The dog is a beloved pet other than a cat or a bird. Some people choose a dog as a pet because it has great intelligence and animals that easily trained to do some movements taught by their owners. Getting a dog is also easy and legal because there is no prohibition on the government to memeliharnya home with a note is not a rare type that is protected by law
In this team satwapedia occasion brought together 10 best pet dogs you can care at home. This assessment is not independent of intelligence, friendliness and how they interact with humans over the years. Important for us to understand that the way to have a dog that is friendly with the family is to choose and to ensure that the race is assumed that each family member to be part of the owners, not just one person.
10 Type Dog Pet-Friendly and Smart For Hospitalisation at home
a better dog
For those of you who are now getting a dog might be a bit of dag-dig-dug, wondering if your dog is included in 10 dogs the best. Or maybe for those of you who are looking for a new dog as your collection at home, I hope the list of data we collect it could solidify the liver to the court or a ten dogs next:
1. Goldens
picture golden retriever
There are some satwapedia team took time the opportunity to examine the intricacies of golden retrievers. For those of you who have not read, we encourage you to read it when you have finished reading this article because you will learn about one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Golden Retriever is a dog that has attracted many people because it has the most loyal, gentle and loves children. This dog is also known for his great intelligence and had several times to be a star in a movie.
2. Rottweiler
Rottweiler dog image
Rottweiler is often called Rotty very close relationship with police. Wah means Gahar dong? Hell yes, although it has a reputation dikepolisian Gahar, but this dog remains a dog friendly can you keep at home. The level of intelligence is well equipped with great courage which makes it one of the dogs that can be invoked as a watchdog. It was not in the car golden retriever when you want to compare.
3. Labrador Retriever
Photos labrador retriever
You may not need to train a Labrador be good, because it already had a real nature. If you want to find the breed of the most faithful dog, you might be able to count on this retreiver labrador. Labs (the name of this sweet dog) has a friendly personality with a simple bersosial properties that make it as one of the most desirable pet dogs both in Indonesia and abroad.
4. Border Collie
Border Collie
If you're the kind of person who is busy and requires co-workers, you might be interested in courting this dog. Collie is a type of dog that is in desperate need of work in his life, he would not be happy, even if he was unemployed at home. He is an active dog and is always ready to exercise with their owners. He is also an expert when you point to keep the ranch. Unfortunately, if you are often out of town and left him not really going to love it because this dog is always in need of intensive training, not only the unemployed at home.
5. Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Cattle Dog
dog native of Australia known to be very active and have a strong physical and mental well-trained. He also has always reliable when given something, it would keep its effect from animals or other people. cattle dog also includes dogs that have the ability to think independently and very creative.
6. Papilon
The Papilon
If you want to keep a dog that looks fashionable and kekiniaan, not bad look you papilon as your pet This type of dog has an aggressive nature and a little possessive of their owners, so maybe it was one of the dogs that are often jealous if you stroked another dog. He is also intelligent and easy to train.
7. Poodle
adorable display may be one reason why dog of a person. Which is owned by a poodle who is very familiar with the adorable. He easily formed because it has a good level of intelligence. He hates to be alone because he also needs lots of exercise and interaction with their owners.
8. Shetland
A dog that you can count as breeders of animals is a Shetland, dogs that have familiar shelties designations it has long been recognized as a reliable shepherd accomplished. This dog has a good concentration so that it is qualified to do the job.
9. German Shepherd
German Shepherd
Maybe you've seen it often as a police dog that always accompany his noble work. He has great understanding that he was recruited as a police dog. It is also very suitable as a dog because it has intinct brave and strong protection properties.
10. Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinscher
funny animals Although authentic nature dominates, but with practice seriously this dog easily controlled and done, it is physically strong and energetic and feared it a good guard dog, even if not scarier than the terrier and pitbull. This dog has entered the list of 10 most intelligent dogs because some of the events found that this dog can work for a hospital treatment.
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