Persian cat

The experience not only to Dr. T. Tjebbes, Dr. Clyde Keeler and Virginia Cobb at Harvard University have also made efforts to specific characteristics in the results of genetic mutations Persian and Siamese cats to be transmitted to the next generation. The results of the study, the two became the precursor of the Himalayan Persian cat species which today can be your pet. Himalayan cats finally recognized him by Cat Fanciers' Association in 1957 seagai cat new generation.

Care Himalayan Persian cat

Perhaps those of you who already have a Persian cat, you already know what the consequences hehehe. You must be diligent to perform routine maintenance such as bathing, combing the fur to stroke his fur. Oiya maybe it is not recommended for beginners to maintain the kind of extreme Himalayan cat yes because it's easy to have health problems and are prone to kidney disease. According to the recommendations of Traditional Cat Association (TCA), mending a traditional Himalayan Persian cats.

The profile Discus fish aquarium freshwater fish

Admin 20.02 Add Comment
The profile Discus fish aquarium freshwater fish -

Hi all, this time we want to continue to share on freshwater fish, as many arowana fish. Unlike the arowana fish, this time we want ngebahas discus fish that have a natural habitat in the Amazon River, USA. Far yes discharged directly from Asia to South America. Currently favored by discus (appellation fish lovers who like to keep the fish in the aquarium) aquarist. Unfortunately, this type of freshwater fish is deemed less suitable for beginners because it requires extra care and more funds compared to other species of freshwater fish.

Read also: How to care for koi fish for beginners to advanced

Discus is always included in tropical cichlid species. cichlid species usually grow well in the African continent and the drive to be an exception, because they live in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela and Colombia. You could tell by habit cichlid species, but this diversity. This fish is also very fond of the water flow of the habitat of the river is quiet and not too heavy. In the Amazon River, they are happy to be among the branches to avoid the attacks of larger fish. It is a way of self-defense!

Features Discus Fish

gambar ikan discus

Fig fish discus

If you want to keep the drive as first your ornamental fish freshwater fish trlebih recognize that. Easy anyway, discus fish has the appearance of a recognizable visible. These fish are flat as its name disk -US and large and elongated fins. The mouth and eyes of these fish are small, so that the color of red eyes looked dark appearance. The length of this fish can menjapai 15 to 25 cm. The color of the fish varies depending on the type of fish, there is a green, red or brown. Ditubuhnya there are vertical lines that are commonly used to fool other fish / camouflage.

Discus Fish Species

There was a mention that discus fish species is still controversial. The controversy in this case relates to the discovery of new species makes biologists to conduct a review of the discus genre. A study published by Journal of Fish Biology by Bleher, et al in 07 said there are three new species are eliminated or have not been validated. Pending the results of the validation, we want to convey that there is a type that has been clarified as a kind of discus fish. These fish are:

1. Discus Green / Discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus

jenis ikan discus hijau

green type of fish discus

green disus found by Pallegrin in 104. This fish has a natural habitat central region Amazon. These areas include the Putumayo River (north of Peru) and the Lake Tefe from Santarem (Brazil). There are people who call this fish with the term Tefe deiscus.

2. Discus Blue / Blue Discus Symphysodon haraldi

Blue Discus Symphysodon haraldi

Blue Discus Symphysodon haraldi

Discus was discovered in 1960 by Schultz. The original of this fish habitat in the Amazon region are so great. People often call this fish with Brown Discus because sometimes some of them have other colors that stand out.

3. Heckel Discus Symphysodon discus

Heckel Discus Symphysodon discus

Heckel Discus Symphysodon discus

Discus is named after her inventor is Dr. Johann Jacob Heckel. This fish was discovered in 1840. If you've never heard of red disk, then there is another name of Heckel Discus Symphysodon discus. Heckel discus has a natural habitat is in South America, particularly in the State of Brazil, namely Rio Negro, Rio Trombetas Riao Abacaxis.

Discus fish species become more numerous as there are various efforts of farmers to undertake genetic mutation. These results enable a wide variety of patterns, shapes and colors of the body. The peternakpun contributed to this fish is more benign than the version of the wild in its natural habitat.

