gives the cat's name is not easy, there are people who spend a lot of time thinking about what is right for the name of his beloved cat. Some people have claimed to spend months just to pick a name that suited his personality. The name is something that is useful to facilitate the cat owner to interact with cats, especially if the owner has a large collection of pets. Not possible if any pet the same name
The name is a brand that could one day offer known in the wider community of your cat. Popularity of cats is now greatly facilitated by the media in the form of video and social media sharing sites. Would not use the name signed at random if one day your cat become popular in cyberspace. For that I have collected a variety of references that you can make a reference in choosing a name for your cat.
Guide Cats Naming Beloved
Tips give the cat's name
the name of the cat can be a tool to present your cat some friends, parents until the person you just met. Creativity is needed to determine an appropriate name for your cat. Here are the steps that can be taken to choose the name of what is appropriate for your cat:
1. Name Was Identification
Basically, the cat will learn to recognize the name you want to give. He tried to meet the owner if he is appointed. Cats are intelligent animals, so never give the name carelessly degrading / humiliating. You should also know that the name you'll use later to interact or used by others to greet your cat. Meditate before giving the cat's name, ask yourself if the name is worthy to be given or not.
2. Know your cat Physical characteristics
You can use the name of a cat can be seen from the characteristics he had. For example, if your cat has a base color of mackerel with a pattern of lines, you can use the name of Mack. If your cat has a gray color, then you can try using the name Grey in Spanish and French means gray. Do not forget to also consider the names by gender. Do not give the name Unyu-Unyu in male cats and do not also provide the name of Gahar female cat.
3. Learn personality
Although the process of appointing a new course in chat when you know it. You'll have no trouble seeing the behavior and personality of the cat. They are not animals like the camouflage, although sometimes there is too much. For a cat who is always cheerful, do not give the name of the tender because it would be the opposite. Names such as Taz, Frisky and Rascal seems appropriate for active cats. You must also provide the name that is gentle to the gentle and calm personality cats. Names like Angel, Bambi and Monica seemed good to listen.
4. Research idea of a popular name
Sometimes you can imitate the way others provide the name of his beloved cat. You only need to modify and apply on your cat. In France Joli name often used for female cats, while Bonita popular in Spain, and the appropriate Carina name for female cats that live in Italy. The names of other well-known in the world is Amar for most Hindus, Meena is a gem and Asha means hope or life. For male cat names like Kai, and LATA apparently also appropriate to give your new friend.
The four simple steps above, I believe can help you determine a name for your cat. Hopefully this article useful and you immediately get the cat's name which suits the personality and fitness which is owned by a cat.
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