If you are a bird lover, then you definitely know the bird red anise. The birds are also known or had other names that the worm bird or birds ANIS brick. Anis bird brick very melodious voice. In addition, compared to other intelligent birds chirping, this bird has unique characteristics that make it different from other birds. The uniqueness lies in the style of these birds Stoned managed to attract many bird lovers either. Maybe you can not find a jazzy style birds to other birds such as green Cucak, walnut or parakeet.
Perhaps because of its unique character, the red bird anise valued high enough. Among bird lovers, not much this bird. These birds are known only held by upscale bird lovers. If a bird lover has this bird, it is recognized as a first class bird master class. Only a small proportion of bird lover who has a red anise pet birds, and therefore deserve to be proud because this bird is quite difficult to find.
Feature Bird Anis red
Photos bird red anise
Well, you know what characteristics of the bird red anise, who knows when you might have a chance to have it. This bird is quite sensitive and needs time to adjust to changes. The changes include a different treatment, the alternation of ornaments on the cage and even a change of scenery around the cage. If the change is quite striking, then this bird endangered may experience stress
At the same time, the bird is also very easy to get bored, so often need a new situation. These birds tend to be lazy to sing if placed in an area with too long a period. The fix is pretty easy, stay organized so that the red anise nest is changing in such a way and as often as possible; may be once a week, three times a day or even once per day. So if you want to be able to hear the birdsong red anise and enjoy telernya as often as possible, you must move the cage as much as possible anyway.
Another feature is located on the mood changes that fluctuate. This bird is fairly easy to ride his mood, the cause could be triggered by many causes; among others too excessive drying, extra fooding which is too excessive and when they saw the bird anise another brick. At the same time, the bird is also very damaged. These birds seemed happy if more people are approaching and if caregivers have often changed. If the sight of a bird of persons approaching the cage and take care of it is, then it will be difficult to get up and hissed again. Well, it is spoiled, he also became its own advantages for bird lovers and master elsewhere who took care of him, because this bird is so easy to tame if approached.
Because the price is quite expensive, its ability to bring prestige high for the owner and also a very comforting presence, then it is good that bird gets the best care. Caring for the red anise need discipline and patience. Anis red bird's nest should be frequently cleaned and dried. The diet should also be organized, and it is recommended to feed the worms in a Sunday worms twice. With good care and regular cages were always clean and the food was adequate, anise old bricks will sing for you.
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