Hi all .. back to take the time to share the sidelines of the daily routine. This time, I want to discuss the Angora cat food to supplement the previous session, the discussion of intelligent advice in choosing a food for Persian cat. Maybe you've read the previous article is whether the food for the angora cat is different from the Persian cat or both eat the same food? ok we hope to find the answer in this article or previous diartikel yes 😀
The choice of cat food is a little difficult, especially those just starting to keep the cat. Power / power must be careful because the stomach of the cat is very sensitive. If you are wrong to feed the cats, your cat might even abdominal pain or diarrhea. You already know yet cat signs of abdominal pain or diarrhea because a meal? so I usually observed his puppy. Cats that do not fit his food usually have a puppy that is very bad and watery.
The choice of food for Angora cats right and best
Feeding Angora cat
Select feed Angora cat is not difficult, just remember that basically cats are carnivores. As course carnivorous cat loves food meat and probably will not like the food of vegetable / plant, although sometimes there are cats that also eat plant-based foods. Then the right foods for angora cat is how?
Good question again, if you want to give the best Angora cat food, you must provide foods that contain fatty acids, proteins, amino acids and vitamins. The various inputs in meat or fish. Good fish, beef or chicken meat contains amino acids taurine and argirin which is very good for the Angora cat health. And cheese? Ok maybe you have read the previous article about food for Persian cat because cheese is a type of food preferred by the Persian cat. For the Angora cat was in fact he could not accept the cheese as an alternative to food other than meat and fish, but if you are not familiar angora cat often require adjustments in advance
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If you have a dog at home, you could be the spirit of giving the same food for your angora cat. If it exists in your mind, maybe from now on you have to throw such thoughts. The diet of the cat is different from other animals, cats are unique in terms of eating so as not to feed the cat with dog food because the vitamins and nutrients they are very different. You also should not be affected by the cat food the price anggoa cheap. Although it is not cheap, but you should be more concerned about the content of nutrients in these foods compared to the price of the cat's food.
Top Cat Food Based Nutrition
Previously, I mentioned about the importance we look angora cat nutrition content in food if we use a certain brand of food for cat. For those of you who prefer a cat food sold in the market, you can examine the nutritional content of cat food through nutrition tables are usually included in food packaging. You can compare the existing content on the packaging with nutrition that is recommended for cats. The following is the recommended intake of nutrients in a food cat :.
- Having a high protein content, minimal implies 25%, where over the kandunganya better
- It has a low fat content
- low pH
- Having a low magnesium levels
- Contains taurine
- contains arachidonic acid / arachidonic acid
- Contains vitamins and minerals (vitamin a, B12, niacin, thiamine)
Angora cat food requirements by age and Conditions
Perhaps many have not realized that the cats of food is not enough to put the food on the plate is then placed close to the cat cage. Note also how the state and the cat well suited to the age of the cat. The nutritional needs of cats vary by age. To be clear, the following explanation:
1. Kittens / Kitten not yet 1 year
kitten / Kitten Mudai generally fed by humans if it was aged 3-4 weeks. At the age of cat can not eat dry foods and wet foods can be given with the man. At this age need extra patience and persistence in angora cat food. We must be fed foods with a dropper or a teaspoon to feed cat food. Their own food should be soaked in warm water so that the texture is soft. When the cat has entered the age of 2 to 3 months, the proportion of water in the pasta cat can be reduced to adaptation will allow the cats can eat dry cat food completely.
2. Suda cats adults over 1 year
calorie consumption required by the Angora cats weighing 4-5 kg is 300 calories per day. You can use cat food from commercial brands sold on the market, but must be labeled Balanced / complete . Cat food labeled as it has generally to contain a sufficient and balanced nutrition for cats of Angora.
3. Cats that are pregnant or breastfeeding
If you have a cat that was pregnant, then you need to provide foods that contain protein are higher than never. It is required by the cat to cat health it in the womb, as well as the cat itself. Meanwhile, when the cat had given birth and breastfeeding anakannya, you can give a kitten food for the parent because it contains high peotein. You can also add a calcium supplement for cats who are nursing
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Total Angora cat food
adult cats who Berar about 5 kg require the intake of 300 calories a day . You can check the food packaging calories. Determine the amount of food to meet the caloric needs for a day, then divide that number depending on the supply frequency (2 or 3 times per day). Examples of its application are:
The amount of food is calculated from the weight of the cat. When cats eat every day about 2% of their body weight and weight of the cat is 5 kg, the food takes about 2% x 5 kg or about 100 grams /hari.
Feeding the angora cat
in fact, you can feed the cat in many ways, but the following tips provide good practice how to feed the cats according to their needs.
a. The food is always available in plate / cat to eat
Putting food on the plate will provide flexibility for the cat, when he was hungry he could eat the point. This method is suitable for the kitten / cat less than a year. Cats at this age need a protein intake for future growth. A typical kitten who likes to play, then back to eat again, then play again also be a factor why the appropriate way to Kitten only.
b. regular diet
Feeding angora cat on a regular basis usually done for cats that have entered the age of 1 year. At this age, usually the cat already has a habit to always remember the cat. You can feed 2-3 times Sahari and so I usually leave the food in the morning and evening only.
Oiya keep in mind that, in addition to feeding us must also give a drink at the Angora cat. Better still provide us drinking near the cat cage cat let thirst at any time he could drink. Thus sharing the session today, we hope that this article can provide greater insight regarding Angora cat food and how pet cat food that we present we can be helpful.
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