streets are today at least pocketed information on parakeet prices in the Indonesian market. Many bird lovers who want to collect birds for shades and booms interesting color long nonstop parakeet. Endlessly long trill is commonly called ngekek , the ability of ngekek This value can parakeet sale of birds becomes higher. According to our observations, the budgie bird lovers had declined in mid-2013 and began a trend of several key species. This can be proved with the advent of competition return lovebird birds in various regions in Indonesia.
On another occasion satwapedia team also discussed about 9 species of birds parakeet taxonomy approach. For those of you who do not know the nine types would be nice to add a preview of 9 species of birds love bird belonging to the genus Agapornis. in the article mentioned that only three of the nine that are usually high in Indonesia and other countries. This is because all the birds love bird suitable for breeding or because their habitat less suitable as well because of the small population so that it becomes protected animals.
investigation Inseparable price based on the market birds
budgie bird
Before discussing about the price of love bird, we want to understand that the price that we put in this article could be different for your area or the price could be rising due to high demand for budgie bird. Love Birds price we submit is just for reference only, if you just want to add to the collection of your parakeet.
Oiya based on our observation transforms parakeet species of birds on the market is largely the result of crossing native species. That is why it is so rarely found parakeet that is included in the nine species of birds parakeet that once we publish on this site. Inseparable result of interbreeding will have many types of species may reach 100,000 color combinations occurred after the occurrence of genetic mutations. We will not discuss all up to 100,000 species of birds and prices will only deliver only the most desirable birds. Bird species are currently much demand lutino bird blorok, the head of gold, albino, holland and dakocan.
In Indonesia, it is a grouping of birds parakeet in two categories namely hunting and parakeet type of parakeet. Inseparable fighter is a species of bird that is ready to face during the race, usually many choose birds with long ngekek capacity while Amateurs type lovebird there because they love the combination of colors and exotic birds beautiful.
In this parakeet lovers in Indonesia is divided into two categories namely hunting and parakeet type of parakeet. The lovebird fans is the type of fighter that fans focus lovebird parakeet train to be ready for the race and become a champion, how will they prepare parakeet is not easy because most of them are already setting up a budgerigar parakeet they are still very low. While parakeet type of amateurs are generally a fan of budgie birds depending on the shape and color of fur is unique, so prices will be priced depending on the form if more single yes-high Price, 2015 is a golden parakeet and head tahunya blorok kepopuleranya pass lutino budgie never nice to 2014.
List Price parakeet 2015
in a golden age and lovebird lovebird head blorok which are excellent with higher selling prices and defeated the type of lutino that there are some years unbeaten fame by another type of parakeet. For more details below the reference price parakeet, we get from a simple survey:
a. Inseparable Blorok prices
Perhaps those of you who have money in bulk to see a feather parakeet blorok beautiful, you can decide to take a budgie for blorok used as pet birds at home. Currently blorok be the most expensive type of parakeet with about 1 million prize for only chicks. For those who want to woo mature blorok you at least have to spend at least 2 million for a single tail blorok.
b. Inseparable gold prices head
Since the head of gold is also rising, you should spend your less 500000-1 seedlings tail parrot head of gold. As with adults, you need a dowry of 1 million. The price of gold is still below the blorok head, so that those who have enough money to woo blorok can take the alternative to keep the parakeet in gilt.
c. Price Lovebird lutino
Maybe good in 2014, but was finally defeated by the type of blorok parakeet. Although the price of the tail lutino also remained high at 350,000 for chicks with black eyes and 700,000 for chicks with red eyes. Lutino adults who had dark eyes are usually sold at a price of 500 thousand for adults with fresh red eyes between 1 and 1.3 million.
d. The price for Inseparable Albino
for those who want to maintain parakeet at economic prices can be another alternative albino appearance is not inferior to other types. Currently albino black-eyed worth about 350,000 to 500,000 for puppies and adults, while albino red eyes assessed 450000-650000 for puppies and adults.
e. Price Inseparable Dakocan
Dakocan have equal price albino ie hampr from 300000-500000 for green dakocan. As for the color blue dakocan memunyai value between 450,000 to 0,000 rupees.
you can choose according to your ability, do not forget if you have already bought a parakeet type of birds that we mentioned above, take care of as well as possible. Hopefully our findings on the price of this parakeet helpful to all readers who might just happened to want to add to the collection of birds at home.
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