Maintaining the sulcata tortoise needs attention as a matter of choosing the right foods. sulcata tortoises are very sensitive to certain things especially for foods that contain enough water. The animals are very well if given a dry food that contains lots of fiber, but it would be a problem if given food that contains high water.
sulcata known to many animals who love to eat, he even called "food machine" . Some people usually give vegetables and fruits as a healthy diet for turtles, unfortunately, there are some foods that are not suitable for sulcata. For that, on this occasion I will discuss some considerations to choose sulcata food so that these animals can grow well when we keep.
Wise food options sulcata tortoise
sulcata tortoise for Food
wilderness, sulcata usually eat the grass for hours during the day. Most food intake obtained from grass obtained in the fields or open space. It may also apply in your home. The important thing here is to choose a grass which is free from contamination of pesticides and herbicides. Both materials are very hostile to this reptile, so be careful in the choice of grass.
By choosing the food we need to consider some important factors. There are three important factors in the selection of food to sulcata tortoise. The third factor is the calcium-phosphorus, the amount and type of protein and fiber in the diet. calcium-phosphorus of the factors related to the amount of phosphorus relative to the amount of calcium intake. Most of the supply of phosphorus deficiency and calcium leads to softening and deformation of the bone. Another problem caused by most of the phosphorus is the organ function impairment and damage to the metabolic system of the body on turtles. ( Read more: The complete guide for beginners sulcata maintain )
Protein can be good for most types of animals, as well as turtles .. But most portions proteins can cause kidney failure in these animals and may decrease the life of a turtle. Selection of wrong proteins, such as feeding vertebrate animals, nuts or soy can also cause kcangan growing too fast, triggering a deformed shell.
The third factor is the fiber, where sufficient fiber intake can make the food supply kura- sulcata tortoise met. Examples of foods that are recommended Related sepihan straw fiber needs are abundantly available in Indonesia. You can also give a heavy grass field that intake of fiber with a record free of contamination of pesticides and herbicides.
And vegetables and fruits? In fact, you can sometimes give food like fruits and green vegetables. but beware of some types of vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli goitrogenik. The vegetables presented when excess can cause goiter and thyroid damage refugees sulcata tortoise. Other vegetables that require greater moderation is spinach, cabbage and carrots.
Regarding fruits favored by sulcata, this animal is very fond of cactus fruit and bananas. Both types of fruits, including the category of good food to give to the sulcata. You could probably use stroberri, cantaloupe, berries, apples, but not much. Oiya also keep the juicy fruits that have bright colors because sulcata very tempted to eat food that has a bright color.
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