Cats are animals that many held in Indonesia. In addition to its humor, this animal is preferred as obedient and never hurt their owners. For those of you who love cats, it is very important to know the various cat diseases that can endanger the health of your pet. Knowledge of the disease in animals is also needed to make us feel more secure when they interact with them directly.
Although the cat is an animal that can take care of themselves, they also need treatment when the disease. Furthermore, if the disease attacks the parts of the body, the cat needs to be taken to a doctor for treatment. Recognizing various diseases cats can help you detect the symptoms experienced when a cat is not feeling well. This can help prevent the disease to be more severe and decide what measures should be done when you know your cat disease.
The types j cat enis diseases
cat diseases Checking
rabies is a disease that often affects dogs. But make no mistake, this disease can also attack other animals such as cats. This viral infection is transmitted by bites and a direct effect on the central nervous infected animals. It is a dangerous cat disease that must be treated immediately. The symptoms of this disease are usually fever and changes in cat behavior is erratic. Chat with rabies respond to the stimulus and apply very aggressive. Symptoms caused the cat's body include dilated pupils, salivation and often bite objects in the vicinity.
In addition to rabies, cats are also susceptible to parasites. Fleas and mites are parasites that are often found in these animals. This parasite usually attacks the fur, skin or ears. If not quickly cleaned, lice can cause skin infections and itching that can trigger inflammation. This cat disease is very easy to overcome by bathing the cat regularly use shampoo or flea busting special medicine. The treatment can also be done with the administration of flea sprays and powders. Other parasites, in addition to fleas and mites are cestodes and hookworms are often found in the intestines. If untreated, the parasite can cause dehydration, diarrhea, and even death to your cat.
Some diseases also attack organs such as the outer eye. The eyes are one of the most important organs that are owned by cats. Inflammation of the eye mucosa, cataract, and glaucoma are several examples of diseases that interfere with the vision cat. Cat's eye often remove fluid if this disease. If the cat's disease is caused by bacteria, then treatment should use antibiotics or other special drugs to the vet. The disease can also attack internal organs of our pet. respiratory tract infections and urinary tract disorders are some of them were experienced by cats. Cats suffering from respiratory infection characterized by a runny nose, red eyes, fever and decreased appetite. Diseases like this can not be handled alone and must immediately seek the help of a veterinarian.
type of disease above are some of the most commonly encountered by cats. Hygiene and a healthy diet are some of the things that must be maintained to make your beloved pets stay healthy. Cat disease could be transmitted to other animals and may even be harmful to humans. To this end, there should be prompt treatment when the cat shows symptoms of poor health. You can also read articles on how to treat the cat well in the article are tips for taking care of Persian, but some steps and the type of treatment a cat to another.
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