The factors that determine the success in raising one of which is power because it can affect the level of chicken production. In addition, nutritious food or good nutrition will make our chicken fat, healthy and strong. Especially in breeding chickens, the body weight of chicken to be the most important determinant of success in sales.
In fact, there are many variants of food chickens, in addition to its know and pellets, can give you for all kinds of chickens in your home. We can buy at the store or even own meraciknya to lower production costs by using the material - material that is available in the neighborhood. Ok .. so we will discuss what kind of hell chicken feed?
This type of power supply required you need to give
1. Rice Bran
The rice bran or rice bran also called, is obtained from waste processed into rice fields. Bran is the kind of food is the best known and most frequently used. Bran contains a source of energy level and the amino acid. If we need to limit the provision of its in young chickens, because in his contains about 11-12% crude fiber little difficult to digest by the chickens. Bran contains a lot of fat, if stored too long can agglomerate and become rancid.
his only there rough and smooth, choose smooth because of its high protein content and low crude fiber. mixture is rough and delicate depends on how the ball. But if we buy in the store usually delicate, high in protein and vitamin B. sound quality is measured by density, by pressing the handle. Having a firm grip, we stick its abducted and concentrate on the other means that the quality is good. Conversely, if we take off directly after his Blossom and glue the other means the quality is bad because it contains lots of glitter.
rice bran for chickens
2. Pollard
Pollard or commonly known as wheat bran produced from waste resulting from the processing of wheat into flour. Pollard containing 15% protein, fat content is about 3-4% and crude fiber content of about 7-9%. Pollard use should be limited, although its metabolic energy content of about 1700 kcal / kg is low content pollard owned crude fiber can make the chicken diarrhea.
3. Corn
Corn is also a choice of many chicken keepers, because the content is very high nutritional value and also contain carbohydrates as an energy source. There are three types of corn which are generally known, namely: yellow corn, red and white maize. But corn kuninglah the best, but it is expensive, but the greatest nutritional content. In addition to containing carbohydrates, yellow corn also contains a lot of pro-vitamin A and crude fiber contained too low, so it is easy to digest and it was tasty (acceptable).
Because the price is quite expensive, use a mixture of about 20-40% of the total load. If you want to use red or white corn is best added to the dietary supplement of vitamin A. If you have trouble getting corn, can be replaced with sorghum because of its nutritional value is almost the same. Everything should not be given too much because cernanya sorghum values are low and do not contain pro-vitamin A, and it feels even less acceptable.
corn feed via
4. Bone Meal
Bones flour, the material can be obtained from the slaughterhouse. How did the bones by boiling, drying and then finely ground. Bone meal contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, calcium itself is very useful for the formation of bones and chicken joints. The mixture is given a reasonable period only 1% of total supply dali (ration).
5. Cassava
Although the content of metabolic energy is almost the same with corn, but low protein content seitar only 2-3% only. Besides the use of cassava should be limited because antinutrien cassava contains cyanogenic glucosides, particularly about the kind of bitter cassava. So if you want to use the best first be dried cassava cassava, to eliminate nutrients. The use of cassava should be less than 20% of the total ration, due to excessive use can cause wet feces.
6. Sorghum
Sorghum production, there are only certain areas and there is a call penyebutannya sorghum variety, apprentice and batar tojeng. Sorghum content protei n slightly higher than corn and also contains xantofil. But antinutrisi sorghum also contains substances called tannins, high in tannins that make it difficult to digest proteins, which reduces the growth and abnormalities in the feet. Sorghum is white and there was color, the color of sorghum, more content taninnya example: red and brown. Content tannin content in sorghum can be lowered by :. stripping the outer skin, soaking, and fermentation
forage sorghum
7. oils or fats
not contain minerals, carbohydrates, protein and vitamins . Usually used as an ingredient in food requires a large energy because the oil contains high metabolizable energy of about 7,000 to 8,000 kcal / kg, and fish oil is the largest of about 80 kcal / kg. The use of oil in mixture can improve power efficiency, reduce dusty foods, as well as improve the color, texture and taste of rations. given oil before the manufacturing process can reduce the quality of granules, it should be sprayed only to improve its quality.
