Chirping Cucak Ijo highly tunable

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Chirping Cucak Ijo highly tunable -

birds Fever is now back infect young in various regions in Indonesia. Bird lovers are increasingly alone. Cucak green bird in one of the most idolized Bird by bird lovers. Green Cucak his sizzling very melodious and floated peacefully. No wonder if the mania of chirping birds much to preserve it, just for decoration at home or disputed.

Some interesting things in the interview that green colored birds include green melodious chirping Cucak dimaster easy. This bird is very intelligent because it can record another birdsong is played to him and tried to imitate. Green Cucak also very easy to fish through the voices chirping birds singing and the sounds of nature such as rain, the sound of water and other operating noise. When included race, birdsong has a great chance to be champions is one that has a long shot. Have you had a bird chirp a long shot? There are many things that affect birdsong becomes long, such is the character of the bird that is so, the drying process is less suitable, and food that did not match.

Easy Ways To chirping Cucak Ijo So Long

kicau cucak ijo

chirping green Cucak

Knowing the bird's character is very difficult to less green Cucak are the result of the selection for yourself and you know that the quality of the parent. But even so you still have to fight for green Cucak your pet can chirp with a long shot. The first tip that can be done is through the drying process. As described above, it is very difficult to know the characters chirping Cucak green, so we go to the penjemurannya only. Try drying, use a tangkringan or Tanggeran, clean all food except water. Give a small drinking vessel to prevent a bird bath in the beverage container

tangkringan only provided that aims to train birds to move more freely so that breathing can be more powerful and will be good if the chirp. It would be better if the cage is used for drying has a large size to facilitate movement of the bird. The drying time to just two hours. After that, try every day to bathe the birds three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) until the soaked green Cucak. State body which trigger the green wet Cucak chirp as a way to keep warm.

There is also a natural herb that can make the twittering Cucak green becomes more melodic and has a long shot. This herb is a honey. Honey has many advantages to living things, especially in improving the quality of green birds Cucak for the better. How to use herbs honey are as follows. Put honey instead beverage of your pet bird. Then also apply honey on the side of the banana will be the food of the bird. Other traditional ingredients is to give your pet crickets in birds. Give cricket a course in the morning. To make it easier to eat, remove the head of crickets and ginger paste into the body voer crickets size.

So some simple ways to improve the quality of your Cucak green chirping. Proper maintenance is the key to improving the quality of birds. As chirping mania, you also need careful attention to the development of your pet bird

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