not get enough of our team satwapedia gather information on the types of arowana fish for the candidate of your collection at home. Maybe now you have a Arowana in the tank, but did you know that we can find new types of fish from four different continents. The fourth of the continent in order told us that the continents of Asia, Africa, Australia and America (especially South America). Thirteenth Arowana is unique, each will add to the diversity of your diaquarium
According to the data we obtained from Wikipedia, Arowana are freshwater fish belonging to the family Osteoglossidae . Arowana fish, including quite popular in the eyes of the fish lovers. This refers to the story of the prehistoric fish. Penampilannua exotic far above the average of other species that are found in fish stores. special appearance was striking when displayed in fish stores. Most arowana species are found in Asia and South America, namely four types of Asian Arowana and two types of South America. Australia donated 2 Arowana and followed by a fish species from Africa. To learn more about Arowana, following full profile of each species of fish.
Types of Fish Arowana Best Of 4 Continent Different
Figure arowana
Arowana probably fish to be the most unique compared to other species of freshwater fish. His body could mancapai 46 inches makes it look dashing fish and charm. Arowana are also known to have good survivability, it can survive and continue to breathe when the water was shallow. In the real habitat of this fish may even jump out of the water for prey insects for food. This is what makes these fish can adapt to their new living conditions (read: aquarium in your home). The types of fish collection of arowana:
1. Super Red Arowana
Pictures of super red arowana of
beautiful arowana is the most expensive type of arowana fish today. This fish is much breeding of Asian arowana fish in Indonesia. region of West Kalimantan is the preferred habitat of the fish super red arowana. According to scientific data we have, the super red arowana included in the genus Scleropages and ranked as the most popular ornamental fish in Asia. Color super red arowana is very striking and all the scales and fins are red. Merahpun the variety of colors, it is blood red, and there is also the chili pepper. Super red arowana ranged from 6.8 million to hundreds of millions.
2. Gold Arowana Crossback
arowana Pictures Crossback gold
Crossback golden arowana is also included as a type other than the super red arowana the most expensive. This fish is hunted by many people because many believe that these fish bring good luck. In addition to their belief in some circles, the charm of the golden arowana is very charming. Eman almost complete color ditubuhnya your tank burns like gold bars were drowned in the water tank. expensive price of fish is also because the supply of rare fish and inversely proportional to the needs of the market
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3. Tail Golden Arowana Red
Photos red arowana tail gold
If you have problems to get the gold Crossback, you have another alternative that costs too much cheap. Fish is a red tail golden arowana. Although not all his gold, at least it burns like a tail or fish combined with the color red.
4. Arowana green and blue
Arowana green
Arowana Green and Blue probably less desirable compared to other species of Asian arowana fish. These fish Arowana fish, including the lowest compared to other types. charming color scales that form a combination of silvery white color with green palms and BITU become the trademark of this fish. These fish are generally recommended for beginners as well as the price is quite affordable, this fish is not too aggressive compared to other arowana so beginners do not mind when the owner to maintain it.
5. Arowana Silver
arowana silver
arowana silver known as the fish are very aggressive, even fish is often also called monkey fish because it has incredible jumping ability. For beginners can be a bit annoying if you keep it in the aquarium, but for those of you who are familiar with the act of these fish will feel the challenge of exercise. These fish usually have a size of 0 centimeters therefore need a rather large aquarium I'll be more relieved. You should also know that fish habitat types arowana is sunga Amazon, South America
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6. Arowana black
Arowana Fish black
as arowana silver, black arowana is also native to South America. Black arowana belong to the genus Osteoglossum and different from other types of arowana usually have a dominant color is striking. Colors are the property of these fish tend to gray-black steel, so it seems safe.
7. Arowana Scleropages leichardti
arowana fish Scleropages First leichardti Australia
Not to be outdone, Australian carrier fresh water was also inhabited by the kind of arowana fish. Fish with leichardti Scleropages name is an Australian product that is in saratoga the river. Compared with the Asian Arowana, Arowana belongs to australia is even less popular, but still could be an addition to a collection in your home aquarium
. 8. Arowana Jardini
Scleropages Jardini
Scleropages Jardini or better known as the arowana Jardini also of Australia, especially the north Australia. This fish is very aggressive and likes to jump out of the water. You can give a kind of food on these fish because it is heawn who love to eat anything. Try gave him pellets or insects, then quickly stormed the meal.
9. African arowana
arowana African fish
African arowana or known by the scientific name niloticus Heterotis. type of African arowana fish is widely cultivated in freshwater regions of West Africa and Central Africa. The amount is probably rarely on the Indonesian fish market compared to other arowana fish. African food arowana fish is usually in the form of shrimp, fish and live worms.
Similarly, the information that we can say we hope can help you find the arowana fish that are suitable for your pet in your home. Because more and more is quite expensive, so you have to prepare quite a large aquarium and some care is needed for one of the best freshwater fish on earth. We hope that you get the kind of arowana fish you want!.
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