Discus Food

Discus is a freshwater fish belonging to the carnivores. This means that it prefers foods containing high protein meat over similar vegetables. Although you can feed the fish with pellets, but to be able to make a fast-growing fish discus, we recommend using shrimp, blood worms, chopped liver Sappi, and grubs. You could give him life ( costs ) or frozen.

You should also be aware that foods such as animals quarantined hidpu need first to ensure no bacteria or parasites that attach. It is also advisable to buy a place of reliable and need to sort the food was always good and the food is not possible. When you use frozen food, try to sterilize the food in advance, is to reduce the risk of infection in fish. You do not want if the fish are beautiful and graceful pale suddenly powerless because of the influence of parasites or bacteria

Related article :. Fish foods that do not pollute the aquarium

How to care discus fish

Ok in the end after you decide to keep discus fish, you need to think about how to take care of these fish. At the beginning of this article, we said that extra care discus more than other types of other freshwater fish. You need to put in place a fairly large aquarium with a stable supply of clean water. The basic requirement is to have a reservoir with a size of at least 1 meter.

If you want to keep the other fish in the aquarium, be careful not to give the aggressive fish larger than the disk. Do not also provide an accompanying fish like to bite small fin. Try to fish grouse consider it appropriate to discus juxtaposed because they also have the same need for water conditions.

Similarly pembahasa on discus fish on this occasion. We have a kind of freshwater fish more if you want to add more fish. Examples koi and arowana fish are very well known, particularly in the Asian region. Or you want to add a saltwater aquarium of ornamental fish?. Hopefully useful and always keep your reception conditions of fish

Noting food sulcata tortoise

Admin 19.01 Add Comment
Noting food sulcata tortoise -

Maintaining the sulcata tortoise needs attention as a matter of choosing the right foods. sulcata tortoises are very sensitive to certain things especially for foods that contain enough water. The animals are very well if given a dry food that contains lots of fiber, but it would be a problem if given food that contains high water.

sulcata known to many animals who love to eat, he even called "food machine" . Some people usually give vegetables and fruits as a healthy diet for turtles, unfortunately, there are some foods that are not suitable for sulcata. For that, on this occasion I will discuss some considerations to choose sulcata food so that these animals can grow well when we keep.

Wise food options sulcata tortoise

Makanan untuk kura-kura sulcata

sulcata tortoise for Food

wilderness, sulcata usually eat the grass for hours during the day. Most food intake obtained from grass obtained in the fields or open space. It may also apply in your home. The important thing here is to choose a grass which is free from contamination of pesticides and herbicides. Both materials are very hostile to this reptile, so be careful in the choice of grass.

By choosing the food we need to consider some important factors. There are three important factors in the selection of food to sulcata tortoise. The third factor is the calcium-phosphorus, the amount and type of protein and fiber in the diet. calcium-phosphorus of the factors related to the amount of phosphorus relative to the amount of calcium intake. Most of the supply of phosphorus deficiency and calcium leads to softening and deformation of the bone. Another problem caused by most of the phosphorus is the organ function impairment and damage to the metabolic system of the body on turtles. ( Read more: The complete guide for beginners sulcata maintain )

Protein can be good for most types of animals, as well as turtles .. But most portions proteins can cause kidney failure in these animals and may decrease the life of a turtle. Selection of wrong proteins, such as feeding vertebrate animals, nuts or soy can also cause kcangan growing too fast, triggering a deformed shell.

The third factor is the fiber, where sufficient fiber intake can make the food supply kura- sulcata tortoise met. Examples of foods that are recommended Related sepihan straw fiber needs are abundantly available in Indonesia. You can also give a heavy grass field that intake of fiber with a record free of contamination of pesticides and herbicides.

And vegetables and fruits? In fact, you can sometimes give food like fruits and green vegetables. but beware of some types of vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli goitrogenik. The vegetables presented when excess can cause goiter and thyroid damage refugees sulcata tortoise. Other vegetables that require greater moderation is spinach, cabbage and carrots.

Regarding fruits favored by sulcata, this animal is very fond of cactus fruit and bananas. Both types of fruits, including the category of good food to give to the sulcata. You could probably use stroberri, cantaloupe, berries, apples, but not much. Oiya also keep the juicy fruits that have bright colors because sulcata very tempted to eat food that has a bright color.

