Hi all, this time we want to continue to share on freshwater fish, as many arowana fish. Unlike the arowana fish, this time we want ngebahas discus fish that have a natural habitat in the Amazon River, USA. Far yes discharged directly from Asia to South America. Currently favored by discus (appellation fish lovers who like to keep the fish in the aquarium) aquarist. Unfortunately, this type of freshwater fish is deemed less suitable for beginners because it requires extra care and more funds compared to other species of freshwater fish.
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Discus is always included in tropical cichlid species. cichlid species usually grow well in the African continent and the drive to be an exception, because they live in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela and Colombia. You could tell by habit cichlid species, but this diversity. This fish is also very fond of the water flow of the habitat of the river is quiet and not too heavy. In the Amazon River, they are happy to be among the branches to avoid the attacks of larger fish. It is a way of self-defense!
Features Discus Fish
Fig fish discus
If you want to keep the drive as first your ornamental fish freshwater fish trlebih recognize that. Easy anyway, discus fish has the appearance of a recognizable visible. These fish are flat as its name disk -US and large and elongated fins. The mouth and eyes of these fish are small, so that the color of red eyes looked dark appearance. The length of this fish can menjapai 15 to 25 cm. The color of the fish varies depending on the type of fish, there is a green, red or brown. Ditubuhnya there are vertical lines that are commonly used to fool other fish / camouflage.
Discus Fish Species
There was a mention that discus fish species is still controversial. The controversy in this case relates to the discovery of new species makes biologists to conduct a review of the discus genre. A study published by Journal of Fish Biology by Bleher, et al in 07 said there are three new species are eliminated or have not been validated. Pending the results of the validation, we want to convey that there is a type that has been clarified as a kind of discus fish. These fish are:
1. Discus Green / Discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus
green type of fish discus
green disus found by Pallegrin in 104. This fish has a natural habitat central region Amazon. These areas include the Putumayo River (north of Peru) and the Lake Tefe from Santarem (Brazil). There are people who call this fish with the term Tefe deiscus.
2. Discus Blue / Blue Discus Symphysodon haraldi
Blue Discus Symphysodon haraldi
Discus was discovered in 1960 by Schultz. The original of this fish habitat in the Amazon region are so great. People often call this fish with Brown Discus because sometimes some of them have other colors that stand out.
3. Heckel Discus Symphysodon discus
Heckel Discus Symphysodon discus
Discus is named after her inventor is Dr. Johann Jacob Heckel. This fish was discovered in 1840. If you've never heard of red disk, then there is another name of Heckel Discus Symphysodon discus. Heckel discus has a natural habitat is in South America, particularly in the State of Brazil, namely Rio Negro, Rio Trombetas Riao Abacaxis.
Discus fish species become more numerous as there are various efforts of farmers to undertake genetic mutation. These results enable a wide variety of patterns, shapes and colors of the body. The peternakpun contributed to this fish is more benign than the version of the wild in its natural habitat.
Discus Food
Discus is a freshwater fish belonging to the carnivores. This means that it prefers foods containing high protein meat over similar vegetables. Although you can feed the fish with pellets, but to be able to make a fast-growing fish discus, we recommend using shrimp, blood worms, chopped liver Sappi, and grubs. You could give him life ( costs ) or frozen.
You should also be aware that foods such as animals quarantined hidpu need first to ensure no bacteria or parasites that attach. It is also advisable to buy a place of reliable and need to sort the food was always good and the food is not possible. When you use frozen food, try to sterilize the food in advance, is to reduce the risk of infection in fish. You do not want if the fish are beautiful and graceful pale suddenly powerless because of the influence of parasites or bacteria
Related article :. Fish foods that do not pollute the aquarium
How to care discus fish
Ok in the end after you decide to keep discus fish, you need to think about how to take care of these fish. At the beginning of this article, we said that extra care discus more than other types of other freshwater fish. You need to put in place a fairly large aquarium with a stable supply of clean water. The basic requirement is to have a reservoir with a size of at least 1 meter.
If you want to keep the other fish in the aquarium, be careful not to give the aggressive fish larger than the disk. Do not also provide an accompanying fish like to bite small fin. Try to fish grouse consider it appropriate to discus juxtaposed because they also have the same need for water conditions.
Similarly pembahasa on discus fish on this occasion. We have a kind of freshwater fish more if you want to add more fish. Examples koi and arowana fish are very well known, particularly in the Asian region. Or you want to add a saltwater aquarium of ornamental fish?. Hopefully useful and always keep your reception conditions of fish
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