For cat lovers, has a variety of cats at home became exciting hobby. Cat with a kind of race has its own unique character so owners are comforted by this diversity. These cats can probably not do this, but it might be as well, that can not be, but can not do so, they essentially complement each other. Although all cats can be put together easily, but a kind of cat can be directly adapted to other cats in a relatively short time.
From an assortment cats there, we saw that kind of cat Persian cat is the most favored by the public, especially in Indonesia. The data we receive from Google Trend mentions that Persian cats still menungguli chat popularity angora and other types of cats. And on native cat, if they are eroded by the popularity of imported cats? we will discuss here.
Various Cats are the most popular in Indonesia For Cats admitted
cute cat
Each cat's personality. No cats are active and there is also a cat who claimed cool , or more moderate. Cats can also be distinguished patterns and feathers, there are distinguished because the country of origin, and some are distinguished by size. Many cats are always giving something different and appropriate for our daily care. Because there are many types of cats that fall into nature, this time we just wanted to give a picture of a cat that can be kept at home or commonly known as a cat. As a kind of pet cats are
1. Persian cat
Persian cats are considered to have a futuristic look. This cat has a round face almost all of which are coupled with a flat nose. Perhaps there are those who call it a puppet / doll face cat . There is a time, I did an article on the reasons Persian cat in a cat in Indonesia. In general, the Persian cat coming out of Iran has an attractive personality, adaptable, have a good intelligence and of course funny. We also made a team satwapedia Persian cat profile view that you can read and read the latest after the end of this article hehehe.
2. Angora cat
Maybe some Muslims have known that cats Prophet Muhammad also included in angora cat breed. Cat named Muezza cat Kanjeng Prophet. Angora cat is special, cats from Turkey has a lot of unique character, including the ear that resembles a triangular shape and spreads upwards, different colored eyes and blue cat, fur, white and clean. Angora cat is one of the types of beautiful cats be kept at home. For details satwapedia team has created a special page that explores Angora cat profile background
3. Kampung Cats
Who would have thought that domestic cats, including cats cattime recommended the site as one of the cats was good to be maintained. Domestic cats have been included in the lines kinds of pet cats that have a good personality and adaptable to family members. It Diluaran, domestic cats have the title Javanese cat and mentioned have in common with Siamese cats, saw fur. These cats are also known to have the same pattern with the bali cat fur. geographical proximity factor of the causes of the proximity between the two.
4. Cats Bali
A Native products that entered the ranks kind of version of pet cats. It is a cat bali / Bali . Balinese is a cat is active and is often associated with bali dancers because the movement which sometimes resembles the movement of the dancers of Bali. In general, this cat is identical with the body of a Siamese cat, but the fur is similar to the Persian fur. If you want to add a collection of cats at home, do not hurt you choose the native cats that come to this island paradise.
5. Exotic Shorthair cat
If you need a loyal companion to take for a walk, maybe you need to keep the cats Exotic Shorthair. Dikala others do not care about you, this cat will always accompany you. exotic cats classified several kinds of cats are loyal to their owners. Although at first he would not hesitate to their owners but eventually he will show that he is the most loyal cat, familiar and funny.
6. Maine Coon cat
This cat used to be presented as the result of an affair between a wild cat and a raccoon. The myth that too refuted by many people because of the personality that has very different. That cat origins a mystery, the most important of these cats classified as domestic cats are cute and clever. Cats Maine coon alacrity was so good when invited to play ball, this cat will be very active.
Miscellaneous The Persian cat
Because the Persian cat is always a favorite of cat lovers, we want approve cat species by providing a discussion of the different Persian cat that can keep you at home. Persian cat cat breed classified as genuine, but he had some derivative obtained from the efforts of farmers who carry a genetic mutation with other cat species to produce a variant of cat that combined with other cat species. Adapaun some type of Persian cat known in Indonesia are:
- Persian cat Himalayan
- Persian cat Medium
- Persian cat Flatnose
- Persian Cats peaknose
peaknose Persian cat Persian cat is now the most expensive. It is not recommended for beginners because cats need extra care. For more details on a variety of Persian cat, please refer to page menbahas special types of Persian cat
Related article :. The characteristics of the Persian cat native
Up here first discussion on this article. Hopefully we convey useful to you, whether already a cat lover or just want to start keeping cats at home. Our hope, this article could be a reference to the types of cats can you keep at home.
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