15 Animals Blooded World Most Dangerous

Admin 18.00 Add Comment
15 Animals Blooded World Most Dangerous -

There are several types of existence, the most feared beast. The animals often become a threat to humans and other smaller animals. Most animals are predators of land that has the speed and skill to hunt for prey. Although most carnivores, but there are some kinds of herbivory also dangerous, especially when the animals feel threatened.

In this article, I would like to say a few things that sometimes do not realize that the human animal seems pretty funny sometimes misleading and dangerous. For example fish polar bear that looks funny, from a distance, but who would have thought that these animals, including pests to humans and other animal species.

List of animal Beast The Scariest

gambar hewan buas

Photos of wild animals

On this list, not only animals that look hideous, but there are some animals that look funny but he understood the dangers of predators that can harm humans and other animals if not tediously careful. Here is a collection of images of wildlife you need to watch:

Deathstalker 1.



Deathstalker scorpion is one of many people living in the region of North Africa and the Middle east. Kalajengkin g including dangerous animals, because the venom that can paralyze a human. There are about 75% of deaths attributable to its name as a poisonous scorpion scorpion profiteer.

2. Great White Shark / Shark White

Great White Shark

Great White Shark

is one of the most active predator nowadays. These animals include nature because it would always pounce on anything that floats diair as seals. Fortunately, she did not like humans, so if there is a case of white shark bite, because they considered human gestures above the waves like seals. They will release the man after the first bite because they do not like. Unfortunately, despite being released, but the shark bite is very painful.

3. Hyena



Hyena is a serious threat to humans. They cooperate sekelompotan predators to prey. Cooperation field was terrible hyena good as prey animals and humans. Never think to approach a wild animal, because it is very dangerous.

4. Komodo



A native animals endemic to Indonesia in the category of wild animals that have been legendary for years. They are carnivores that eat all kinds of meat, ranging from poultry, buffalo and even humans. When you are on vacation to the island of Komodo beware where dragons are near you, if you can not approach these animals without the knowledge of dragons guide / mahout. Typical of this animal is attacked silently weak prey. Nevertheless dragons instead of hungry animals because he has only need to eat once a month.

5. Leopard / Leopard



One more wild animals that fall into the category of legendary predator. Leopards have the strength, speed, intelligence prey. Ever ready to approach these animals, you can simply watch the Discovery Channel only if you want to know how these wild animals.

6. Rhino



Probably seems mundane and slow motion so that people do not believe the rhino is a dangerous beast. Rhinos have great vision and surprisingly difficult task to avoid prey. Rhinos also horrible heavy horns.

7. Cone Snail

Cone Snail

Cone Snail

Code snail is a snail that has the most dangerous toxins . A drop of poison that amount could cost 0 lives at once. Currently, there is no antidote snails so we must be careful if you encounter with these animals. Snail code also called "snail cigarette," comparing what the person can tap it only survival rations that people spend a single cigarette.

8. Black Mamba

mamba hitam

black mamba

black mamba is a snake in the myth of Africans on the legend. This animal is a predator that most ditakuiti the world because it has good speed and great aggressiveness. These animals have even attacked without provocation.

9. polar bear

beruang kutub

polar bears

There are no predators who dare attack the polar bears, unless there is a polar bear cannibals who failed to get the prey when the animals hunger. This animal is a wild animal that is not afraid of human presence, because she knows has the strength and body fat to be against anyone.

10. African lion

Singa Afrika

African lion

The king of the African jungle repeatedly pointed to malicious attacks on humans. Although humans are not affected by this predator hunting, but there are cases of attacks that make people die. African lions are naturally predators had blood lineage.

11. Boomslang



Boomslang is a deadly poisonous varieties. The venom is hemotoxin makes blood clotting that prey bleed each blood flow must complete all parts of the body. Although in general these snakes do not attack humans, but a threat could make

12. Crocodile

Saltwater Crocodile


This is one of the largest reptile in the world. This crocodile including wild animals that have speed and high strength. The ability of visibility and sense of hearing into a weapon strong supporters of the jaw used to catch the prey.

