There are several types of existence, the most feared beast. The animals often become a threat to humans and other smaller animals. Most animals are predators of land that has the speed and skill to hunt for prey. Although most carnivores, but there are some kinds of herbivory also dangerous, especially when the animals feel threatened.
In this article, I would like to say a few things that sometimes do not realize that the human animal seems pretty funny sometimes misleading and dangerous. For example fish polar bear that looks funny, from a distance, but who would have thought that these animals, including pests to humans and other animal species.
List of animal Beast The Scariest
Photos of wild animals
On this list, not only animals that look hideous, but there are some animals that look funny but he understood the dangers of predators that can harm humans and other animals if not tediously careful. Here is a collection of images of wildlife you need to watch:
Deathstalker 1.
Deathstalker scorpion is one of many people living in the region of North Africa and the Middle east. Kalajengkin g including dangerous animals, because the venom that can paralyze a human. There are about 75% of deaths attributable to its name as a poisonous scorpion scorpion profiteer.
2. Great White Shark / Shark White
Great White Shark
is one of the most active predator nowadays. These animals include nature because it would always pounce on anything that floats diair as seals. Fortunately, she did not like humans, so if there is a case of white shark bite, because they considered human gestures above the waves like seals. They will release the man after the first bite because they do not like. Unfortunately, despite being released, but the shark bite is very painful.
3. Hyena
Hyena is a serious threat to humans. They cooperate sekelompotan predators to prey. Cooperation field was terrible hyena good as prey animals and humans. Never think to approach a wild animal, because it is very dangerous.
4. Komodo
A native animals endemic to Indonesia in the category of wild animals that have been legendary for years. They are carnivores that eat all kinds of meat, ranging from poultry, buffalo and even humans. When you are on vacation to the island of Komodo beware where dragons are near you, if you can not approach these animals without the knowledge of dragons guide / mahout. Typical of this animal is attacked silently weak prey. Nevertheless dragons instead of hungry animals because he has only need to eat once a month.
5. Leopard / Leopard
One more wild animals that fall into the category of legendary predator. Leopards have the strength, speed, intelligence prey. Ever ready to approach these animals, you can simply watch the Discovery Channel only if you want to know how these wild animals.
6. Rhino
Probably seems mundane and slow motion so that people do not believe the rhino is a dangerous beast. Rhinos have great vision and surprisingly difficult task to avoid prey. Rhinos also horrible heavy horns.
7. Cone Snail
Cone Snail
Code snail is a snail that has the most dangerous toxins . A drop of poison that amount could cost 0 lives at once. Currently, there is no antidote snails so we must be careful if you encounter with these animals. Snail code also called "snail cigarette," comparing what the person can tap it only survival rations that people spend a single cigarette.
8. Black Mamba
black mamba
black mamba is a snake in the myth of Africans on the legend. This animal is a predator that most ditakuiti the world because it has good speed and great aggressiveness. These animals have even attacked without provocation.
9. polar bear
polar bears
There are no predators who dare attack the polar bears, unless there is a polar bear cannibals who failed to get the prey when the animals hunger. This animal is a wild animal that is not afraid of human presence, because she knows has the strength and body fat to be against anyone.
10. African lion
African lion
The king of the African jungle repeatedly pointed to malicious attacks on humans. Although humans are not affected by this predator hunting, but there are cases of attacks that make people die. African lions are naturally predators had blood lineage.
11. Boomslang
Boomslang is a deadly poisonous varieties. The venom is hemotoxin makes blood clotting that prey bleed each blood flow must complete all parts of the body. Although in general these snakes do not attack humans, but a threat could make
12. Crocodile
This is one of the largest reptile in the world. This crocodile including wild animals that have speed and high strength. The ability of visibility and sense of hearing into a weapon strong supporters of the jaw used to catch the prey.
13. Lynx
Lynx are mammals that have a dangerous reputation. lynx made similar observations to the type of cat, but with a slightly larger body. They are predators that often hunt in packs and do some hunting formations are unthinkable prey. These wild animals are generally active while still came the dawn and dusk.
14. Otter
Beavers also the most feared animals by most humans. They are conspirators who have good cooperation in the hunt for prey. They have fine hair that is very sensitive and is disekitaran muzzle. The very fine hair to help find prey. Usually they are found near fresh water, although some live in marine environments along the coast. Similarly, lynx, otters are also active when they dawn and dusk.
15. Wolf
wolves are examples of wildlife that exists happily not in Indonesia. Wolverine character in the film illustrates the power of this animal. They have powerful claws, sharp teeth and a remarkable speed. They are mammals who like to hunt in packs and attack its prey without compromise
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