All bird lovers who maintain green Cucak certainly want Cucak green champions. To make your green champion Cucak birds, you need to know how to take care of these birds properly. Well, take care of properly, you need to know the traits and characteristics of this bird. One of the more characters you need to know from Cucak green bird is semi character. In other words, the bird is not fully Cucak fighter green bird. Unlike birds or Kacer cendet that is fully fighters birds, green bird Cucak not fully hunting. Therefore, these birds can not be too excited when you are in a suitable atmosphere, although other birds have brought the atmosphere of the battle.
However, there is a potential Cucak green birds to fight. Therefore, we know that Cucak green bird called Cucak bird green champions. But Cucak green birds that can be a champion is not just a champion. Since the character is not quite as fighters birds before, need to be regulated or circumvented in a way so that birds and green Cucak want to fight. Fortunately, this way is quite simple.
be Cucak Champion Ijo
Making green champion Cucak
way is to Cucak feed the green birds with fruits such as papaya, apples, bananas and other fruits are commonly eaten by birds Cucak your green. Do not forget that extra fooding also need to always do Cucak happy green; Kroto as caterpillar cage, crickets and other. The function of extra fooding This is to give the green Cucak more endurance so that the spirit and want to fight. By providing a combination of these foods on a regular basis, all green Cucak birds may be green champion Cucak birds.
You must also pay attention to the administration of voor . According to many teachers and bird lovers birds chirp experienced, giving voor in green birds can make bird sounds hoarse. If the sound of bird green husky Cucak, of course, it's hard to be a champion Cucak green birds. You simply giving foods such as fruits and EF levels or sufficient amounts. But do not worry if your pet bird already hoarse green Cucak. Eliminate voor their diet will slowly but surely restoring the voice of the green bird Cucak except that you can consult for more information on how to get rid of birds Cucak green husky. Read also Cucak green female voice can be trained for the competition.
There is also a difference between caring Cucak green bird that attracts the forests and the place of the catch. If your green Cucak birds are taken from the forest, then you must first do the taming process. It works so that the birds are not afraid Cucak green, easily used and could possibly be trained as green bird Cucak could be champion. If you have green bird Cucak sex is a man, then you should feel lucky because the green birds chirping Cucak more males than females. Well, of course green Cucak care is also necessary.
Cucak bird Bathe your green when the sun was up. Make sure the Cucak always clean green bird nest that free you from the threat of infestation and disease. Obviously Cucak healthy green bird more easily become Cucak bird green champions
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