13. Lynx



Lynx are mammals that have a dangerous reputation. lynx made similar observations to the type of cat, but with a slightly larger body. They are predators that often hunt in packs and do some hunting formations are unthinkable prey. These wild animals are generally active while still came the dawn and dusk.

14. Otter



Beavers also the most feared animals by most humans. They are conspirators who have good cooperation in the hunt for prey. They have fine hair that is very sensitive and is disekitaran muzzle. The very fine hair to help find prey. Usually they are found near fresh water, although some live in marine environments along the coast. Similarly, lynx, otters are also active when they dawn and dusk.

15. Wolf



wolves are examples of wildlife that exists happily not in Indonesia. Wolverine character in the film illustrates the power of this animal. They have powerful claws, sharp teeth and a remarkable speed. They are mammals who like to hunt in packs and attack its prey without compromise

Cucak Ijo female voice trained individuals to challenge the result

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Cucak Ijo female voice trained individuals to challenge the result -

Few people know that female green Cucak birds also has the same potential as men green Cucak. So far, most lovers of birds include green Cucak males in various singing contests. However, after investigation, it turns green Cucak female voice also has a level of sound that match the green Cucak males. Therefore, starting now be intensified as singing competitions for women green Cucak. As it is known that green birds Cucak both male and female is a bird that has a less stable condition sometimes these birds chirping all day and sometimes these birds will be quiet throughout the day.

If the birds are in a state of twittering all day will certainly be beneficial for the owner when included in a singing competition. However, if the circumstances were otherwise it would be very troubling aspect of birds chirping in the contest. To avoid this, you should know some tips to train female voice for Cucak steady green twitter all day. Advice to train these birds? For more details see the following discussion.

Tips for voice Cucak Ijo Betina Stable

suara cucak ijo betina

Cucak green female voice

First board so you can listen to the sound of chirping Cucak green female throughout the day is another audio recording birds perdengarkan regularly. As was mentioned earlier that the bird is a species of green Cucak female birds that are less stable in terms of chirping. Therefore, you should regularly make a sound recording of other birds to the female birds Cucak green you follow. If you are already used to listen to the song of other birds birds and monitoring all day then he will get used to sing more often. This will increase the chances of a Cucak green female bird birdsong you win the contest

memaksimalkan suara burung cucak ijo

Maximize the sound of birds Cucak green

The second tip is to watch your intake of foods that you give the bird. There are some foods that will help you train your voice in a beautiful woman green Cucak listening, among other things, crickets, honey and fresh fruits. To the sound of birds you Cucak melodious advised to give green female crickets 10-20 every day. Leave crickets as food menu Cucak female green, it is recommended to regularly do every day to increase the performance of your birds can be seen in practice. Treatment Honey can also improve the appearance of your green Cucak female birds. There are several ways you can do to give honey, like honey mixed in drinks bird or put it on the fruit eaten by birds.

menu of other foods that can improve the performance of voice Cucak green females fresh fruit. As is known that birds are like the variety of fruits and these fruits have a variety of vitamins that are good for the health of birds. Some of the fruits are favored Cucak females are green bananas, papaya, and apples. It is advisable to always change the menu fresh fruit that you provide Cucak green Betika so that birds do not get bored quickly.

Those are some tips you can do to improve the performance Cucak green female sounds to become more stable and likely to win singing contests that followed. You must remember that this bird species is less stable, because you should never force the birds to birds chirping, to avoid feelings of stress.

To become a champion Ijo Cucak

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To become a champion Ijo Cucak -

All bird lovers who maintain green Cucak certainly want Cucak green champions. To make your green champion Cucak birds, you need to know how to take care of these birds properly. Well, take care of properly, you need to know the traits and characteristics of this bird. One of the more characters you need to know from Cucak green bird is semi character. In other words, the bird is not fully Cucak fighter green bird. Unlike birds or Kacer cendet that is fully fighters birds, green bird Cucak not fully hunting. Therefore, these birds can not be too excited when you are in a suitable atmosphere, although other birds have brought the atmosphere of the battle.

