and the Persian or Angora cats that receive the name of the country / city of origin, or Siamese Siamese cat cat also received designation name country of origin, namely Siam or now known as Thailand. Cats of this breed has a long and interesting story to discuss for DIYers spouses do not lose much of an amateur Persian cat and Angora.
According to the story that I read to PetMD page, a Siamese cat is a stylish cat that an important task is to maintain the current royal vase. The population of Thailand even believe that when a member of the royal family who died, the cat will receive the soul of the deceased and to the end of the chat will be placed in temples as a form of respect and given the luxury to the rest of his end.
Know Siamese Cat Types and Features
Siamese cat that has a body shape and color of feathers that have aesthetic value of art and very easy to get popularity. Ideal combination of colors with a thin body and hard to make farmers want to take advantage with crossed until finally emerged different types of cats kinds of variants. Some types of cat down the nature and characteristics of the Siamese cat Himalayan cat burma, cat Bali, Java Ocicat cat.
If you want to make this cat like a cat at home, you need to recognize some of the special features belonging to this cat not feel cheated by dishonest sellers cat. In terms of physical characteristics in general, this cat has large ears and striking color. His eyes are blue attractive. His posture thin, short and smooth fur. Fur color is usually beige, brown, blue and had dark spots on the face, legs, ears and tail.
Siamese cat is actually divided into two groups, namely traditional painting and modern sieamese Siamese cat. Siamese cat in traditional divided into 3 types: classic, old style and Applehead . Therefore, I meneyebutnya there are 4 different types because the characteristics and behavior of four cats is quite different.
Type Siamese / Siamese cat
1. Applehead Siamese
Applehead Siamese Cat
These cats get their name from the shape of its head that looks like an apple. Siamese cat Applehead has a great body and stocky. At first they had seen the strength of muscles and body size, it is a kind of native species imported curry Thailand. Unfortunately, today many outstanding cats Applehead is the result of crossing with shorthair so we'll see a kind of thin but still has a round face and his posture is shorter.
2. Old-Style Siamese
ancient Siamese style Cats
In fact, it is quite difficult to distinguish the cat kind of Applehead with Old style . The two are very similar and identical. Equally strong and berpostur great, but Old style smaller and thinner than the Applehead . These cats also have a slightly elongated face with a shape that tends triangle. Big nose with some less obvious nuances on the nose. Besides almost similar to Applehead , cats old style is also similar to the spouse modern yet old style more athletic if the pair with modern.
3. Siam Classic
Classic Siamese
Siamese Cats amorphous extreme and normal, like a cat traditional old style . This cat is a cat that has the form of original body that comes from Siam / Thailand. athletic body shape with an elongated body and tail. The large, rounded ears.
4. Modern Wedge Siamese
modern Siamese
Known as modern Siamese has the form of a extreme body, is in sharp triangular shape resembles a cone / area on the head and ears. These cats often become a cat show for the unique body shape, elongated body, but thinner. The tendency of a small head and large ears resulted in some cases of birth defects seen with even a kitten born with eyes on the sides of the head. There are also cases of cardiomyopathy and organ damage, including kidney failure, shortening the life of many examples of this type of cat.
This is her Siamese cat 4 types that you can choose and keep a cat at home. Make sure you always pay attention to the food, health and the best care for the cats you keep. Hopefully we are concerned about the growth of Siamese cats will get better and compete with the Persian cat and Angora cat in Indonesia
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