8. Soybean meal
Is soy that have been taken so that the oil is even higher protein content compared to soy kecang itself. Like sound, soy flour also contains high amino acids, quite complete and balanced for chicken. But unlike her, soybean meal is relatively easy to digest as roast in advance using the temperature was not too high. As we know, the amino acids lysine and can be damaged when heated to high temperatures. Soybean meal can be given to chickens of all ages, with a rate of 5-20% of the total ration.
Coconut cake 9.
Coconut Cake is the result of the transformation of residual oil. Usually, the meat coconut (copra) oil dried will be taken and being left for the coconut cake. The absorption means, there are two ways: in the extraction with a solvent and extracted with the press. coconut cake should not be stored at high temperatures because they can become rancid and rancid coconut cake not given to chickens, because it can cause diarrhea. This coconut jiuga cake can be given to chickens of all ages.
10. Fish meal
derived from fish were dried and then ground, its quality varies depending on the type of fish. Usually this is a good fish meal kualiatasnya from white fish because the fat content greater than 6% and the salt content of about 4%. The second quality fish meal of fish unfit for human consumption (fish slaughtered), fat content and high in salt so it can have a negative effect on the chicken. The price of fish meal is high enough to consider the quality of food, fish from the head and tail of a fish dish, the quality is low because of its protein content is low and difficult to digest .
Fishmeal contains the height of the mineral resources of approximately 100-0 g / kg including: calcium, manganese, iron, iodine and phosphorus. Also rich in essential amino acids, especially lysine, methionine, cystine and Thriptophan. In addition to a source of B-complex vitamins are good, such as :. B-12, choline and riboflavin
of fish meal for poultry
11. flour poultry feathers
Sounds a bit strange indeed, this flour is produced from fur obtained from the residue of chicken slaughter industry and unfit for human consumption. How: the first cleaned pen, fired at high temperature (hydrolysis), drained, dried and finely ground. Although the content of feather meal poultry protein is very high about 85%, but not all of them can be absorbed by the chicken will be largely wasted by dirt. Since the amino acid content is relatively low, use preferably in mixture, only about 2% feed. These foods are not recommended for feeding a child or young chickens.
12. Flour Keong Mas / Snails
relatively high content of about 52% protein, weaving: tambahkann snails wash salt to lenders and faeces missing, then boiled and wash again open its shell, drained and thinly sliced. Drying slices until crispy then milled flour. Even better if you can clean budidyakan masnya conch, because the process is fast and the production of flour kembangbiaknya also relatively easy so it can reduce the cost of production.
13. Wheat Leaf Leucaena
Retrieved Leucaena leaves were dried and finely ground. The protein contains about 36-48%. Lamtoro antinutrisi containing compounds such as: Mimosin, Protease Inhibitor, Tannin and galactomannan. Not too dangerous because it was carried out drying in the manufacturing process. But still restricted, given enough of around 4%, due to excessive use can inhibit the growth of chickens ..
Wheat Leucaena Leaf
14 Grit
is composed of different mixtures of materials such as; little stone, mica, limestone, shells, pieces of granite, etc. It does not seem like the kind of food, but there are advantages loh .. Grit itself there are 2 kinds: that is easy to digest and difficult to digest. Easily digested grain derived from shellfish and contains calcium, can increase the strength and quality of eggs. While Grit digested Difficult derived from stone, granite, gravel and mica. Usually, as to help the digestion alone. Grit may diberikann separated / detached, but can also be mixed with food.
15. Pellets
feed ingredients are ground and then were pressed. Pellets chicken is preferred because it can increase appetite. In addition, more efficient and cost of flour type that is a power wasted because it is easy dikais chicken so lost.
See also
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