However, there is a potential Cucak green birds to fight. Therefore, we know that Cucak green bird called Cucak bird green champions. But Cucak green birds that can be a champion is not just a champion. Since the character is not quite as fighters birds before, need to be regulated or circumvented in a way so that birds and green Cucak want to fight. Fortunately, this way is quite simple.

be Cucak Champion Ijo

Menjadikan cucak ijo juara

Making green champion Cucak

way is to Cucak feed the green birds with fruits such as papaya, apples, bananas and other fruits are commonly eaten by birds Cucak your green. Do not forget that extra fooding also need to always do Cucak happy green; Kroto as caterpillar cage, crickets and other. The function of extra fooding This is to give the green Cucak more endurance so that the spirit and want to fight. By providing a combination of these foods on a regular basis, all green Cucak birds may be green champion Cucak birds.

You must also pay attention to the administration of voor . According to many teachers and bird lovers birds chirp experienced, giving voor in green birds can make bird sounds hoarse. If the sound of bird green husky Cucak, of course, it's hard to be a champion Cucak green birds. You simply giving foods such as fruits and EF levels or sufficient amounts. But do not worry if your pet bird already hoarse green Cucak. Eliminate voor their diet will slowly but surely restoring the voice of the green bird Cucak except that you can consult for more information on how to get rid of birds Cucak green husky. Read also Cucak green female voice can be trained for the competition.

There is also a difference between caring Cucak green bird that attracts the forests and the place of the catch. If your green Cucak birds are taken from the forest, then you must first do the taming process. It works so that the birds are not afraid Cucak green, easily used and could possibly be trained as green bird Cucak could be champion. If you have green bird Cucak sex is a man, then you should feel lucky because the green birds chirping Cucak more males than females. Well, of course green Cucak care is also necessary.

Cucak bird Bathe your green when the sun was up. Make sure the Cucak always clean green bird nest that free you from the threat of infestation and disease. Obviously Cucak healthy green bird more easily become Cucak bird green champions

Why the most popular Persian cat Peaknose

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Why the most popular Persian cat Peaknose -

Persian cat peaknose great Persian cat among several types that exist in Indonesia. Currently, there are about four types of Persian cat is the most popular in Indonesia, sequentially four cats Persian cat Himalayan Flatnose peaknose and the Persian cat medium. We never discussed a complete all four types of Persian cat in the types of catlovers the most popular Persian cat article titled. for those of you who never know the four types of these, we suggest reading the first to add your insight on the Persian cat.

persian cat gets its name from the country of origin persebut cat. Persia is the designation of the status of Iran in the last few years. This cat has a sort of thick fur and a round head. In addition to having a rounded head, Persian cats are also known to have chubby cheeks and eyes were round. Since the appearance of the face of the Persian cat face divided into two types, namely the Persian cat doll-face and the Persian cat peaknose , or which is also often referred to as Persian cat show . Persian cat doll-face is the Persian cat is the traditional type which has a vertical body size, but generally the impression of a face like a doll with long nose prporsi correspond to the structure face. Although the type of cat peaknose Persian is a cat that has a flat face and nose is flat or recessed in relation to the traditional type of cat.

So why Cats Pesia Peaknose Many favored and beloved?

gambar kucing persia peaknose extreme

you may also have doubts why even cats peaknose more salable in Indonesia compared to the Persian cat type doll-face . Yet when we physically see, this cat as having a disability facially is the condition of his nose short and precisely in a little further. Then apasih making it more popular than other types of Persian cat?

Persian cat peaknose was first widely known by the public in the United States as an ornamental cute cat. Cats there were well treated by selective breeding to produce varieties featured cat for exposure / show . When the cat is so enchanting, calmly pawakan and has a plump body of this cat is to attract the attention of cat lovers. round face and eyes like most types of Persian cat more, cat peaknose has a characteristic nose is a nose that juts like in here or people often refer as a snub.

Views pug in cats that fact even funny that feels more complete compared to other types. If another type only has a stylish appearance, the type peaknose has more value at the kind of face. funny face on the Persian cat peaknose estimated that many people are very suitable to live in the house and our friends in social media and the real world.

Is Persian cat Pesek Suitable for you?

