Cows are animals that have favorable prospects for farmers. Almost all parts of the cow can be used for human needs, ranging from meat, milk, leather, even if their droppings. It beragai types of cows in this world has its advantages and disadvantages of each. I would like to discuss some of the many types of cows kept in Indonesia because it is considered to have a high economic value.
degan Unlike other farm animals such as chickens or rabbits, cattle are animals that have great strength and stage various types of diseases. Some types also featured livestock can grow well even though only get a draft power. These animals are also included such as livestock that money very fast execution. While farmers have a high spirit in livestock growth.
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cow or bull is an animal that is included in family Bovinae . This animal is the largest meat producers dianatar other farm animals. Weight of adult cattle can reach 00 kg, depending on its type. Knowing Featured type of cows, farmers can quickly raise farm animals and going to struggle to keep livestock. Here are the cows that fall into the category of featured cows to maintain
1. Cattle Bali
Bali cattle were developed in the late 19th century. Called Bali cattle because these animals are in Bali and multiply there. These animals were once wild enough, but because the process of domestication that local farmers are the cow could finally take advantage. Bali cattle type has a beige brick and typical red as a child. changes color from red brick tan occurs because no increase in the hormone testosterone.
cattle Photos Bali
Sapi Bali warana distinctive fur. Calves (calf or cow minors) red-brown fur color or red brick. Among female adult cattle color will remain, but the males turn black.
2. Sapi Madura
Sapi Madura is a type of local cattle are also highly sought after community. This cow is known as a dual-purpose cattle for entry into the category of dairy cattle and workers. Madura cattle derived from a cross between a cow and zebu sondaicus boss / bull.
Madura type cattle
Madura Madura cattle now become a city icon for their bulls races are held each year. Madura cow characteristic is to have a brick red color and slightly humped on men and no hump in females. This cow also has a robust body to the front than the back.
3. Ongole and Peranakan Ongole (PO)
Many people think that a cow is a cow genuine local Ongole. In fact, this cow is a cow that came from India. These cows are many in ternakkan mass on the island of Sumba so it is not surprising that many of those who consider the cow are local cows.
cow PO
Ongole cows are cows workers who are used by farmers to plow their fields. Type Ongole famous cow with a solid performance and power, these cattle also suffer hunger and thirst that is well suited to help plow the field.
cow Ongole characteristic is to have a white color with a big hump behind the head. About this eye color is gray cow. Ongole cows also has a wattle that normally until berlipant-fold. Wattle is a fold of skin under the neck to the abdomen. The weight of the cow can mancapai 0 kg to 450 kg for males and females. B aca also: 11 cow pictures to guide novice breeders
4 .. Brahman
Brahman is the type of livestock belonging to the zebu. These animals are bred in the United States and imported by Indonesia for its good quality. These cows are resistant to hot climate making it suitable to be high in Indonesia, which has a tropical climate.
Brahman cattle
Characteristic of this cow is to have gray skin redness is a little loose. Brahman has a big bump similar to Ongole but generally dark rather than white. Brahman breeders in great demand because it has the quality of a good quality and good reproducibility compared to local cows.
5. Angus cow Aberden
Another type of imported livestock that has attracted many breeders Indonesia. This cow named the Angus cattle Aberden that are native to Scotland. Although originally from Scotland, but most cows imported from New Zealand.
Aberdeen Angus Beef
Different types of local beef, veal Aberden angus has a black color and has no horns. This cow also has a flat posture on the top or in other words also do not have a bump. Black cattle weight can reach 00 kg. Meat and these veins are as strong and impartial
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