The next question that usually arises when you choose the type of pet cats is whether the cat for you? The answer really depends on your own personality. Persian cats peaknose this requires more extra care compared to other types of Persia. You must be prepared to clean the cat's face on a daily basis to prevent various diseases cats there. You also need to clean the cage to guard against the many bacteria that attack the cat. This treatment is very expensive price is directly proportional to this cat. If you are the type of busy people who do not have time to take care of cats on a regular basis, it is advisable to seek other types of other cats because cats Persian peaknose not suitable for people who are busy and lack of hygiene. If you want to keep memilihara Persian cat that does not require additional care, you can keep your Persian cat type face doll

Read also :. The type of cat kept safely at home

kucing persia longhair

What is the price range Peaknose Persian cat?

based on investigation we made some pet stores that is a good o nline or offline , the range of cats price is quite expensive, ranging from 4 to 10,000,000. Some petshop price can be higher if the physical condition of health and unique. Unique here, he thought of his nose and fur. The thick fur is better and the Persian cat snub nose then a higher resale value. Persian cat who has a flat nose is often called the extreme peaknose. Persian cat extreme peaknose dearest price, even puppies cats / Kitten , which was about 3 months, the value of its adoption has affected 3.5 million.

Persian cat Price also determined by the quality of the varieties of these cats, usually Kitten inherit the parent in a way so that when farmers are of high quality and inherit anakannyapun indukannya the privilege.

Despite the price factor above course, you need to consider several factors to choose the type of Persian cat is appropriate for your pet. Whether a Persian cat peaknose ordinary Persian cat peaknose longhair extreme peaknose , or any other type of Persian cat. All you have to remember that this type of peaknose requires additional processing compared to the usual Persian, so in addition to higher maintenance fund, it must also pay attention to all aspects hygiene during maintenance of these cats. Small nose also makes these cats must be treated to avoid causing difficulty breathing. Hopefully this information is helpful and take care of the Persian cat peaknose to stay healthy and funny.

9 Knowing your type of parakeet Bird

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9 Knowing your type of parakeet Bird -

On this occasion satwapedia team prepared an article on nine species of birds that can help budgie bird lovers to know more on lovebird birds. The birds of the genus Agapornis parrot is a species native to Africa and one of the rare bird species like bird from the island of Madagascar. Agapornis itself is a language of absorption consisting of the word agapein (a sense of the Greek word "love" ) and said ornis (Latin for "bird" ). Inseparable also known as bird faithful to his partner, as adults, they will live together and continue to maintain this relationship until there is a new death they separated.

Character budgie bird shape is easy to recognize a small but stocky body shape weighing between 30-60 grams. Inseparable length bird of about 13 to 17 cm. Physics belonging to these birds tend to be smaller compared to other species listed in the Bird hooked beak. Inseparable is slightly larger than the parakeets. Inseparable has the ability to survive an average of 10 to 12 years, there are even some who know that these birds can live up to 17 to 25 years. Inseparable birds in the wild live in groups with members of the group can reach 5 to 20 birds. They liked the area and the dry tropical climate. Regarding reproduction, birds is relatively easy to adapt to environmental conditions. Some birds parakeet is also known for easy to be trained to do a certain movement or attractions.

9 Type parakeet Mandatory You Go

jenis burung love bird

Bird parakeet

birds parakeet Spesied are distinguished by differences in color and Trademark fisiki this bird. Maybe if calculated with the result of crosses between species with other species of birds love numbers of birds will be in abundance. 9 types of parakeet presented below is a group approach is taxonomy that has been studied by several ornithologists the world. Here is a list of the parakeet type of Africa and the island of Madagascar:

1. Agapornis Roseicollis

Jenis Burung Lovebird Agapornis Roseicollis

Bird Parakeet Agapornis Roseicollis

Often called with peachfaced if we Indonesian people interpret as advance salem, parakeet Bird Peach-faced This is known as the first species introduced to the public that this type included in the category of widely grown birds. Peach-faced usually found in the African southwestern region and currently belong to the species that has a diversity of colors that pretty much, that up to 100,000 color combinations arising from results genetic mutations.

2. Agapornis Swindernia

jenis burung Black-collared lovebird

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Still disekitatan West Africa where one can find species Agapornis Swindernia that many people living in the area are coupled Central Africa Zone, Inseparable of bird species is also known as "Rose-ringed parakeet" because he has a neck black necklace yan. black circular necklace that is characteristic possessed by these species to distinguish themselves from other parakeet birds. Do you think the breeding of this bird? The intention unfortunately very difficult to achieve because these birds prefer the outdoors and it is difficult for breeding.

3. Agapornis Pullaria

Jenis Lovebird Agapornis Pullaria

Type Lovebird Agapornis Pullaria

Still disekitaran West Africa and Central Africa, we find a species that is very unique with the Latin name Agapornis Pullaria. Lovebird species of birds is also often referred to as parakeet Redfaced because it has a red color diarea advance. Men like birds of this species have a dominant red color on the forehead and face, while females tend to be orange on the forehead and face. Despite a red face, but most of his body is dominated by the color green / yellowish-green.

4. Agapornis personata

jenis burung Masked Lovebird

masked parakeet

When we speak of facial features, a species range in Tanzania is also characterized by a unique part of his face. Head and neck is black-brown bird that is similar to the mask. That is why the species is also often referred to as masked parakeet .

5. Agapornis fischeri

jenis burung lovebird Agapornis Fischeri

Agapornis fischeri

Also in the area of ​​Tanzania, which is the natural habitat is the bird Agapornis fischeri. This bird has a characteristic green body with the head to the chest has a reddish color with orange gradient. Bird parakeet fischeri has a white eye ring. Mutation species of birds like the bird is blue and albino fischeri.

6. Agapornis Lilianae

Nyasa lovebird

Nyasa lovebird

Often called with parakeet Nyasa . The original habitat of this bird include Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. The combination of colors that exist in this type of green areas in the body, red face and head colored cat on the area of ​​the esophagus to the back of the neck. changing color of the bird species are parakeet lutino.

7. Agapornis nigrigenis

jenis burung Black-cheeked lovebird

Black-cheeked Lovebird

Type birds love bird as unique as you get a bird Agaponis nigrigenis is also known inseparable black-cheeked . Known as the Black-cheeked Lovebird has a characteristic black kecoklatann plays above green to yellow-green which are the parts of the body. The original habitat of these birds include Zimbabwe and Zambia.

8. Agapornis Taranta

jenis burung lovebird Agapornis Taranta

Agapornis Taranta

Agapornis Taranta parakeet is a type of bird that a characteristic black wings. This bird is often referred Abyssinian lovebird whose natural habitat is in the area of ​​Ethiopia.

9. Agapornis Cana

jenis burung love bird madagascar

Madagascar Lovebird

Unlike the 8 species of birds lovebird us the mentioned above, this bird is not in continental Africa, but has come to the island Madagascar. Maybe if you saw the movie Madagascar will know less about the characteristics of this bird. Lovebird species has a small body with a weight of only 20 to 35 grams. The existing color on Madagascar parakeet is usually composed of green body parts and gray on the head to the chest for a parakeet male, while females have warnya light green trend on the head to the chest. Hoping to menangkarkannya home? Unfortunately, these animals are protected by the government of the island of Madagascar because the population is limited and rare

Related article: .. A look at the price of bird markets parakeet

the type of parakeet good to keep

After the ninth determines the types of birds love bird above, of course, a common question that often arises is just what the most beautiful to be maintained?. So far, we have obtained is based on virgin, three types of 9 species of parakeet above includes mostly maintained. Adapaun third type is Lovebird Peach-faced masked lovebird and parakeet fischeri . The three most common and appropriate species for your lovely pet considering some type of parakeet difficult for livestock and population of rare.

Combinations In Indonesia
Maybe you've heard that the bird lover often call this type of parakeet glasses and non-glasses? was to have never heard might wonder why this bird is distinguished with glasses although no species or even the need to use glasses to help pengelihatannya tools.

is group-based glasses have proven to be acquired from the circumference of the eye that is usually colored eyelids. Each type of parakeet has a different color of dark circles. Inseparable bespectacled value is much more expensive than glasses budgie not. Bird love type that is included in the category of glasses is fischeri, personata, Liliana and Nigrigeni while five other types included in the category of non-glasses.

Maybe you've heard the word parakeet lutino, dilute or cinnamon nah why it is a collection of color bird love types berasarkan mutation / sto interbreeding between species with other species that produce new variants with unique and beautiful colors. Thus sharing time that would have stripped completely of the species of birds parakeet, may be useful.